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// This file is provided under The MIT License as part of Steamworks.NET.
// Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Riley Labrecque
// Please see the included LICENSE.txt for additional information.
// This file is automatically generated.
// Changes to this file will be reverted when you update Steamworks.NET
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using IntPtr = System.IntPtr;
using Flags = System.FlagsAttribute;
namespace Steamworks {
// Purpose: set of relationships to other users
public enum EFriendRelationship : int {
k_EFriendRelationshipNone = 0,
k_EFriendRelationshipBlocked = 1, // this doesn't get stored; the user has just done an Ignore on an friendship invite
k_EFriendRelationshipRequestRecipient = 2,
k_EFriendRelationshipFriend = 3,
k_EFriendRelationshipRequestInitiator = 4,
k_EFriendRelationshipIgnored = 5, // this is stored; the user has explicit blocked this other user from comments/chat/etc
k_EFriendRelationshipIgnoredFriend = 6,
k_EFriendRelationshipSuggested_DEPRECATED = 7, // was used by the original implementation of the facebook linking feature, but now unused.
// keep this updated
k_EFriendRelationshipMax = 8,
// Purpose: list of states a friend can be in
public enum EPersonaState : int {
k_EPersonaStateOffline = 0, // friend is not currently logged on
k_EPersonaStateOnline = 1, // friend is logged on
k_EPersonaStateBusy = 2, // user is on, but busy
k_EPersonaStateAway = 3, // auto-away feature
k_EPersonaStateSnooze = 4, // auto-away for a long time
k_EPersonaStateLookingToTrade = 5, // Online, trading
k_EPersonaStateLookingToPlay = 6, // Online, wanting to play
k_EPersonaStateInvisible = 7, // Online, but appears offline to friends. This status is never published to clients.
// Purpose: flags for enumerating friends list, or quickly checking a the relationship between users
public enum EFriendFlags : int {
k_EFriendFlagNone = 0x00,
k_EFriendFlagBlocked = 0x01,
k_EFriendFlagFriendshipRequested = 0x02,
k_EFriendFlagImmediate = 0x04, // "regular" friend
k_EFriendFlagClanMember = 0x08,
k_EFriendFlagOnGameServer = 0x10,
// k_EFriendFlagHasPlayedWith = 0x20, // not currently used
// k_EFriendFlagFriendOfFriend = 0x40, // not currently used
k_EFriendFlagRequestingFriendship = 0x80,
k_EFriendFlagRequestingInfo = 0x100,
k_EFriendFlagIgnored = 0x200,
k_EFriendFlagIgnoredFriend = 0x400,
// k_EFriendFlagSuggested = 0x800, // not used
k_EFriendFlagChatMember = 0x1000,
k_EFriendFlagAll = 0xFFFF,
// Purpose: user restriction flags
public enum EUserRestriction : int {
k_nUserRestrictionNone = 0, // no known chat/content restriction
k_nUserRestrictionUnknown = 1, // we don't know yet (user offline)
k_nUserRestrictionAnyChat = 2, // user is not allowed to (or can't) send/recv any chat
k_nUserRestrictionVoiceChat = 4, // user is not allowed to (or can't) send/recv voice chat
k_nUserRestrictionGroupChat = 8, // user is not allowed to (or can't) send/recv group chat
k_nUserRestrictionRating = 16, // user is too young according to rating in current region
k_nUserRestrictionGameInvites = 32, // user cannot send or recv game invites (e.g. mobile)
k_nUserRestrictionTrading = 64, // user cannot participate in trading (console, mobile)
// These values are passed as parameters to the store
public enum EOverlayToStoreFlag : int {
k_EOverlayToStoreFlag_None = 0,
k_EOverlayToStoreFlag_AddToCart = 1,
k_EOverlayToStoreFlag_AddToCartAndShow = 2,
// Purpose: Tells Steam where to place the browser window inside the overlay
public enum EActivateGameOverlayToWebPageMode : int {
k_EActivateGameOverlayToWebPageMode_Default = 0, // Browser will open next to all other windows that the user has open in the overlay.
// The window will remain open, even if the user closes then re-opens the overlay.
k_EActivateGameOverlayToWebPageMode_Modal = 1 // Browser will be opened in a special overlay configuration which hides all other windows
// that the user has open in the overlay. When the user closes the overlay, the browser window
// will also close. When the user closes the browser window, the overlay will automatically close.
// Purpose: See GetProfileItemPropertyString and GetProfileItemPropertyUint
public enum ECommunityProfileItemType : int {
k_ECommunityProfileItemType_AnimatedAvatar = 0,
k_ECommunityProfileItemType_AvatarFrame = 1,
k_ECommunityProfileItemType_ProfileModifier = 2,
k_ECommunityProfileItemType_ProfileBackground = 3,
k_ECommunityProfileItemType_MiniProfileBackground = 4,
public enum ECommunityProfileItemProperty : int {
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_ImageSmall = 0, // string
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_ImageLarge = 1, // string
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_InternalName = 2, // string
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_Title = 3, // string
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_Description = 4, // string
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_AppID = 5, // uint32
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_TypeID = 6, // uint32
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_Class = 7, // uint32
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_MovieWebM = 8, // string
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_MovieMP4 = 9, // string
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_MovieWebMSmall = 10, // string
k_ECommunityProfileItemProperty_MovieMP4Small = 11, // string
// used in PersonaStateChange_t::m_nChangeFlags to describe what's changed about a user
// these flags describe what the client has learned has changed recently, so on startup you'll see a name, avatar & relationship change for every friend
public enum EPersonaChange : int {
k_EPersonaChangeName = 0x0001,
k_EPersonaChangeStatus = 0x0002,
k_EPersonaChangeComeOnline = 0x0004,
k_EPersonaChangeGoneOffline = 0x0008,
k_EPersonaChangeGamePlayed = 0x0010,
k_EPersonaChangeGameServer = 0x0020,
k_EPersonaChangeAvatar = 0x0040,
k_EPersonaChangeJoinedSource= 0x0080,
k_EPersonaChangeLeftSource = 0x0100,
k_EPersonaChangeRelationshipChanged = 0x0200,
k_EPersonaChangeNameFirstSet = 0x0400,
k_EPersonaChangeBroadcast = 0x0800,
k_EPersonaChangeNickname = 0x1000,
k_EPersonaChangeSteamLevel = 0x2000,
k_EPersonaChangeRichPresence = 0x4000,
// list of possible return values from the ISteamGameCoordinator API
public enum EGCResults : int {
k_EGCResultOK = 0,
k_EGCResultNoMessage = 1, // There is no message in the queue
k_EGCResultBufferTooSmall = 2, // The buffer is too small for the requested message
k_EGCResultNotLoggedOn = 3, // The client is not logged onto Steam
k_EGCResultInvalidMessage = 4, // Something was wrong with the message being sent with SendMessage
public enum EHTMLMouseButton : int {
eHTMLMouseButton_Left = 0,
eHTMLMouseButton_Right = 1,
eHTMLMouseButton_Middle = 2,
public enum EMouseCursor : int {
dc_user = 0,
dc_blank, // don't show any custom cursor, just use your default
dc_last, // custom cursors start from this value and up
public enum EHTMLKeyModifiers : int {
k_eHTMLKeyModifier_None = 0,
k_eHTMLKeyModifier_AltDown = 1 << 0,
k_eHTMLKeyModifier_CtrlDown = 1 << 1,
k_eHTMLKeyModifier_ShiftDown = 1 << 2,
public enum EInputSourceMode : int {
// Note: Please do not use action origins as a way to identify controller types. There is no
// guarantee that they will be added in a contiguous manner - use GetInputTypeForHandle instead.
// Versions of Steam that add new controller types in the future will extend this enum so if you're
// using a lookup table please check the bounds of any origins returned by Steam.
public enum EInputActionOrigin : int {
// Steam Controller
// PS4 Dual Shock
k_EInputActionOrigin_PS4_Options, //Start
k_EInputActionOrigin_PS4_Share, //Back
// XBox One
k_EInputActionOrigin_XBoxOne_Menu, //Start
k_EInputActionOrigin_XBoxOne_View, //Back
k_EInputActionOrigin_XBoxOne_Share, // Xbox Series X controllers only
// XBox 360
k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_Start, //Start
k_EInputActionOrigin_XBox360_Back, //Back
// Switch - Pro or Joycons used as a single input device.
// This does not apply to a single joycon
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_Plus, //Start
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_Minus, //Back
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_ProGyro_Move, // Primary Gyro in Pro Controller, or Right JoyCon
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_ProGyro_Pitch, // Primary Gyro in Pro Controller, or Right JoyCon
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_ProGyro_Yaw, // Primary Gyro in Pro Controller, or Right JoyCon
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_ProGyro_Roll, // Primary Gyro in Pro Controller, or Right JoyCon
// Switch JoyCon Specific
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_RightGyro_Move, // Right JoyCon Gyro generally should correspond to Pro's single gyro
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_RightGyro_Pitch, // Right JoyCon Gyro generally should correspond to Pro's single gyro
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_RightGyro_Yaw, // Right JoyCon Gyro generally should correspond to Pro's single gyro
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_RightGyro_Roll, // Right JoyCon Gyro generally should correspond to Pro's single gyro
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_LeftGrip_Lower, // Left JoyCon SR Button
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_LeftGrip_Upper, // Left JoyCon SL Button
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_RightGrip_Lower, // Right JoyCon SL Button
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_RightGrip_Upper, // Right JoyCon SR Button
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_JoyConButton_N, // With a Horizontal JoyCon this will be Y or what would be Dpad Right when vertical
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_JoyConButton_E, // X
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_JoyConButton_S, // A
k_EInputActionOrigin_Switch_JoyConButton_W, // B
// Added in SDK 1.51
k_EInputActionOrigin_PS5_Option, //Start
k_EInputActionOrigin_PS5_Create, //Back
// Added in SDK 1.53
k_EInputActionOrigin_Count, // If Steam has added support for new controllers origins will go here.
k_EInputActionOrigin_MaximumPossibleValue = 32767, // Origins are currently a maximum of 16 bits.
public enum EXboxOrigin : int {
k_EXboxOrigin_Menu, //Start
k_EXboxOrigin_View, //Back
public enum ESteamControllerPad : int {
public enum EControllerHapticLocation : int {
k_EControllerHapticLocation_Left = ( 1 << ESteamControllerPad.k_ESteamControllerPad_Left ),
k_EControllerHapticLocation_Right = ( 1 << ESteamControllerPad.k_ESteamControllerPad_Right ),
k_EControllerHapticLocation_Both = ( 1 << ESteamControllerPad.k_ESteamControllerPad_Left | 1 << ESteamControllerPad.k_ESteamControllerPad_Right ),
public enum EControllerHapticType : int {
public enum ESteamInputType : int {
k_ESteamInputType_GenericGamepad, // DirectInput controllers
k_ESteamInputType_AppleMFiController, // Unused
k_ESteamInputType_AndroidController, // Unused
k_ESteamInputType_SwitchJoyConPair, // Unused
k_ESteamInputType_SwitchJoyConSingle, // Unused
k_ESteamInputType_MobileTouch, // Steam Link App On-screen Virtual Controller
k_ESteamInputType_PS3Controller, // Currently uses PS4 Origins
k_ESteamInputType_PS5Controller, // Added in SDK 151
k_ESteamInputType_SteamDeckController, // Added in SDK 153
k_ESteamInputType_MaximumPossibleValue = 255,
// Individual values are used by the GetSessionInputConfigurationSettings bitmask
public enum ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType : int {
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_None = 0x0000,
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_Playstation = 0x0001,
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_Xbox = 0x0002,
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_Generic = 0x0004,
k_ESteamInputConfigurationEnableType_Switch = 0x0008,
// These values are passed into SetLEDColor
public enum ESteamInputLEDFlag : int {
// Restore the LED color to the user's preference setting as set in the controller personalization menu.
// This also happens automatically on exit of your game.
// These values are passed into GetGlyphPNGForActionOrigin
public enum ESteamInputGlyphSize : int {
k_ESteamInputGlyphSize_Small, // 32x32 pixels
k_ESteamInputGlyphSize_Medium, // 128x128 pixels
k_ESteamInputGlyphSize_Large, // 256x256 pixels
public enum ESteamInputGlyphStyle : int {
// Base-styles - cannot mix
ESteamInputGlyphStyle_Knockout = 0x0, // Face buttons will have colored labels/outlines on a knocked out background
// Rest of inputs will have white detail/borders on a knocked out background
ESteamInputGlyphStyle_Light = 0x1, // Black detail/borders on a white background
ESteamInputGlyphStyle_Dark = 0x2, // White detail/borders on a black background
// Modifiers
// Default ABXY/PS equivalent glyphs have a solid fill w/ color matching the physical buttons on the device
ESteamInputGlyphStyle_NeutralColorABXY = 0x10, // ABXY Buttons will match the base style color instead of their normal associated color
ESteamInputGlyphStyle_SolidABXY = 0x20, // ABXY Buttons will have a solid fill
public enum ESteamInputActionEventType : int {
public enum ESteamItemFlags : int {
// Item status flags - these flags are permanently attached to specific item instances
k_ESteamItemNoTrade = 1 << 0, // This item is account-locked and cannot be traded or given away.
// Action confirmation flags - these flags are set one time only, as part of a result set
k_ESteamItemRemoved = 1 << 8, // The item has been destroyed, traded away, expired, or otherwise invalidated
k_ESteamItemConsumed = 1 << 9, // The item quantity has been decreased by 1 via ConsumeItem API.
// All other flag bits are currently reserved for internal Steam use at this time.
// Do not assume anything about the state of other flags which are not defined here.
// lobby type description
public enum ELobbyType : int {
k_ELobbyTypePrivate = 0, // only way to join the lobby is to invite to someone else
k_ELobbyTypeFriendsOnly = 1, // shows for friends or invitees, but not in lobby list
k_ELobbyTypePublic = 2, // visible for friends and in lobby list
k_ELobbyTypeInvisible = 3, // returned by search, but not visible to other friends
// useful if you want a user in two lobbies, for example matching groups together
// a user can be in only one regular lobby, and up to two invisible lobbies
k_ELobbyTypePrivateUnique = 4, // private, unique and does not delete when empty - only one of these may exist per unique keypair set
// can only create from webapi
// lobby search filter tools
public enum ELobbyComparison : int {
k_ELobbyComparisonEqualToOrLessThan = -2,
k_ELobbyComparisonLessThan = -1,
k_ELobbyComparisonEqual = 0,
k_ELobbyComparisonGreaterThan = 1,
k_ELobbyComparisonEqualToOrGreaterThan = 2,
k_ELobbyComparisonNotEqual = 3,
// lobby search distance. Lobby results are sorted from closest to farthest.
public enum ELobbyDistanceFilter : int {
k_ELobbyDistanceFilterClose, // only lobbies in the same immediate region will be returned
k_ELobbyDistanceFilterDefault, // only lobbies in the same region or near by regions
k_ELobbyDistanceFilterFar, // for games that don't have many latency requirements, will return lobbies about half-way around the globe
k_ELobbyDistanceFilterWorldwide, // no filtering, will match lobbies as far as India to NY (not recommended, expect multiple seconds of latency between the clients)
// Purpose: Used in ChatInfo messages - fields specific to a chat member - must fit in a uint32
public enum EChatMemberStateChange : int {
// Specific to joining / leaving the chatroom
k_EChatMemberStateChangeEntered = 0x0001, // This user has joined or is joining the chat room
k_EChatMemberStateChangeLeft = 0x0002, // This user has left or is leaving the chat room
k_EChatMemberStateChangeDisconnected = 0x0004, // User disconnected without leaving the chat first
k_EChatMemberStateChangeKicked = 0x0008, // User kicked
k_EChatMemberStateChangeBanned = 0x0010, // User kicked and banned
// Purpose: Functions for quickly creating a Party with friends or acquaintances,
// EG from chat rooms.
public enum ESteamPartyBeaconLocationType : int {
k_ESteamPartyBeaconLocationType_Invalid = 0,
k_ESteamPartyBeaconLocationType_ChatGroup = 1,
public enum ESteamPartyBeaconLocationData : int {
k_ESteamPartyBeaconLocationDataInvalid = 0,
k_ESteamPartyBeaconLocationDataName = 1,
k_ESteamPartyBeaconLocationDataIconURLSmall = 2,
k_ESteamPartyBeaconLocationDataIconURLMedium = 3,
k_ESteamPartyBeaconLocationDataIconURLLarge = 4,
public enum PlayerAcceptState_t : int {
k_EStateUnknown = 0,
k_EStatePlayerAccepted = 1,
k_EStatePlayerDeclined = 2,
// Purpose:
public enum AudioPlayback_Status : int {
AudioPlayback_Undefined = 0,
AudioPlayback_Playing = 1,
AudioPlayback_Paused = 2,
AudioPlayback_Idle = 3
// list of possible errors returned by SendP2PPacket() API
// these will be posted in the P2PSessionConnectFail_t callback
public enum EP2PSessionError : int {
k_EP2PSessionErrorNone = 0,
k_EP2PSessionErrorNoRightsToApp = 2, // local user doesn't own the app that is running
k_EP2PSessionErrorTimeout = 4, // target isn't responding, perhaps not calling AcceptP2PSessionWithUser()
// corporate firewalls can also block this (NAT traversal is not firewall traversal)
// make sure that UDP ports 3478, 4379, and 4380 are open in an outbound direction
// The following error codes were removed and will never be sent.
// For privacy reasons, there is no reply if the user is offline or playing another game.
k_EP2PSessionErrorNotRunningApp_DELETED = 1,
k_EP2PSessionErrorDestinationNotLoggedIn_DELETED = 3,
k_EP2PSessionErrorMax = 5
// SendP2PPacket() send types
// Typically k_EP2PSendUnreliable is what you want for UDP-like packets, k_EP2PSendReliable for TCP-like packets
public enum EP2PSend : int {
// Basic UDP send. Packets can't be bigger than 1200 bytes (your typical MTU size). Can be lost, or arrive out of order (rare).
// The sending API does have some knowledge of the underlying connection, so if there is no NAT-traversal accomplished or
// there is a recognized adjustment happening on the connection, the packet will be batched until the connection is open again.
k_EP2PSendUnreliable = 0,
// As above, but if the underlying p2p connection isn't yet established the packet will just be thrown away. Using this on the first
// packet sent to a remote host almost guarantees the packet will be dropped.
// This is only really useful for kinds of data that should never buffer up, i.e. voice payload packets
k_EP2PSendUnreliableNoDelay = 1,
// Reliable message send. Can send up to 1MB of data in a single message.
// Does fragmentation/re-assembly of messages under the hood, as well as a sliding window for efficient sends of large chunks of data.
k_EP2PSendReliable = 2,
// As above, but applies the Nagle algorithm to the send - sends will accumulate
// until the current MTU size (typically ~1200 bytes, but can change) or ~200ms has passed (Nagle algorithm).
// Useful if you want to send a set of smaller messages but have the coalesced into a single packet
// Since the reliable stream is all ordered, you can do several small message sends with k_EP2PSendReliableWithBuffering and then
// do a normal k_EP2PSendReliable to force all the buffered data to be sent.
k_EP2PSendReliableWithBuffering = 3,
// connection progress indicators, used by CreateP2PConnectionSocket()
public enum ESNetSocketState : int {
k_ESNetSocketStateInvalid = 0,
// communication is valid
k_ESNetSocketStateConnected = 1,
// states while establishing a connection
k_ESNetSocketStateInitiated = 10, // the connection state machine has started
// p2p connections
k_ESNetSocketStateLocalCandidatesFound = 11, // we've found our local IP info
k_ESNetSocketStateReceivedRemoteCandidates = 12,// we've received information from the remote machine, via the Steam back-end, about their IP info
// direct connections
k_ESNetSocketStateChallengeHandshake = 15, // we've received a challenge packet from the server
// failure states
k_ESNetSocketStateDisconnecting = 21, // the API shut it down, and we're in the process of telling the other end
k_ESNetSocketStateLocalDisconnect = 22, // the API shut it down, and we've completed shutdown
k_ESNetSocketStateTimeoutDuringConnect = 23, // we timed out while trying to creating the connection
k_ESNetSocketStateRemoteEndDisconnected = 24, // the remote end has disconnected from us
k_ESNetSocketStateConnectionBroken = 25, // connection has been broken; either the other end has disappeared or our local network connection has broke
// describes how the socket is currently connected
public enum ESNetSocketConnectionType : int {
k_ESNetSocketConnectionTypeNotConnected = 0,
k_ESNetSocketConnectionTypeUDP = 1,
k_ESNetSocketConnectionTypeUDPRelay = 2,
// Feature types for parental settings
public enum EParentalFeature : int {
k_EFeatureInvalid = 0,
k_EFeatureStore = 1,
k_EFeatureCommunity = 2,
k_EFeatureProfile = 3,
k_EFeatureFriends = 4,
k_EFeatureNews = 5,
k_EFeatureTrading = 6,
k_EFeatureSettings = 7,
k_EFeatureConsole = 8,
k_EFeatureBrowser = 9,
k_EFeatureParentalSetup = 10,
k_EFeatureLibrary = 11,
k_EFeatureTest = 12,
k_EFeatureSiteLicense = 13,
k_EFeatureKioskMode = 14,
// Purpose: The form factor of a device
public enum ESteamDeviceFormFactor : int {
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorUnknown = 0,
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorPhone = 1,
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorTablet = 2,
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorComputer = 3,
k_ESteamDeviceFormFactorTV = 4,
public enum ERemoteStoragePlatform : int {
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformNone = 0,
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformWindows = (1 << 0),
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformOSX = (1 << 1),
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformPS3 = (1 << 2),
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformLinux = (1 << 3),
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformSwitch = (1 << 4),
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformAndroid = (1 << 5),
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformIOS = (1 << 6),
// NB we get one more before we need to widen some things
k_ERemoteStoragePlatformAll = -1
public enum ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility : int {
k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityPublic = 0,
k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityFriendsOnly = 1,
k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityPrivate = 2,
k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityUnlisted = 3,
public enum EWorkshopFileType : int {
k_EWorkshopFileTypeFirst = 0,
k_EWorkshopFileTypeCommunity = 0, // normal Workshop item that can be subscribed to
k_EWorkshopFileTypeMicrotransaction = 1, // Workshop item that is meant to be voted on for the purpose of selling in-game
k_EWorkshopFileTypeCollection = 2, // a collection of Workshop or Greenlight items
k_EWorkshopFileTypeArt = 3, // artwork
k_EWorkshopFileTypeVideo = 4, // external video
k_EWorkshopFileTypeScreenshot = 5, // screenshot
k_EWorkshopFileTypeGame = 6, // Greenlight game entry
k_EWorkshopFileTypeSoftware = 7, // Greenlight software entry
k_EWorkshopFileTypeConcept = 8, // Greenlight concept
k_EWorkshopFileTypeWebGuide = 9, // Steam web guide
k_EWorkshopFileTypeIntegratedGuide = 10, // application integrated guide
k_EWorkshopFileTypeMerch = 11, // Workshop merchandise meant to be voted on for the purpose of being sold
k_EWorkshopFileTypeControllerBinding = 12, // Steam Controller bindings
k_EWorkshopFileTypeSteamworksAccessInvite = 13, // internal
k_EWorkshopFileTypeSteamVideo = 14, // Steam video
k_EWorkshopFileTypeGameManagedItem = 15, // managed completely by the game, not the user, and not shown on the web
// Update k_EWorkshopFileTypeMax if you add values.
k_EWorkshopFileTypeMax = 16
public enum EWorkshopVote : int {
k_EWorkshopVoteUnvoted = 0,
k_EWorkshopVoteFor = 1,
k_EWorkshopVoteAgainst = 2,
k_EWorkshopVoteLater = 3,
public enum EWorkshopFileAction : int {
k_EWorkshopFileActionPlayed = 0,
k_EWorkshopFileActionCompleted = 1,
public enum EWorkshopEnumerationType : int {
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeRankedByVote = 0,
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeRecent = 1,
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeTrending = 2,
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeFavoritesOfFriends = 3,
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeVotedByFriends = 4,
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeContentByFriends = 5,
k_EWorkshopEnumerationTypeRecentFromFollowedUsers = 6,
public enum EWorkshopVideoProvider : int {
k_EWorkshopVideoProviderNone = 0,
k_EWorkshopVideoProviderYoutube = 1
public enum EUGCReadAction : int {
// Keeps the file handle open unless the last byte is read. You can use this when reading large files (over 100MB) in sequential chunks.
// If the last byte is read, this will behave the same as k_EUGCRead_Close. Otherwise, it behaves the same as k_EUGCRead_ContinueReading.
// This value maintains the same behavior as before the EUGCReadAction parameter was introduced.
k_EUGCRead_ContinueReadingUntilFinished = 0,
// Keeps the file handle open. Use this when using UGCRead to seek to different parts of the file.
// When you are done seeking around the file, make a final call with k_EUGCRead_Close to close it.
k_EUGCRead_ContinueReading = 1,
// Frees the file handle. Use this when you're done reading the content.
// To read the file from Steam again you will need to call UGCDownload again.
k_EUGCRead_Close = 2,
public enum ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange : int {
k_ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange_Invalid = 0,
// The file was updated from another device
k_ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange_FileUpdated = 1,
// The file was deleted by another device
k_ERemoteStorageLocalFileChange_FileDeleted = 2,
public enum ERemoteStorageFilePathType : int {
k_ERemoteStorageFilePathType_Invalid = 0,
// The file is directly accessed by the game and this is the full path
k_ERemoteStorageFilePathType_Absolute = 1,
// The file is accessed via the ISteamRemoteStorage API and this is the filename
k_ERemoteStorageFilePathType_APIFilename = 2,
public enum EVRScreenshotType : int {
k_EVRScreenshotType_None = 0,
k_EVRScreenshotType_Mono = 1,
k_EVRScreenshotType_Stereo = 2,
k_EVRScreenshotType_MonoCubemap = 3,
k_EVRScreenshotType_MonoPanorama = 4,
k_EVRScreenshotType_StereoPanorama = 5
// Matching UGC types for queries
public enum EUGCMatchingUGCType : int {
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_Items = 0, // both mtx items and ready-to-use items
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_Items_Mtx = 1,
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_Items_ReadyToUse = 2,
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_Collections = 3,
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_Artwork = 4,
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_Videos = 5,
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_Screenshots = 6,
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_AllGuides = 7, // both web guides and integrated guides
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_WebGuides = 8,
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_IntegratedGuides = 9,
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_UsableInGame = 10, // ready-to-use items and integrated guides
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_ControllerBindings = 11,
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_GameManagedItems = 12, // game managed items (not managed by users)
k_EUGCMatchingUGCType_All = ~0, // @note: will only be valid for CreateQueryUserUGCRequest requests
// Different lists of published UGC for a user.
// If the current logged in user is different than the specified user, then some options may not be allowed.
public enum EUserUGCList : int {
// Sort order for user published UGC lists (defaults to creation order descending)
public enum EUserUGCListSortOrder : int {
// Combination of sorting and filtering for queries across all UGC
public enum EUGCQuery : int {
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByVote = 0,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByPublicationDate = 1,
k_EUGCQuery_AcceptedForGameRankedByAcceptanceDate = 2,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByTrend = 3,
k_EUGCQuery_FavoritedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate = 4,
k_EUGCQuery_CreatedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate = 5,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByNumTimesReported = 6,
k_EUGCQuery_CreatedByFollowedUsersRankedByPublicationDate = 7,
k_EUGCQuery_NotYetRated = 8,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByTotalVotesAsc = 9,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByVotesUp = 10,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByTextSearch = 11,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByTotalUniqueSubscriptions = 12,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByPlaytimeTrend = 13,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByTotalPlaytime = 14,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByAveragePlaytimeTrend = 15,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByLifetimeAveragePlaytime = 16,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByPlaytimeSessionsTrend = 17,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByLifetimePlaytimeSessions = 18,
k_EUGCQuery_RankedByLastUpdatedDate = 19,
public enum EItemUpdateStatus : int {
k_EItemUpdateStatusInvalid = 0, // The item update handle was invalid, job might be finished, listen too SubmitItemUpdateResult_t
k_EItemUpdateStatusPreparingConfig = 1, // The item update is processing configuration data
k_EItemUpdateStatusPreparingContent = 2, // The item update is reading and processing content files
k_EItemUpdateStatusUploadingContent = 3, // The item update is uploading content changes to Steam
k_EItemUpdateStatusUploadingPreviewFile = 4, // The item update is uploading new preview file image
k_EItemUpdateStatusCommittingChanges = 5 // The item update is committing all changes
public enum EItemState : int {
k_EItemStateNone = 0, // item not tracked on client
k_EItemStateSubscribed = 1, // current user is subscribed to this item. Not just cached.
k_EItemStateLegacyItem = 2, // item was created with ISteamRemoteStorage
k_EItemStateInstalled = 4, // item is installed and usable (but maybe out of date)
k_EItemStateNeedsUpdate = 8, // items needs an update. Either because it's not installed yet or creator updated content
k_EItemStateDownloading = 16, // item update is currently downloading
k_EItemStateDownloadPending = 32, // DownloadItem() was called for this item, content isn't available until DownloadItemResult_t is fired
public enum EItemStatistic : int {
k_EItemStatistic_NumSubscriptions = 0,
k_EItemStatistic_NumFavorites = 1,
k_EItemStatistic_NumFollowers = 2,
k_EItemStatistic_NumUniqueSubscriptions = 3,
k_EItemStatistic_NumUniqueFavorites = 4,
k_EItemStatistic_NumUniqueFollowers = 5,
k_EItemStatistic_NumUniqueWebsiteViews = 6,
k_EItemStatistic_ReportScore = 7,
k_EItemStatistic_NumSecondsPlayed = 8,
k_EItemStatistic_NumPlaytimeSessions = 9,
k_EItemStatistic_NumComments = 10,
k_EItemStatistic_NumSecondsPlayedDuringTimePeriod = 11,
k_EItemStatistic_NumPlaytimeSessionsDuringTimePeriod = 12,
public enum EItemPreviewType : int {
k_EItemPreviewType_Image = 0, // standard image file expected (e.g. jpg, png, gif, etc.)
k_EItemPreviewType_YouTubeVideo = 1, // video id is stored
k_EItemPreviewType_Sketchfab = 2, // model id is stored
k_EItemPreviewType_EnvironmentMap_HorizontalCross = 3, // standard image file expected - cube map in the layout
// +---+---+-------+
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// +---+---+---+---+
// | L | F | R | B |
// +---+---+---+---+
// | |Dn | |
// +---+---+---+---+
k_EItemPreviewType_EnvironmentMap_LatLong = 4, // standard image file expected
k_EItemPreviewType_ReservedMax = 255, // you can specify your own types above this value
public enum EUGCContentDescriptorID : int {
k_EUGCContentDescriptor_NudityOrSexualContent = 1,
k_EUGCContentDescriptor_FrequentViolenceOrGore = 2,
k_EUGCContentDescriptor_AdultOnlySexualContent = 3,
k_EUGCContentDescriptor_GratuitousSexualContent = 4,
k_EUGCContentDescriptor_AnyMatureContent = 5,
public enum EFailureType : int {
// type of data request, when downloading leaderboard entries
public enum ELeaderboardDataRequest : int {
k_ELeaderboardDataRequestGlobal = 0,
k_ELeaderboardDataRequestGlobalAroundUser = 1,
k_ELeaderboardDataRequestFriends = 2,
k_ELeaderboardDataRequestUsers = 3
// the sort order of a leaderboard
public enum ELeaderboardSortMethod : int {
k_ELeaderboardSortMethodNone = 0,
k_ELeaderboardSortMethodAscending = 1, // top-score is lowest number
k_ELeaderboardSortMethodDescending = 2, // top-score is highest number
// the display type (used by the Steam Community web site) for a leaderboard
public enum ELeaderboardDisplayType : int {
k_ELeaderboardDisplayTypeNone = 0,
k_ELeaderboardDisplayTypeNumeric = 1, // simple numerical score
k_ELeaderboardDisplayTypeTimeSeconds = 2, // the score represents a time, in seconds
k_ELeaderboardDisplayTypeTimeMilliSeconds = 3, // the score represents a time, in milliseconds
public enum ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethod : int {
k_ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethodNone = 0,
k_ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethodKeepBest = 1, // Leaderboard will keep user's best score
k_ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethodForceUpdate = 2, // Leaderboard will always replace score with specified
// Steam API call failure results
public enum ESteamAPICallFailure : int {
k_ESteamAPICallFailureNone = -1, // no failure
k_ESteamAPICallFailureSteamGone = 0, // the local Steam process has gone away
k_ESteamAPICallFailureNetworkFailure = 1, // the network connection to Steam has been broken, or was already broken
// SteamServersDisconnected_t callback will be sent around the same time
// SteamServersConnected_t will be sent when the client is able to talk to the Steam servers again
k_ESteamAPICallFailureInvalidHandle = 2, // the SteamAPICall_t handle passed in no longer exists
k_ESteamAPICallFailureMismatchedCallback = 3,// GetAPICallResult() was called with the wrong callback type for this API call
// Input modes for the Big Picture gamepad text entry
public enum EGamepadTextInputMode : int {
k_EGamepadTextInputModeNormal = 0,
k_EGamepadTextInputModePassword = 1
// Controls number of allowed lines for the Big Picture gamepad text entry
public enum EGamepadTextInputLineMode : int {
k_EGamepadTextInputLineModeSingleLine = 0,
k_EGamepadTextInputLineModeMultipleLines = 1
public enum EFloatingGamepadTextInputMode : int {
k_EFloatingGamepadTextInputModeModeSingleLine = 0, // Enter dismisses the keyboard
k_EFloatingGamepadTextInputModeModeMultipleLines = 1, // User needs to explictly close the keyboard
k_EFloatingGamepadTextInputModeModeEmail = 2, // Keyboard layout is email, enter dismisses the keyboard
k_EFloatingGamepadTextInputModeModeNumeric = 3, // Keyboard layout is numeric, enter dismisses the keyboard
// The context where text filtering is being done
public enum ETextFilteringContext : int {
k_ETextFilteringContextUnknown = 0, // Unknown context
k_ETextFilteringContextGameContent = 1, // Game content, only legally required filtering is performed
k_ETextFilteringContextChat = 2, // Chat from another player
k_ETextFilteringContextName = 3, // Character or item name
// results for CheckFileSignature
public enum ECheckFileSignature : int {
k_ECheckFileSignatureInvalidSignature = 0,
k_ECheckFileSignatureValidSignature = 1,
k_ECheckFileSignatureFileNotFound = 2,
k_ECheckFileSignatureNoSignaturesFoundForThisApp = 3,
k_ECheckFileSignatureNoSignaturesFoundForThisFile = 4,
public enum EMatchMakingServerResponse : int {
eServerResponded = 0,
eNoServersListedOnMasterServer // for the Internet query type, returned in response callback if no servers of this type match
public enum EServerMode : int {
eServerModeInvalid = 0, // DO NOT USE
eServerModeNoAuthentication = 1, // Don't authenticate user logins and don't list on the server list
eServerModeAuthentication = 2, // Authenticate users, list on the server list, don't run VAC on clients that connect
eServerModeAuthenticationAndSecure = 3, // Authenticate users, list on the server list and VAC protect clients
// General result codes
public enum EResult : int {
k_EResultNone = 0, // no result
k_EResultOK = 1, // success
k_EResultFail = 2, // generic failure
k_EResultNoConnection = 3, // no/failed network connection
// k_EResultNoConnectionRetry = 4, // OBSOLETE - removed
k_EResultInvalidPassword = 5, // password/ticket is invalid
k_EResultLoggedInElsewhere = 6, // same user logged in elsewhere
k_EResultInvalidProtocolVer = 7, // protocol version is incorrect
k_EResultInvalidParam = 8, // a parameter is incorrect
k_EResultFileNotFound = 9, // file was not found
k_EResultBusy = 10, // called method busy - action not taken
k_EResultInvalidState = 11, // called object was in an invalid state
k_EResultInvalidName = 12, // name is invalid
k_EResultInvalidEmail = 13, // email is invalid
k_EResultDuplicateName = 14, // name is not unique
k_EResultAccessDenied = 15, // access is denied
k_EResultTimeout = 16, // operation timed out
k_EResultBanned = 17, // VAC2 banned
k_EResultAccountNotFound = 18, // account not found
k_EResultInvalidSteamID = 19, // steamID is invalid
k_EResultServiceUnavailable = 20, // The requested service is currently unavailable
k_EResultNotLoggedOn = 21, // The user is not logged on
k_EResultPending = 22, // Request is pending (may be in process, or waiting on third party)
k_EResultEncryptionFailure = 23, // Encryption or Decryption failed
k_EResultInsufficientPrivilege = 24, // Insufficient privilege
k_EResultLimitExceeded = 25, // Too much of a good thing
k_EResultRevoked = 26, // Access has been revoked (used for revoked guest passes)
k_EResultExpired = 27, // License/Guest pass the user is trying to access is expired
k_EResultAlreadyRedeemed = 28, // Guest pass has already been redeemed by account, cannot be acked again
k_EResultDuplicateRequest = 29, // The request is a duplicate and the action has already occurred in the past, ignored this time
k_EResultAlreadyOwned = 30, // All the games in this guest pass redemption request are already owned by the user
k_EResultIPNotFound = 31, // IP address not found
k_EResultPersistFailed = 32, // failed to write change to the data store
k_EResultLockingFailed = 33, // failed to acquire access lock for this operation
k_EResultLogonSessionReplaced = 34,
k_EResultConnectFailed = 35,
k_EResultHandshakeFailed = 36,
k_EResultIOFailure = 37,
k_EResultRemoteDisconnect = 38,
k_EResultShoppingCartNotFound = 39, // failed to find the shopping cart requested
k_EResultBlocked = 40, // a user didn't allow it
k_EResultIgnored = 41, // target is ignoring sender
k_EResultNoMatch = 42, // nothing matching the request found
k_EResultAccountDisabled = 43,
k_EResultServiceReadOnly = 44, // this service is not accepting content changes right now
k_EResultAccountNotFeatured = 45, // account doesn't have value, so this feature isn't available
k_EResultAdministratorOK = 46, // allowed to take this action, but only because requester is admin
k_EResultContentVersion = 47, // A Version mismatch in content transmitted within the Steam protocol.
k_EResultTryAnotherCM = 48, // The current CM can't service the user making a request, user should try another.
k_EResultPasswordRequiredToKickSession = 49,// You are already logged in elsewhere, this cached credential login has failed.
k_EResultAlreadyLoggedInElsewhere = 50, // You are already logged in elsewhere, you must wait
k_EResultSuspended = 51, // Long running operation (content download) suspended/paused
k_EResultCancelled = 52, // Operation canceled (typically by user: content download)
k_EResultDataCorruption = 53, // Operation canceled because data is ill formed or unrecoverable
k_EResultDiskFull = 54, // Operation canceled - not enough disk space.
k_EResultRemoteCallFailed = 55, // an remote call or IPC call failed
k_EResultPasswordUnset = 56, // Password could not be verified as it's unset server side
k_EResultExternalAccountUnlinked = 57, // External account (PSN, Facebook...) is not linked to a Steam account
k_EResultPSNTicketInvalid = 58, // PSN ticket was invalid
k_EResultExternalAccountAlreadyLinked = 59, // External account (PSN, Facebook...) is already linked to some other account, must explicitly request to replace/delete the link first
k_EResultRemoteFileConflict = 60, // The sync cannot resume due to a conflict between the local and remote files
k_EResultIllegalPassword = 61, // The requested new password is not legal
k_EResultSameAsPreviousValue = 62, // new value is the same as the old one ( secret question and answer )
k_EResultAccountLogonDenied = 63, // account login denied due to 2nd factor authentication failure
k_EResultCannotUseOldPassword = 64, // The requested new password is not legal
k_EResultInvalidLoginAuthCode = 65, // account login denied due to auth code invalid
k_EResultAccountLogonDeniedNoMail = 66, // account login denied due to 2nd factor auth failure - and no mail has been sent - partner site specific
k_EResultHardwareNotCapableOfIPT = 67, //
k_EResultIPTInitError = 68, //
k_EResultParentalControlRestricted = 69, // operation failed due to parental control restrictions for current user
k_EResultFacebookQueryError = 70, // Facebook query returned an error
k_EResultExpiredLoginAuthCode = 71, // account login denied due to auth code expired
k_EResultIPLoginRestrictionFailed = 72,
k_EResultAccountLockedDown = 73,
k_EResultAccountLogonDeniedVerifiedEmailRequired = 74,
k_EResultNoMatchingURL = 75,
k_EResultBadResponse = 76, // parse failure, missing field, etc.
k_EResultRequirePasswordReEntry = 77, // The user cannot complete the action until they re-enter their password
k_EResultValueOutOfRange = 78, // the value entered is outside the acceptable range
k_EResultUnexpectedError = 79, // something happened that we didn't expect to ever happen
k_EResultDisabled = 80, // The requested service has been configured to be unavailable
k_EResultInvalidCEGSubmission = 81, // The set of files submitted to the CEG server are not valid !
k_EResultRestrictedDevice = 82, // The device being used is not allowed to perform this action
k_EResultRegionLocked = 83, // The action could not be complete because it is region restricted
k_EResultRateLimitExceeded = 84, // Temporary rate limit exceeded, try again later, different from k_EResultLimitExceeded which may be permanent
k_EResultAccountLoginDeniedNeedTwoFactor = 85, // Need two-factor code to login
k_EResultItemDeleted = 86, // The thing we're trying to access has been deleted
k_EResultAccountLoginDeniedThrottle = 87, // login attempt failed, try to throttle response to possible attacker
k_EResultTwoFactorCodeMismatch = 88, // two factor code mismatch
k_EResultTwoFactorActivationCodeMismatch = 89, // activation code for two-factor didn't match
k_EResultAccountAssociatedToMultiplePartners = 90, // account has been associated with multiple partners
k_EResultNotModified = 91, // data not modified
k_EResultNoMobileDevice = 92, // the account does not have a mobile device associated with it
k_EResultTimeNotSynced = 93, // the time presented is out of range or tolerance
k_EResultSmsCodeFailed = 94, // SMS code failure (no match, none pending, etc.)
k_EResultAccountLimitExceeded = 95, // Too many accounts access this resource
k_EResultAccountActivityLimitExceeded = 96, // Too many changes to this account
k_EResultPhoneActivityLimitExceeded = 97, // Too many changes to this phone
k_EResultRefundToWallet = 98, // Cannot refund to payment method, must use wallet
k_EResultEmailSendFailure = 99, // Cannot send an email
k_EResultNotSettled = 100, // Can't perform operation till payment has settled
k_EResultNeedCaptcha = 101, // Needs to provide a valid captcha
k_EResultGSLTDenied = 102, // a game server login token owned by this token's owner has been banned
k_EResultGSOwnerDenied = 103, // game server owner is denied for other reason (account lock, community ban, vac ban, missing phone)
k_EResultInvalidItemType = 104, // the type of thing we were requested to act on is invalid
k_EResultIPBanned = 105, // the ip address has been banned from taking this action
k_EResultGSLTExpired = 106, // this token has expired from disuse; can be reset for use
k_EResultInsufficientFunds = 107, // user doesn't have enough wallet funds to complete the action
k_EResultTooManyPending = 108, // There are too many of this thing pending already
k_EResultNoSiteLicensesFound = 109, // No site licenses found
k_EResultWGNetworkSendExceeded = 110, // the WG couldn't send a response because we exceeded max network send size
k_EResultAccountNotFriends = 111, // the user is not mutually friends
k_EResultLimitedUserAccount = 112, // the user is limited
k_EResultCantRemoveItem = 113, // item can't be removed
k_EResultAccountDeleted = 114, // account has been deleted
k_EResultExistingUserCancelledLicense = 115, // A license for this already exists, but cancelled
k_EResultCommunityCooldown = 116, // access is denied because of a community cooldown (probably from support profile data resets)
k_EResultNoLauncherSpecified = 117, // No launcher was specified, but a launcher was needed to choose correct realm for operation.
k_EResultMustAgreeToSSA = 118, // User must agree to china SSA or global SSA before login
k_EResultLauncherMigrated = 119, // The specified launcher type is no longer supported; the user should be directed elsewhere
k_EResultSteamRealmMismatch = 120, // The user's realm does not match the realm of the requested resource
k_EResultInvalidSignature = 121, // signature check did not match
k_EResultParseFailure = 122, // Failed to parse input
k_EResultNoVerifiedPhone = 123, // account does not have a verified phone number
k_EResultInsufficientBattery = 124, // user device doesn't have enough battery charge currently to complete the action
k_EResultChargerRequired = 125, // The operation requires a charger to be plugged in, which wasn't present
k_EResultCachedCredentialInvalid = 126, // Cached credential was invalid - user must reauthenticate
K_EResultPhoneNumberIsVOIP = 127, // The phone number provided is a Voice Over IP number
// Error codes for use with the voice functions
public enum EVoiceResult : int {
k_EVoiceResultOK = 0,
k_EVoiceResultNotInitialized = 1,
k_EVoiceResultNotRecording = 2,
k_EVoiceResultNoData = 3,
k_EVoiceResultBufferTooSmall = 4,
k_EVoiceResultDataCorrupted = 5,
k_EVoiceResultRestricted = 6,
k_EVoiceResultUnsupportedCodec = 7,
k_EVoiceResultReceiverOutOfDate = 8,
k_EVoiceResultReceiverDidNotAnswer = 9,
// Result codes to GSHandleClientDeny/Kick
public enum EDenyReason : int {
k_EDenyInvalid = 0,
k_EDenyInvalidVersion = 1,
k_EDenyGeneric = 2,
k_EDenyNotLoggedOn = 3,
k_EDenyNoLicense = 4,
k_EDenyCheater = 5,
k_EDenyLoggedInElseWhere = 6,
k_EDenyUnknownText = 7,
k_EDenyIncompatibleAnticheat = 8,
k_EDenyMemoryCorruption = 9,
k_EDenyIncompatibleSoftware = 10,
k_EDenySteamConnectionLost = 11,
k_EDenySteamConnectionError = 12,
k_EDenySteamResponseTimedOut = 13,
k_EDenySteamValidationStalled = 14,
k_EDenySteamOwnerLeftGuestUser = 15,
// results from BeginAuthSession
public enum EBeginAuthSessionResult : int {
k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK = 0, // Ticket is valid for this game and this steamID.
k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidTicket = 1, // Ticket is not valid.
k_EBeginAuthSessionResultDuplicateRequest = 2, // A ticket has already been submitted for this steamID
k_EBeginAuthSessionResultInvalidVersion = 3, // Ticket is from an incompatible interface version
k_EBeginAuthSessionResultGameMismatch = 4, // Ticket is not for this game
k_EBeginAuthSessionResultExpiredTicket = 5, // Ticket has expired
// Callback values for callback ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t which is a response to BeginAuthSession
public enum EAuthSessionResponse : int {
k_EAuthSessionResponseOK = 0, // Steam has verified the user is online, the ticket is valid and ticket has not been reused.
k_EAuthSessionResponseUserNotConnectedToSteam = 1, // The user in question is not connected to steam
k_EAuthSessionResponseNoLicenseOrExpired = 2, // The license has expired.
k_EAuthSessionResponseVACBanned = 3, // The user is VAC banned for this game.
k_EAuthSessionResponseLoggedInElseWhere = 4, // The user account has logged in elsewhere and the session containing the game instance has been disconnected.
k_EAuthSessionResponseVACCheckTimedOut = 5, // VAC has been unable to perform anti-cheat checks on this user
k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketCanceled = 6, // The ticket has been canceled by the issuer
k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketInvalidAlreadyUsed = 7, // This ticket has already been used, it is not valid.
k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketInvalid = 8, // This ticket is not from a user instance currently connected to steam.
k_EAuthSessionResponsePublisherIssuedBan = 9, // The user is banned for this game. The ban came via the web api and not VAC
k_EAuthSessionResponseAuthTicketNetworkIdentityFailure = 10, // The network identity in the ticket does not match the server authenticating the ticket
// results from UserHasLicenseForApp
public enum EUserHasLicenseForAppResult : int {
k_EUserHasLicenseResultHasLicense = 0, // User has a license for specified app
k_EUserHasLicenseResultDoesNotHaveLicense = 1, // User does not have a license for the specified app
k_EUserHasLicenseResultNoAuth = 2, // User has not been authenticated
// Steam account types
public enum EAccountType : int {
k_EAccountTypeInvalid = 0,
k_EAccountTypeIndividual = 1, // single user account
k_EAccountTypeMultiseat = 2, // multiseat (e.g. cybercafe) account
k_EAccountTypeGameServer = 3, // game server account
k_EAccountTypeAnonGameServer = 4, // anonymous game server account
k_EAccountTypePending = 5, // pending
k_EAccountTypeContentServer = 6, // content server
k_EAccountTypeClan = 7,
k_EAccountTypeChat = 8,
k_EAccountTypeConsoleUser = 9, // Fake SteamID for local PSN account on PS3 or Live account on 360, etc.
k_EAccountTypeAnonUser = 10,
// Max of 16 items in this field
// Purpose: Chat Entry Types (previously was only friend-to-friend message types)
public enum EChatEntryType : int {
k_EChatEntryTypeInvalid = 0,
k_EChatEntryTypeChatMsg = 1, // Normal text message from another user
k_EChatEntryTypeTyping = 2, // Another user is typing (not used in multi-user chat)
k_EChatEntryTypeInviteGame = 3, // Invite from other user into that users current game
k_EChatEntryTypeEmote = 4, // text emote message (deprecated, should be treated as ChatMsg)
//k_EChatEntryTypeLobbyGameStart = 5, // lobby game is starting (dead - listen for LobbyGameCreated_t callback instead)
k_EChatEntryTypeLeftConversation = 6, // user has left the conversation ( closed chat window )
// Above are previous FriendMsgType entries, now merged into more generic chat entry types
k_EChatEntryTypeEntered = 7, // user has entered the conversation (used in multi-user chat and group chat)
k_EChatEntryTypeWasKicked = 8, // user was kicked (data: 64-bit steamid of actor performing the kick)
k_EChatEntryTypeWasBanned = 9, // user was banned (data: 64-bit steamid of actor performing the ban)
k_EChatEntryTypeDisconnected = 10, // user disconnected
k_EChatEntryTypeHistoricalChat = 11, // a chat message from user's chat history or offilne message
//k_EChatEntryTypeReserved1 = 12, // No longer used
//k_EChatEntryTypeReserved2 = 13, // No longer used
k_EChatEntryTypeLinkBlocked = 14, // a link was removed by the chat filter.
// Purpose: Chat Room Enter Responses
public enum EChatRoomEnterResponse : int {
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseSuccess = 1, // Success
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseDoesntExist = 2, // Chat doesn't exist (probably closed)
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseNotAllowed = 3, // General Denied - You don't have the permissions needed to join the chat
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseFull = 4, // Chat room has reached its maximum size
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseError = 5, // Unexpected Error
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseBanned = 6, // You are banned from this chat room and may not join
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseLimited = 7, // Joining this chat is not allowed because you are a limited user (no value on account)
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseClanDisabled = 8, // Attempt to join a clan chat when the clan is locked or disabled
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseCommunityBan = 9, // Attempt to join a chat when the user has a community lock on their account
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseMemberBlockedYou = 10, // Join failed - some member in the chat has blocked you from joining
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseYouBlockedMember = 11, // Join failed - you have blocked some member already in the chat
// k_EChatRoomEnterResponseNoRankingDataLobby = 12, // No longer used
// k_EChatRoomEnterResponseNoRankingDataUser = 13, // No longer used
// k_EChatRoomEnterResponseRankOutOfRange = 14, // No longer used
k_EChatRoomEnterResponseRatelimitExceeded = 15, // Join failed - to many join attempts in a very short period of time
// Special flags for Chat accounts - they go in the top 8 bits
// of the steam ID's "instance", leaving 12 for the actual instances
public enum EChatSteamIDInstanceFlags : int {
k_EChatAccountInstanceMask = 0x00000FFF, // top 8 bits are flags
k_EChatInstanceFlagClan = ( Constants.k_unSteamAccountInstanceMask + 1 ) >> 1, // top bit
k_EChatInstanceFlagLobby = ( Constants.k_unSteamAccountInstanceMask + 1 ) >> 2, // next one down, etc
k_EChatInstanceFlagMMSLobby = ( Constants.k_unSteamAccountInstanceMask + 1 ) >> 3, // next one down, etc
// Max of 8 flags
// Purpose: Possible positions to tell the overlay to show notifications in
public enum ENotificationPosition : int {
k_EPositionInvalid = -1,
k_EPositionTopLeft = 0,
k_EPositionTopRight = 1,
k_EPositionBottomLeft = 2,
k_EPositionBottomRight = 3,
// Purpose: Broadcast upload result details
public enum EBroadcastUploadResult : int {
k_EBroadcastUploadResultNone = 0, // broadcast state unknown
k_EBroadcastUploadResultOK = 1, // broadcast was good, no problems
k_EBroadcastUploadResultInitFailed = 2, // broadcast init failed
k_EBroadcastUploadResultFrameFailed = 3, // broadcast frame upload failed
k_EBroadcastUploadResultTimeout = 4, // broadcast upload timed out
k_EBroadcastUploadResultBandwidthExceeded = 5, // broadcast send too much data
k_EBroadcastUploadResultLowFPS = 6, // broadcast FPS too low
k_EBroadcastUploadResultMissingKeyFrames = 7, // broadcast sending not enough key frames
k_EBroadcastUploadResultNoConnection = 8, // broadcast client failed to connect to relay
k_EBroadcastUploadResultRelayFailed = 9, // relay dropped the upload
k_EBroadcastUploadResultSettingsChanged = 10, // the client changed broadcast settings
k_EBroadcastUploadResultMissingAudio = 11, // client failed to send audio data
k_EBroadcastUploadResultTooFarBehind = 12, // clients was too slow uploading
k_EBroadcastUploadResultTranscodeBehind = 13, // server failed to keep up with transcode
k_EBroadcastUploadResultNotAllowedToPlay = 14, // Broadcast does not have permissions to play game
k_EBroadcastUploadResultBusy = 15, // RTMP host to busy to take new broadcast stream, choose another
k_EBroadcastUploadResultBanned = 16, // Account banned from community broadcast
k_EBroadcastUploadResultAlreadyActive = 17, // We already already have an stream running.
k_EBroadcastUploadResultForcedOff = 18, // We explicitly shutting down a broadcast
k_EBroadcastUploadResultAudioBehind = 19, // Audio stream was too far behind video
k_EBroadcastUploadResultShutdown = 20, // Broadcast Server was shut down
k_EBroadcastUploadResultDisconnect = 21, // broadcast uploader TCP disconnected
k_EBroadcastUploadResultVideoInitFailed = 22, // invalid video settings
k_EBroadcastUploadResultAudioInitFailed = 23, // invalid audio settings
// Purpose: Reasons a user may not use the Community Market.
// Used in MarketEligibilityResponse_t.
public enum EMarketNotAllowedReasonFlags : int {
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_None = 0,
// A back-end call failed or something that might work again on retry
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_TemporaryFailure = (1 << 0),
// Disabled account
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_AccountDisabled = (1 << 1),
// Locked account
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_AccountLockedDown = (1 << 2),
// Limited account (no purchases)
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_AccountLimited = (1 << 3),
// The account is banned from trading items
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_TradeBanned = (1 << 4),
// Wallet funds aren't tradable because the user has had no purchase
// activity in the last year or has had no purchases prior to last month
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_AccountNotTrusted = (1 << 5),
// The user doesn't have Steam Guard enabled
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_SteamGuardNotEnabled = (1 << 6),
// The user has Steam Guard, but it hasn't been enabled for the required
// number of days
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_SteamGuardOnlyRecentlyEnabled = (1 << 7),
// The user has recently forgotten their password and reset it
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_RecentPasswordReset = (1 << 8),
// The user has recently funded his or her wallet with a new payment method
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_NewPaymentMethod = (1 << 9),
// An invalid cookie was sent by the user
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_InvalidCookie = (1 << 10),
// The user has Steam Guard, but is using a new computer or web browser
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_UsingNewDevice = (1 << 11),
// The user has recently refunded a store purchase by his or herself
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_RecentSelfRefund = (1 << 12),
// The user has recently funded his or her wallet with a new payment method that cannot be verified
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_NewPaymentMethodCannotBeVerified = (1 << 13),
// Not only is the account not trusted, but they have no recent purchases at all
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_NoRecentPurchases = (1 << 14),
// User accepted a wallet gift that was recently purchased
k_EMarketNotAllowedReason_AcceptedWalletGift = (1 << 15),
// describes XP / progress restrictions to apply for games with duration control /
// anti-indulgence enabled for minor Steam China users.
public enum EDurationControlProgress : int {
k_EDurationControlProgress_Full = 0, // Full progress
k_EDurationControlProgress_Half = 1, // deprecated - XP or persistent rewards should be halved
k_EDurationControlProgress_None = 2, // deprecated - XP or persistent rewards should be stopped
k_EDurationControl_ExitSoon_3h = 3, // allowed 3h time since 5h gap/break has elapsed, game should exit - steam will terminate the game soon
k_EDurationControl_ExitSoon_5h = 4, // allowed 5h time in calendar day has elapsed, game should exit - steam will terminate the game soon
k_EDurationControl_ExitSoon_Night = 5, // game running after day period, game should exit - steam will terminate the game soon
// describes which notification timer has expired, for steam china duration control feature
public enum EDurationControlNotification : int {
k_EDurationControlNotification_None = 0, // just informing you about progress, no notification to show
k_EDurationControlNotification_1Hour = 1, // "you've been playing for N hours"
k_EDurationControlNotification_3Hours = 2, // deprecated - "you've been playing for 3 hours; take a break"
k_EDurationControlNotification_HalfProgress = 3,// deprecated - "your XP / progress is half normal"
k_EDurationControlNotification_NoProgress = 4, // deprecated - "your XP / progress is zero"
k_EDurationControlNotification_ExitSoon_3h = 5, // allowed 3h time since 5h gap/break has elapsed, game should exit - steam will terminate the game soon
k_EDurationControlNotification_ExitSoon_5h = 6, // allowed 5h time in calendar day has elapsed, game should exit - steam will terminate the game soon
k_EDurationControlNotification_ExitSoon_Night = 7,// game running after day period, game should exit - steam will terminate the game soon
// Specifies a game's online state in relation to duration control
public enum EDurationControlOnlineState : int {
k_EDurationControlOnlineState_Invalid = 0, // nil value
k_EDurationControlOnlineState_Offline = 1, // currently in offline play - single-player, offline co-op, etc.
k_EDurationControlOnlineState_Online = 2, // currently in online play
k_EDurationControlOnlineState_OnlineHighPri = 3, // currently in online play and requests not to be interrupted
public enum EGameSearchErrorCode_t : int {
k_EGameSearchErrorCode_OK = 1,
k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Search_Already_In_Progress = 2,
k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_No_Search_In_Progress = 3,
k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Not_Lobby_Leader = 4, // if not the lobby leader can not call SearchForGameWithLobby
k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_No_Host_Available = 5, // no host is available that matches those search params
k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Search_Params_Invalid = 6, // search params are invalid
k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Offline = 7, // offline, could not communicate with server
k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_NotAuthorized = 8, // either the user or the application does not have priveledges to do this
k_EGameSearchErrorCode_Failed_Unknown_Error = 9, // unknown error
public enum EPlayerResult_t : int {
k_EPlayerResultFailedToConnect = 1, // failed to connect after confirming
k_EPlayerResultAbandoned = 2, // quit game without completing it
k_EPlayerResultKicked = 3, // kicked by other players/moderator/server rules
k_EPlayerResultIncomplete = 4, // player stayed to end but game did not conclude successfully ( nofault to player )
k_EPlayerResultCompleted = 5, // player completed game
public enum ESteamIPv6ConnectivityProtocol : int {
k_ESteamIPv6ConnectivityProtocol_Invalid = 0,
k_ESteamIPv6ConnectivityProtocol_HTTP = 1, // because a proxy may make this different than other protocols
k_ESteamIPv6ConnectivityProtocol_UDP = 2, // test UDP connectivity. Uses a port that is commonly needed for other Steam stuff. If UDP works, TCP probably works.
// For the above transport protocol, what do we think the local machine's connectivity to the internet over ipv6 is like
public enum ESteamIPv6ConnectivityState : int {
k_ESteamIPv6ConnectivityState_Unknown = 0, // We haven't run a test yet
k_ESteamIPv6ConnectivityState_Good = 1, // We have recently been able to make a request on ipv6 for the given protocol
k_ESteamIPv6ConnectivityState_Bad = 2, // We failed to make a request, either because this machine has no ipv6 address assigned, or it has no upstream connectivity
// HTTP related types
// This enum is used in client API methods, do not re-number existing values.
public enum EHTTPMethod : int {
k_EHTTPMethodInvalid = 0,
// The remaining HTTP methods are not yet supported, per rfc2616 section 5.1.1 only GET and HEAD are required for
// a compliant general purpose server. We'll likely add more as we find uses for them.
// k_EHTTPMethodTRACE,
// HTTP Status codes that the server can send in response to a request, see rfc2616 section 10.3 for descriptions
// of each of these.
public enum EHTTPStatusCode : int {
// Invalid status code (this isn't defined in HTTP, used to indicate unset in our code)
k_EHTTPStatusCodeInvalid = 0,
// Informational codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode100Continue = 100,
k_EHTTPStatusCode101SwitchingProtocols = 101,
// Success codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK = 200,
k_EHTTPStatusCode201Created = 201,
k_EHTTPStatusCode202Accepted = 202,
k_EHTTPStatusCode203NonAuthoritative = 203,
k_EHTTPStatusCode204NoContent = 204,
k_EHTTPStatusCode205ResetContent = 205,
k_EHTTPStatusCode206PartialContent = 206,
// Redirection codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode300MultipleChoices = 300,
k_EHTTPStatusCode301MovedPermanently = 301,
k_EHTTPStatusCode302Found = 302,
k_EHTTPStatusCode303SeeOther = 303,
k_EHTTPStatusCode304NotModified = 304,
k_EHTTPStatusCode305UseProxy = 305,
//k_EHTTPStatusCode306Unused = 306, (used in old HTTP spec, now unused in 1.1)
k_EHTTPStatusCode307TemporaryRedirect = 307,
k_EHTTPStatusCode308PermanentRedirect = 308,
// Error codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode400BadRequest = 400,
k_EHTTPStatusCode401Unauthorized = 401, // You probably want 403 or something else. 401 implies you're sending a WWW-Authenticate header and the client can sent an Authorization header in response.
k_EHTTPStatusCode402PaymentRequired = 402, // This is reserved for future HTTP specs, not really supported by clients
k_EHTTPStatusCode403Forbidden = 403,
k_EHTTPStatusCode404NotFound = 404,
k_EHTTPStatusCode405MethodNotAllowed = 405,
k_EHTTPStatusCode406NotAcceptable = 406,
k_EHTTPStatusCode407ProxyAuthRequired = 407,
k_EHTTPStatusCode408RequestTimeout = 408,
k_EHTTPStatusCode409Conflict = 409,
k_EHTTPStatusCode410Gone = 410,
k_EHTTPStatusCode411LengthRequired = 411,
k_EHTTPStatusCode412PreconditionFailed = 412,
k_EHTTPStatusCode413RequestEntityTooLarge = 413,
k_EHTTPStatusCode414RequestURITooLong = 414,
k_EHTTPStatusCode415UnsupportedMediaType = 415,
k_EHTTPStatusCode416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416,
k_EHTTPStatusCode417ExpectationFailed = 417,
k_EHTTPStatusCode4xxUnknown = 418, // 418 is reserved, so we'll use it to mean unknown
k_EHTTPStatusCode429TooManyRequests = 429,
k_EHTTPStatusCode444ConnectionClosed = 444, // nginx only?
// Server error codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode500InternalServerError = 500,
k_EHTTPStatusCode501NotImplemented = 501,
k_EHTTPStatusCode502BadGateway = 502,
k_EHTTPStatusCode503ServiceUnavailable = 503,
k_EHTTPStatusCode504GatewayTimeout = 504,
k_EHTTPStatusCode505HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505,
k_EHTTPStatusCode5xxUnknown = 599,
/// Describe the status of a particular network resource
public enum ESteamNetworkingAvailability : int {
// Negative values indicate a problem.
// In general, we will not automatically retry unless you take some action that
// depends on of requests this resource, such as querying the status, attempting
// to initiate a connection, receive a connection, etc. If you do not take any
// action at all, we do not automatically retry in the background.
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_CannotTry = -102, // A dependent resource is missing, so this service is unavailable. (E.g. we cannot talk to routers because Internet is down or we don't have the network config.)
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Failed = -101, // We have tried for enough time that we would expect to have been successful by now. We have never been successful
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Previously = -100, // We tried and were successful at one time, but now it looks like we have a problem
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Retrying = -10, // We previously failed and are currently retrying
// Not a problem, but not ready either
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_NeverTried = 1, // We don't know because we haven't ever checked/tried
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Waiting = 2, // We're waiting on a dependent resource to be acquired. (E.g. we cannot obtain a cert until we are logged into Steam. We cannot measure latency to relays until we have the network config.)
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Attempting = 3, // We're actively trying now, but are not yet successful.
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Current = 100, // Resource is online/available
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Unknown = 0, // Internal dummy/sentinel, or value is not applicable in this context
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability__Force32bit = 0x7fffffff,
// Describing network hosts
/// Different methods of describing the identity of a network host
public enum ESteamNetworkingIdentityType : int {
// Dummy/empty/invalid.
// Please note that if we parse a string that we don't recognize
// but that appears reasonable, we will NOT use this type. Instead
// we'll use k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_UnknownType.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_Invalid = 0,
// Basic platform-specific identifiers.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_SteamID = 16, // 64-bit CSteamID
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_XboxPairwiseID = 17, // Publisher-specific user identity, as string
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_SonyPSN = 18, // 64-bit ID
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_GoogleStadia = 19, // 64-bit ID
// Special identifiers.
// Use their IP address (and port) as their "identity".
// These types of identities are always unauthenticated.
// They are useful for porting plain sockets code, and other
// situations where you don't care about authentication. In this
// case, the local identity will be "localhost",
// and the remote address will be their network address.
// We use the same type for either IPv4 or IPv6, and
// the address is always store as IPv6. We use IPv4
// mapped addresses to handle IPv4.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_IPAddress = 1,
// Generic string/binary blobs. It's up to your app to interpret this.
// This library can tell you if the remote host presented a certificate
// signed by somebody you have chosen to trust, with this identity on it.
// It's up to you to ultimately decide what this identity means.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_GenericString = 2,
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_GenericBytes = 3,
// This identity type is used when we parse a string that looks like is a
// valid identity, just of a kind that we don't recognize. In this case, we
// can often still communicate with the peer! Allowing such identities
// for types we do not recognize useful is very useful for forward
// compatibility.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_UnknownType = 4,
// Make sure this enum is stored in an int.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType__Force32bit = 0x7fffffff,
/// "Fake IPs" are assigned to hosts, to make it easier to interface with
/// older code that assumed all hosts will have an IPv4 address
public enum ESteamNetworkingFakeIPType : int {
k_ESteamNetworkingFakeIPType_Invalid, // Error, argument was not even an IP address, etc.
k_ESteamNetworkingFakeIPType_NotFake, // Argument was a valid IP, but was not from the reserved "fake" range
k_ESteamNetworkingFakeIPType_GlobalIPv4, // Globally unique (for a given app) IPv4 address. Address space managed by Steam
k_ESteamNetworkingFakeIPType_LocalIPv4, // Locally unique IPv4 address. Address space managed by the local process. For internal use only; should not be shared!
k_ESteamNetworkingFakeIPType__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
// Connection status
/// High level connection status
public enum ESteamNetworkingConnectionState : int {
/// Dummy value used to indicate an error condition in the API.
/// Specified connection doesn't exist or has already been closed.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None = 0,
/// We are trying to establish whether peers can talk to each other,
/// whether they WANT to talk to each other, perform basic auth,
/// and exchange crypt keys.
/// - For connections on the "client" side (initiated locally):
/// We're in the process of trying to establish a connection.
/// Depending on the connection type, we might not know who they are.
/// Note that it is not possible to tell if we are waiting on the
/// network to complete handshake packets, or for the application layer
/// to accept the connection.
/// - For connections on the "server" side (accepted through listen socket):
/// We have completed some basic handshake and the client has presented
/// some proof of identity. The connection is ready to be accepted
/// using AcceptConnection().
/// In either case, any unreliable packets sent now are almost certain
/// to be dropped. Attempts to receive packets are guaranteed to fail.
/// You may send messages if the send mode allows for them to be queued.
/// but if you close the connection before the connection is actually
/// established, any queued messages will be discarded immediately.
/// (We will not attempt to flush the queue and confirm delivery to the
/// remote host, which ordinarily happens when a connection is closed.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connecting = 1,
/// Some connection types use a back channel or trusted 3rd party
/// for earliest communication. If the server accepts the connection,
/// then these connections switch into the rendezvous state. During this
/// state, we still have not yet established an end-to-end route (through
/// the relay network), and so if you send any messages unreliable, they
/// are going to be discarded.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_FindingRoute = 2,
/// We've received communications from our peer (and we know
/// who they are) and are all good. If you close the connection now,
/// we will make our best effort to flush out any reliable sent data that
/// has not been acknowledged by the peer. (But note that this happens
/// from within the application process, so unlike a TCP connection, you are
/// not totally handing it off to the operating system to deal with it.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected = 3,
/// Connection has been closed by our peer, but not closed locally.
/// The connection still exists from an API perspective. You must close the
/// handle to free up resources. If there are any messages in the inbound queue,
/// you may retrieve them. Otherwise, nothing may be done with the connection
/// except to close it.
/// This stats is similar to CLOSE_WAIT in the TCP state machine.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer = 4,
/// A disruption in the connection has been detected locally. (E.g. timeout,
/// local internet connection disrupted, etc.)
/// The connection still exists from an API perspective. You must close the
/// handle to free up resources.
/// Attempts to send further messages will fail. Any remaining received messages
/// in the queue are available.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ProblemDetectedLocally = 5,
// The following values are used internally and will not be returned by any API.
// We document them here to provide a little insight into the state machine that is used
// under the hood.
/// We've disconnected on our side, and from an API perspective the connection is closed.
/// No more data may be sent or received. All reliable data has been flushed, or else
/// we've given up and discarded it. We do not yet know for sure that the peer knows
/// the connection has been closed, however, so we're just hanging around so that if we do
/// get a packet from them, we can send them the appropriate packets so that they can
/// know why the connection was closed (and not have to rely on a timeout, which makes
/// it appear as if something is wrong).
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_FinWait = -1,
/// We've disconnected on our side, and from an API perspective the connection is closed.
/// No more data may be sent or received. From a network perspective, however, on the wire,
/// we have not yet given any indication to the peer that the connection is closed.
/// We are in the process of flushing out the last bit of reliable data. Once that is done,
/// we will inform the peer that the connection has been closed, and transition to the
/// FinWait state.
/// Note that no indication is given to the remote host that we have closed the connection,
/// until the data has been flushed. If the remote host attempts to send us data, we will
/// do whatever is necessary to keep the connection alive until it can be closed properly.
/// But in fact the data will be discarded, since there is no way for the application to
/// read it back. Typically this is not a problem, as application protocols that utilize
/// the lingering functionality are designed for the remote host to wait for the response
/// before sending any more data.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Linger = -2,
/// Connection is completely inactive and ready to be destroyed
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Dead = -3,
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
/// Enumerate various causes of connection termination. These are designed to work similar
/// to HTTP error codes: the numeric range gives you a rough classification as to the source
/// of the problem.
public enum ESteamNetConnectionEnd : int {
// Invalid/sentinel value
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Invalid = 0,
// Application codes. These are the values you will pass to
// ISteamNetworkingSockets::CloseConnection. You can use these codes if
// you want to plumb through application-specific reason codes. If you don't
// need this facility, feel free to always pass
// k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Generic.
// The distinction between "normal" and "exceptional" termination is
// one you may use if you find useful, but it's not necessary for you
// to do so. The only place where we distinguish between normal and
// exceptional is in connection analytics. If a significant
// proportion of connections terminates in an exceptional manner,
// this can trigger an alert.
// 1xxx: Application ended the connection in a "usual" manner.
// E.g.: user intentionally disconnected from the server,
// gameplay ended normally, etc
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Min = 1000,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Generic = k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Min,
// Use codes in this range for "normal" disconnection
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Max = 1999,
// 2xxx: Application ended the connection in some sort of exceptional
// or unusual manner that might indicate a bug or configuration
// issue.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_AppException_Min = 2000,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_AppException_Generic = k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_AppException_Min,
// Use codes in this range for "unusual" disconnection
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_AppException_Max = 2999,
// System codes. These will be returned by the system when
// the connection state is k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer
// or k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ProblemDetectedLocally. It is
// illegal to pass a code in this range to ISteamNetworkingSockets::CloseConnection
// 3xxx: Connection failed or ended because of problem with the
// local host or their connection to the Internet.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_Min = 3000,
// You cannot do what you want to do because you're running in offline mode.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_OfflineMode = 3001,
// We're having trouble contacting many (perhaps all) relays.
// Since it's unlikely that they all went offline at once, the best
// explanation is that we have a problem on our end. Note that we don't
// bother distinguishing between "many" and "all", because in practice,
// it takes time to detect a connection problem, and by the time
// the connection has timed out, we might not have been able to
// actively probe all of the relay clusters, even if we were able to
// contact them at one time. So this code just means that:
// * We don't have any recent successful communication with any relay.
// * We have evidence of recent failures to communicate with multiple relays.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_ManyRelayConnectivity = 3002,
// A hosted server is having trouble talking to the relay
// that the client was using, so the problem is most likely
// on our end
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_HostedServerPrimaryRelay = 3003,
// We're not able to get the SDR network config. This is
// *almost* always a local issue, since the network config
// comes from the CDN, which is pretty darn reliable.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_NetworkConfig = 3004,
// Steam rejected our request because we don't have rights
// to do this.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_Rights = 3005,
// ICE P2P rendezvous failed because we were not able to
// determine our "public" address (e.g. reflexive address via STUN)
// If relay fallback is available (it always is on Steam), then
// this is only used internally and will not be returned as a high
// level failure.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_P2P_ICE_NoPublicAddresses = 3006,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_Max = 3999,
// 4xxx: Connection failed or ended, and it appears that the
// cause does NOT have to do with the local host or their
// connection to the Internet. It could be caused by the
// remote host, or it could be somewhere in between.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_Min = 4000,
// The connection was lost, and as far as we can tell our connection
// to relevant services (relays) has not been disrupted. This doesn't
// mean that the problem is "their fault", it just means that it doesn't
// appear that we are having network issues on our end.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_Timeout = 4001,
// Something was invalid with the cert or crypt handshake
// info you gave me, I don't understand or like your key types,
// etc.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_BadCrypt = 4002,
// You presented me with a cert that was I was able to parse
// and *technically* we could use encrypted communication.
// But there was a problem that prevents me from checking your identity
// or ensuring that somebody int he middle can't observe our communication.
// E.g.: - the CA key was missing (and I don't accept unsigned certs)
// - The CA key isn't one that I trust,
// - The cert doesn't was appropriately restricted by app, user, time, data center, etc.
// - The cert wasn't issued to you.
// - etc
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_BadCert = 4003,
// These will never be returned
//k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_NotLoggedIn_DEPRECATED = 4004,
//k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_NotRunningApp_DEPRECATED = 4005,
// Something wrong with the protocol version you are using.
// (Probably the code you are running is too old.)
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_BadProtocolVersion = 4006,
// NAT punch failed failed because we never received any public
// addresses from the remote host. (But we did receive some
// signals form them.)
// If relay fallback is available (it always is on Steam), then
// this is only used internally and will not be returned as a high
// level failure.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_P2P_ICE_NoPublicAddresses = 4007,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_Max = 4999,
// 5xxx: Connection failed for some other reason.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_Min = 5000,
// A failure that isn't necessarily the result of a software bug,
// but that should happen rarely enough that it isn't worth specifically
// writing UI or making a localized message for.
// The debug string should contain further details.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_Generic = 5001,
// Generic failure that is most likely a software bug.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_InternalError = 5002,
// The connection to the remote host timed out, but we
// don't know if the problem is on our end, in the middle,
// or on their end.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_Timeout = 5003,
//k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_RelayConnectivity_DEPRECATED = 5004,
// There's some trouble talking to Steam.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_SteamConnectivity = 5005,
// A server in a dedicated hosting situation has no relay sessions
// active with which to talk back to a client. (It's the client's
// job to open and maintain those sessions.)
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_NoRelaySessionsToClient = 5006,
// While trying to initiate a connection, we never received
// *any* communication from the peer.
//k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_ServerNeverReplied = 5007,
// P2P rendezvous failed in a way that we don't have more specific
// information
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_P2P_Rendezvous = 5008,
// NAT punch failed, probably due to NAT/firewall configuration.
// If relay fallback is available (it always is on Steam), then
// this is only used internally and will not be returned as a high
// level failure.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_P2P_NAT_Firewall = 5009,
// Our peer replied that it has no record of the connection.
// This should not happen ordinarily, but can happen in a few
// exception cases:
// - This is an old connection, and the peer has already cleaned
// up and forgotten about it. (Perhaps it timed out and they
// closed it and were not able to communicate this to us.)
// - A bug or internal protocol error has caused us to try to
// talk to the peer about the connection before we received
// confirmation that the peer has accepted the connection.
// - The peer thinks that we have closed the connection for some
// reason (perhaps a bug), and believes that is it is
// acknowledging our closure.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_PeerSentNoConnection = 5010,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_Max = 5999,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
// Configuration values
/// Configuration values can be applied to different types of objects.
public enum ESteamNetworkingConfigScope : int {
/// Get/set global option, or defaults. Even options that apply to more specific scopes
/// have global scope, and you may be able to just change the global defaults. If you
/// need different settings per connection (for example), then you will need to set those
/// options at the more specific scope.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Global = 1,
/// Some options are specific to a particular interface. Note that all connection
/// and listen socket settings can also be set at the interface level, and they will
/// apply to objects created through those interfaces.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SocketsInterface = 2,
/// Options for a listen socket. Listen socket options can be set at the interface layer,
/// if you have multiple listen sockets and they all use the same options.
/// You can also set connection options on a listen socket, and they set the defaults
/// for all connections accepted through this listen socket. (They will be used if you don't
/// set a connection option.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_ListenSocket = 3,
/// Options for a specific connection.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Connection = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfigScope__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
// Different configuration values have different data types
public enum ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType : int {
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Int32 = 1,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Int64 = 2,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Float = 3,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_String = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Ptr = 5,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
/// Configuration options
public enum ESteamNetworkingConfigValue : int {
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Invalid = 0,
// Connection options
/// [connection int32] Timeout value (in ms) to use when first connecting
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_TimeoutInitial = 24,
/// [connection int32] Timeout value (in ms) to use after connection is established
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_TimeoutConnected = 25,
/// [connection int32] Upper limit of buffered pending bytes to be sent,
/// if this is reached SendMessage will return k_EResultLimitExceeded
/// Default is 512k (524288 bytes)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SendBufferSize = 9,
/// [connection int64] Get/set userdata as a configuration option.
/// The default value is -1. You may want to set the user data as
/// a config value, instead of using ISteamNetworkingSockets::SetConnectionUserData
/// in two specific instances:
/// - You wish to set the userdata atomically when creating
/// an outbound connection, so that the userdata is filled in properly
/// for any callbacks that happen. However, note that this trick
/// only works for connections initiated locally! For incoming
/// connections, multiple state transitions may happen and
/// callbacks be queued, before you are able to service the first
/// callback! Be careful!
/// - You can set the default userdata for all newly created connections
/// by setting this value at a higher level (e.g. on the listen
/// socket or at the global level.) Then this default
/// value will be inherited when the connection is created.
/// This is useful in case -1 is a valid userdata value, and you
/// wish to use something else as the default value so you can
/// tell if it has been set or not.
/// HOWEVER: once a connection is created, the effective value is
/// then bound to the connection. Unlike other connection options,
/// if you change it again at a higher level, the new value will not
/// be inherited by connections.
/// Using the userdata field in callback structs is not advised because
/// of tricky race conditions. Instead, you might try one of these methods:
/// - Use a separate map with the HSteamNetConnection as the key.
/// - Fetch the userdata from the connection in your callback
/// using ISteamNetworkingSockets::GetConnectionUserData, to
// ensure you have the current value.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_ConnectionUserData = 40,
/// [connection int32] Minimum/maximum send rate clamp, 0 is no limit.
/// This value will control the min/max allowed sending rate that
/// bandwidth estimation is allowed to reach. Default is 0 (no-limit)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SendRateMin = 10,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SendRateMax = 11,
/// [connection int32] Nagle time, in microseconds. When SendMessage is called, if
/// the outgoing message is less than the size of the MTU, it will be
/// queued for a delay equal to the Nagle timer value. This is to ensure
/// that if the application sends several small messages rapidly, they are
/// coalesced into a single packet.
/// See historical RFC 896. Value is in microseconds.
/// Default is 5000us (5ms).
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_NagleTime = 12,
/// [connection int32] Don't automatically fail IP connections that don't have
/// strong auth. On clients, this means we will attempt the connection even if
/// we don't know our identity or can't get a cert. On the server, it means that
/// we won't automatically reject a connection due to a failure to authenticate.
/// (You can examine the incoming connection and decide whether to accept it.)
/// This is a dev configuration value, and you should not let users modify it in
/// production.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_IP_AllowWithoutAuth = 23,
/// [connection int32] Do not send UDP packets with a payload of
/// larger than N bytes. If you set this, k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_MTU_DataSize
/// is automatically adjusted
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_MTU_PacketSize = 32,
/// [connection int32] (read only) Maximum message size you can send that
/// will not fragment, based on k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_MTU_PacketSize
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_MTU_DataSize = 33,
/// [connection int32] Allow unencrypted (and unauthenticated) communication.
/// 0: Not allowed (the default)
/// 1: Allowed, but prefer encrypted
/// 2: Allowed, and preferred
/// 3: Required. (Fail the connection if the peer requires encryption.)
/// This is a dev configuration value, since its purpose is to disable encryption.
/// You should not let users modify it in production. (But note that it requires
/// the peer to also modify their value in order for encryption to be disabled.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Unencrypted = 34,
/// [connection int32] Set this to 1 on outbound connections and listen sockets,
/// to enable "symmetric connect mode", which is useful in the following
/// common peer-to-peer use case:
/// - The two peers are "equal" to each other. (Neither is clearly the "client"
/// or "server".)
/// - Either peer may initiate the connection, and indeed they may do this
/// at the same time
/// - The peers only desire a single connection to each other, and if both
/// peers initiate connections simultaneously, a protocol is needed for them
/// to resolve the conflict, so that we end up with a single connection.
/// This use case is both common, and involves subtle race conditions and tricky
/// pitfalls, which is why the API has support for dealing with it.
/// If an incoming connection arrives on a listen socket or via custom signaling,
/// and the application has not attempted to make a matching outbound connection
/// in symmetric mode, then the incoming connection can be accepted as usual.
/// A "matching" connection means that the relevant endpoint information matches.
/// (At the time this comment is being written, this is only supported for P2P
/// connections, which means that the peer identities must match, and the virtual
/// port must match. At a later time, symmetric mode may be supported for other
/// connection types.)
/// If connections are initiated by both peers simultaneously, race conditions
/// can arise, but fortunately, most of them are handled internally and do not
/// require any special awareness from the application. However, there
/// is one important case that application code must be aware of:
/// If application code attempts an outbound connection using a ConnectXxx
/// function in symmetric mode, and a matching incoming connection is already
/// waiting on a listen socket, then instead of forming a new connection,
/// the ConnectXxx call will accept the existing incoming connection, and return
/// a connection handle to this accepted connection.
/// IMPORTANT: in this case, a SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t
/// has probably *already* been posted to the queue for the incoming connection!
/// (Once callbacks are posted to the queue, they are not modified.) It doesn't
/// matter if the callback has not been consumed by the app. Thus, application
/// code that makes use of symmetric connections must be aware that, when processing a
/// SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t for an incoming connection, the
/// m_hConn may refer to a new connection that the app has has not
/// seen before (the usual case), but it may also refer to a connection that
/// has already been accepted implicitly through a call to Connect()! In this
/// case, AcceptConnection() will return k_EResultDuplicateRequest.
/// Only one symmetric connection to a given peer (on a given virtual port)
/// may exist at any given time. If client code attempts to create a connection,
/// and a (live) connection already exists on the local host, then either the
/// existing connection will be accepted as described above, or the attempt
/// to create a new connection will fail. Furthermore, linger mode functionality
/// is not supported on symmetric connections.
/// A more complicated race condition can arise if both peers initiate a connection
/// at roughly the same time. In this situation, each peer will receive an incoming
/// connection from the other peer, when the application code has already initiated
/// an outgoing connection to that peer. The peers must resolve this conflict and
/// decide who is going to act as the "server" and who will act as the "client".
/// Typically the application does not need to be aware of this case as it is handled
/// internally. On both sides, the will observe their outbound connection being
/// "accepted", although one of them one have been converted internally to act
/// as the "server".
/// In general, symmetric mode should be all-or-nothing: do not mix symmetric
/// connections with a non-symmetric connection that it might possible "match"
/// with. If you use symmetric mode on any connections, then both peers should
/// use it on all connections, and the corresponding listen socket, if any. The
/// behaviour when symmetric and ordinary connections are mixed is not defined by
/// this API, and you should not rely on it. (This advice only applies when connections
/// might possibly "match". For example, it's OK to use all symmetric mode
/// connections on one virtual port, and all ordinary, non-symmetric connections
/// on a different virtual port, as there is no potential for ambiguity.)
/// When using the feature, you should set it in the following situations on
/// applicable objects:
/// - When creating an outbound connection using ConnectXxx function
/// - When creating a listen socket. (Note that this will automatically cause
/// any accepted connections to inherit the flag.)
/// - When using custom signaling, before accepting an incoming connection.
/// Setting the flag on listen socket and accepted connections will enable the
/// API to automatically deal with duplicate incoming connections, even if the
/// local host has not made any outbound requests. (In general, such duplicate
/// requests from a peer are ignored internally and will not be visible to the
/// application code. The previous connection must be closed or resolved first.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SymmetricConnect = 37,
/// [connection int32] For connection types that use "virtual ports", this can be used
/// to assign a local virtual port. For incoming connections, this will always be the
/// virtual port of the listen socket (or the port requested by the remote host if custom
/// signaling is used and the connection is accepted), and cannot be changed. For
/// connections initiated locally, the local virtual port will default to the same as the
/// requested remote virtual port, if you do not specify a different option when creating
/// the connection. The local port is only relevant for symmetric connections, when
/// determining if two connections "match." In this case, if you need the local and remote
/// port to differ, you can set this value.
/// You can also read back this value on listen sockets.
/// This value should not be read or written in any other context.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LocalVirtualPort = 38,
/// [connection int32] Enable Dual wifi band support for this connection
/// 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = simulate it for debugging, even if dual wifi not available
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_DualWifi_Enable = 39,
/// [connection int32] True to enable diagnostics reporting through
/// generic platform UI. (Only available on Steam.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_EnableDiagnosticsUI = 46,
// Simulating network conditions
// These are global (not per-connection) because they apply at
// a relatively low UDP layer.
/// [global float, 0--100] Randomly discard N pct of packets instead of sending/recv
/// This is a global option only, since it is applied at a low level
/// where we don't have much context
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLoss_Send = 2,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLoss_Recv = 3,
/// [global int32]. Delay all outbound/inbound packets by N ms
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLag_Send = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLag_Recv = 5,
/// [global float] 0-100 Percentage of packets we will add additional delay
/// to (causing them to be reordered)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Send = 6,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Recv = 7,
/// [global int32] Extra delay, in ms, to apply to reordered packets.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Time = 8,
/// [global float 0--100] Globally duplicate some percentage of packets we send
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_Send = 26,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_Recv = 27,
/// [global int32] Amount of delay, in ms, to delay duplicated packets.
/// (We chose a random delay between 0 and this value)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_TimeMax = 28,
/// [global int32] Trace every UDP packet, similar to Wireshark or tcpdump.
/// Value is max number of bytes to dump. -1 disables tracing.
// 0 only traces the info but no actual data bytes
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_PacketTraceMaxBytes = 41,
// [global int32] Global UDP token bucket rate limits.
// "Rate" refers to the steady state rate. (Bytes/sec, the
// rate that tokens are put into the bucket.) "Burst"
// refers to the max amount that could be sent in a single
// burst. (In bytes, the max capacity of the bucket.)
// Rate=0 disables the limiter entirely, which is the default.
// Burst=0 disables burst. (This is not realistic. A
// burst of at least 4K is recommended; the default is higher.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakeRateLimit_Send_Rate = 42,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakeRateLimit_Send_Burst = 43,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakeRateLimit_Recv_Rate = 44,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakeRateLimit_Recv_Burst = 45,
// Callbacks
// On Steam, you may use the default Steam callback dispatch mechanism. If you prefer
// to not use this dispatch mechanism (or you are not running with Steam), or you want
// to associate specific functions with specific listen sockets or connections, you can
// register them as configuration values.
// Note also that ISteamNetworkingUtils has some helpers to set these globally.
/// [connection FnSteamNetConnectionStatusChanged] Callback that will be invoked
/// when the state of a connection changes.
/// IMPORTANT: callbacks are dispatched to the handler that is in effect at the time
/// the event occurs, which might be in another thread. For example, immediately after
/// creating a listen socket, you may receive an incoming connection. And then immediately
/// after this, the remote host may close the connection. All of this could happen
/// before the function to create the listen socket has returned. For this reason,
/// callbacks usually must be in effect at the time of object creation. This means
/// you should set them when you are creating the listen socket or connection, or have
/// them in effect so they will be inherited at the time of object creation.
/// For example:
/// exterm void MyStatusChangedFunc( SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t *info );
/// SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t opt; opt.SetPtr( k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_ConnectionStatusChanged, MyStatusChangedFunc );
/// SteamNetworkingIPAddr localAddress; localAddress.Clear();
/// HSteamListenSocket hListenSock = SteamNetworkingSockets()->CreateListenSocketIP( localAddress, 1, &opt );
/// When accepting an incoming connection, there is no atomic way to switch the
/// callback. However, if the connection is DOA, AcceptConnection() will fail, and
/// you can fetch the state of the connection at that time.
/// If all connections and listen sockets can use the same callback, the simplest
/// method is to set it globally before you create any listen sockets or connections.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_ConnectionStatusChanged = 201,
/// [global FnSteamNetAuthenticationStatusChanged] Callback that will be invoked
/// when our auth state changes. If you use this, install the callback before creating
/// any connections or listen sockets, and don't change it.
/// See: ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetGlobalCallback_SteamNetAuthenticationStatusChanged
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_AuthStatusChanged = 202,
/// [global FnSteamRelayNetworkStatusChanged] Callback that will be invoked
/// when our auth state changes. If you use this, install the callback before creating
/// any connections or listen sockets, and don't change it.
/// See: ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetGlobalCallback_SteamRelayNetworkStatusChanged
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_RelayNetworkStatusChanged = 203,
/// [global FnSteamNetworkingMessagesSessionRequest] Callback that will be invoked
/// when a peer wants to initiate a SteamNetworkingMessagesSessionRequest.
/// See: ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetGlobalCallback_MessagesSessionRequest
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_MessagesSessionRequest = 204,
/// [global FnSteamNetworkingMessagesSessionFailed] Callback that will be invoked
/// when a session you have initiated, or accepted either fails to connect, or loses
/// connection in some unexpected way.
/// See: ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetGlobalCallback_MessagesSessionFailed
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_MessagesSessionFailed = 205,
/// [global FnSteamNetworkingSocketsCreateConnectionSignaling] Callback that will
/// be invoked when we need to create a signaling object for a connection
/// initiated locally. See: ISteamNetworkingSockets::ConnectP2P,
/// ISteamNetworkingMessages.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_CreateConnectionSignaling = 206,
/// [global FnSteamNetworkingFakeIPResult] Callback that's invoked when
/// a FakeIP allocation finishes. See: ISteamNetworkingSockets::BeginAsyncRequestFakeIP,
/// ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetGlobalCallback_FakeIPResult
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_FakeIPResult = 207,
// P2P connection settings
// /// [listen socket int32] When you create a P2P listen socket, we will automatically
// /// open up a UDP port to listen for LAN connections. LAN connections can be made
// /// without any signaling: both sides can be disconnected from the Internet.
// ///
// /// This value can be set to zero to disable the feature.
// k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Discovery_Server_LocalPort = 101,
// /// [connection int32] P2P connections can perform broadcasts looking for the peer
// /// on the LAN.
// k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Discovery_Client_RemotePort = 102,
/// [connection string] Comma-separated list of STUN servers that can be used
/// for NAT piercing. If you set this to an empty string, NAT piercing will
/// not be attempted. Also if "public" candidates are not allowed for
/// P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable, then this is ignored.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_STUN_ServerList = 103,
/// [connection int32] What types of ICE candidates to share with the peer.
/// See k_nSteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable_xxx values
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable = 104,
/// [connection int32] When selecting P2P transport, add various
/// penalties to the scores for selected transports. (Route selection
/// scores are on a scale of milliseconds. The score begins with the
/// route ping time and is then adjusted.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Penalty = 105,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_SDR_Penalty = 106,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_TURN_ServerList = 107,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_TURN_UserList = 108,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_TURN_PassList = 109,
//k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_LANBeacon_Penalty = 107,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Implementation = 110,
// Settings for SDR relayed connections
/// [int32 global] If the first N pings to a port all fail, mark that port as unavailable for
/// a while, and try a different one. Some ISPs and routers may drop the first
/// packet, so setting this to 1 may greatly disrupt communications.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_ConsecutitivePingTimeoutsFailInitial = 19,
/// [int32 global] If N consecutive pings to a port fail, after having received successful
/// communication, mark that port as unavailable for a while, and try a
/// different one.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_ConsecutitivePingTimeoutsFail = 20,
/// [int32 global] Minimum number of lifetime pings we need to send, before we think our estimate
/// is solid. The first ping to each cluster is very often delayed because of NAT,
/// routers not having the best route, etc. Until we've sent a sufficient number
/// of pings, our estimate is often inaccurate. Keep pinging until we get this
/// many pings.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_MinPingsBeforePingAccurate = 21,
/// [int32 global] Set all steam datagram traffic to originate from the same
/// local port. By default, we open up a new UDP socket (on a different local
/// port) for each relay. This is slightly less optimal, but it works around
/// some routers that don't implement NAT properly. If you have intermittent
/// problems talking to relays that might be NAT related, try toggling
/// this flag
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_SingleSocket = 22,
/// [global string] Code of relay cluster to force use. If not empty, we will
/// only use relays in that cluster. E.g. 'iad'
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_ForceRelayCluster = 29,
/// [connection string] For debugging, generate our own (unsigned) ticket, using
/// the specified gameserver address. Router must be configured to accept unsigned
/// tickets.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_DebugTicketAddress = 30,
/// [global string] For debugging. Override list of relays from the config with
/// this set (maybe just one). Comma-separated list.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_ForceProxyAddr = 31,
/// [global string] For debugging. Force ping times to clusters to be the specified
/// values. A comma separated list of <cluster>=<ms> values. E.g. "sto=32,iad=100"
/// This is a dev configuration value, you probably should not let users modify it
/// in production.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_FakeClusterPing = 36,
// Log levels for debugging information of various subsystems.
// Higher numeric values will cause more stuff to be printed.
// See ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetDebugOutputFunction for more
// information
// The default for all values is k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Warning.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_AckRTT = 13, // [connection int32] RTT calculations for inline pings and replies
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_PacketDecode = 14, // [connection int32] log SNP packets send/recv
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_Message = 15, // [connection int32] log each message send/recv
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_PacketGaps = 16, // [connection int32] dropped packets
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_P2PRendezvous = 17, // [connection int32] P2P rendezvous messages
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_SDRRelayPings = 18, // [global int32] Ping relays
// Deleted, do not use
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_DELETED_EnumerateDevVars = 35,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfigValue__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
/// Return value of ISteamNetworkintgUtils::GetConfigValue
public enum ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValueResult : int {
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_BadValue = -1, // No such configuration value
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_BadScopeObj = -2, // Bad connection handle, etc
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_BufferTooSmall = -3, // Couldn't fit the result in your buffer
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_OK = 1,
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_OKInherited = 2, // A value was not set at this level, but the effective (inherited) value was returned.
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValueResult__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
// Debug output
/// Detail level for diagnostic output callback.
/// See ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetDebugOutputFunction
public enum ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType : int {
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_None = 0,
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Bug = 1, // You used the API incorrectly, or an internal error happened
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Error = 2, // Run-time error condition that isn't the result of a bug. (E.g. we are offline, cannot bind a port, etc)
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Important = 3, // Nothing is wrong, but this is an important notification
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Warning = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Msg = 5, // Recommended amount
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Verbose = 6, // Quite a bit
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Debug = 7, // Practically everything
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Everything = 8, // Wall of text, detailed packet contents breakdown, etc
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
public enum ESteamIPType : int {
k_ESteamIPTypeIPv4 = 0,
k_ESteamIPTypeIPv6 = 1,
// Steam universes. Each universe is a self-contained Steam instance.
public enum EUniverse : int {
k_EUniverseInvalid = 0,
k_EUniversePublic = 1,
k_EUniverseBeta = 2,
k_EUniverseInternal = 3,
k_EUniverseDev = 4,
// k_EUniverseRC = 5, // no such universe anymore