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2023-05-31 17:32:21 +02:00
using FishNet.Connection;
using FishNet.Managing.Logging;
using FishNet.Object;
using FishNet.Serializing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FishNet.Managing.Server
public sealed partial class ServerManager : MonoBehaviour
#region Private.
/// <summary>
/// Cached expected level of detail value.
/// </summary>
private uint _cachedLevelOfDetailInterval;
/// <summary>
/// Cached value of UseLod.
/// </summary>
private bool _cachedUseLod;
/// <summary>
/// Parses a received network LOD update.
/// </summary>
private void ParseNetworkLODUpdate(PooledReader reader, NetworkConnection conn)
if (!conn.Authenticated)
if (!NetworkManager.ObserverManager.GetUseNetworkLod())
conn.Kick(reader, KickReason.ExploitAttempt, LoggingType.Common, $"Connection [{conn.ClientId}] sent a level of detail update when the feature is not enabled.");
/* If local client then read out entries but do nothing.
* Local client doesn't technically have to send LOD because
* it's set on the client side but this code is kept in
* to simulate actual bandwidth. */
if (conn.IsLocalClient)
int w = reader.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
ReadLod(out _, out _);
uint packetTick = conn.LastPacketTick;
//Check if conn can send LOD.
uint lastLod = conn.LastLevelOfDetailUpdate;
//If previously set see if client is potentially exploiting.
if (lastLod != 0)
if ((packetTick - lastLod) < _cachedLevelOfDetailInterval)
conn.Kick(reader, KickReason.ExploitAttempt, LoggingType.Common, $"Connection [{conn.ClientId}] sent excessive level of detail updates.");
//Set last recv lod.
conn.LastLevelOfDetailUpdate = packetTick;
//Get server objects to save calls.
Dictionary<int, NetworkObject> serverObjects = Objects.Spawned;
//Get level of details for this connection and reset them.
Dictionary<NetworkObject, byte> levelOfDetails = conn.LevelOfDetails;
int written = reader.ReadInt32();
/* //TODO There is still an instance where client could simply say no LODs need
* updating and never update for their objects in the first place. This can be resolved
* by adding an observed object count to each connection and compare that to
* the size of the LOD collection. */
//Only process if some are written.
if (written > 0)
//Maximum infractions before a kick.
const int maximumInfractions = 15;
int currentInfractions = conn.LevelOfDetailInfractions;
int infractionsCounted = 0;
/* If the connection has no objects then LOD isn't capable
* of being calculated. It's possible the players object was destroyed after
* the LOD sent but we don't know for sure without adding extra checks.
* Rather than add recently destroyed player object checks if there are
* no player objects then just add an infraction. The odds of this happening regularly
* are pretty slim. */
if (conn.Objects.Count == 0)
if (AddInfraction(3))
conn.Kick(reader, KickReason.UnusualActivity, LoggingType.Common, $"Connection [{conn.ClientId}] has sent an excessive number of level of detail updates without having any player objects spawned.");
/* If written is more than spawned + recently despawned then
* the client is likely trying to exploit. */
if (written > (Objects.Spawned.Count + Objects.RecentlyDespawnedIds.Count))
conn.Kick(reader, KickReason.UnusualActivity, LoggingType.Common, $"Connection [{conn.ClientId}] sent a level of detail update for {written} items which exceeds spawned and recently despawned count.");
Vector3 connObjectPosition =;
//Pick a random object from the player to sample.
int objectIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, conn.Objects.Count);
int connObjectIteration = 0;
foreach (NetworkObject n in conn.Objects)
if (connObjectIteration == objectIndex)
connObjectPosition = n.transform.position;
//Flag to indicate found.
objectIndex = -1;
//Server somehow messed up. Should not be possible.
if (objectIndex != -1)
NetworkManager.LogError($"An object index of {objectIndex} could not be populated. Connection [{conn.ClientId}] object count is {conn.Objects.Count}.");
//Sample at most x entries per update.
int samplesRemaining = 10;
//Chance to sample an update.
const float sampleChance = 0.05f;
List<float> lodDistances = NetworkManager.ObserverManager.GetLevelOfDetailDistances();
int lodDistancesCount = lodDistances.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < written; i++)
int objectId;
byte lod;
ReadLod(out objectId, out lod);
//Lod is not possible.
if (lod >= lodDistancesCount)
conn.Kick(reader, KickReason.ExploitAttempt, LoggingType.Common, $"Connection [{conn.ClientId}] provided a level of detail index which is out of bounds.");
//Found in spawned, update lod.
if (serverObjects.TryGetValue(objectId, out NetworkObject nob))
//Value is unchanged.
if (levelOfDetails.TryGetValue(nob, out byte oldLod))
bool oldMatches = (oldLod == lod);
if (oldMatches && AddInfraction())
conn.Kick(reader, KickReason.UnusualActivity, LoggingType.Common, $"Connection [{conn.ClientId}] has excessively sent unchanged LOD information.");
//If to sample.
if (samplesRemaining > 0 && UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) <= sampleChance)
/* Only check if lod is less than maximum.
* If the client is hacking lods to specify maximum
* they are only doing the server a favor and hurting
* themselves with slower updates. */
if (lod < (lodDistancesCount - 1))
float specifiedLodDistance = lodDistances[lod];
float sqrMag = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(connObjectPosition - nob.transform.position);
/* If the found distance is actually larger than what client specified
* then it's possible client may be sending fake LODs. */
if (sqrMag > specifiedLodDistance)
if (AddInfraction())
conn.Kick(reader, KickReason.UnusualActivity, LoggingType.Common, $"Connection [{conn.ClientId}] provided an excessive number of incorrect LOD values.");
levelOfDetails[nob] = lod;
//Not found in spawn; validate that client isn't trying to exploit.
//Too many infractions.
if (AddInfraction())
conn.Kick(reader, KickReason.UnusualActivity, LoggingType.Common, $"Connection [{conn.ClientId}] has accumulated excessive level of detail infractions.");
//Adds an infraction returning if maximum infractions have been exceeded.
bool AddInfraction(int count = 1)
/* Only increase infractions at most 3 per iteration.
* This is to prevent a kick if the client perhaps had
* a massive lag spike. */
if (infractionsCounted < 3)
infractionsCounted += count;
bool overLimit = ((currentInfractions + infractionsCounted) >= maximumInfractions);
return overLimit;
//Reads a LOD.
void ReadLod(out int lObjectId, out byte lLod)
lObjectId = reader.ReadNetworkObjectId();
lLod = reader.ReadByte();
//Remove an infraction. This will steadily remove infractions over time.
if (conn.LevelOfDetailInfractions > 0)