using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; namespace Michsky.UI.Heat { public class PanelManager : MonoBehaviour { // Content public List panels = new List(); // Settings public int currentPanelIndex = 0; private int currentButtonIndex = 0; private int newPanelIndex; public bool cullPanels = true; [SerializeField] private bool initializeButtons = true; [SerializeField] private bool bypassAnimationOnEnable = false; [SerializeField] private UpdateMode updateMode = UpdateMode.UnscaledTime; [SerializeField] private PanelMode panelMode = PanelMode.Custom; [Range(0.75f, 2)] public float animationSpeed = 1; // Events [System.Serializable] public class PanelChangeCallback : UnityEvent { } public PanelChangeCallback onPanelChanged = new PanelChangeCallback(); // Helpers Animator currentPanel; Animator nextPanel; PanelButton currentButton; PanelButton nextButton; string panelFadeIn = "Panel In"; string panelFadeOut = "Panel Out"; string animSpeedKey = "AnimSpeed"; bool isInitialized = false; public float cachedStateLength = 1; [HideInInspector] public int managerIndex; public enum PanelMode { MainPanel, SubPanel, Custom } public enum UpdateMode { DeltaTime, UnscaledTime } [System.Serializable] public class PanelItem { [Tooltip("[Required] This is the variable that you use to call specific panels.")] public string panelName = "My Panel"; [Tooltip("[Required] Main panel object.")] public Animator panelObject; [Tooltip("[Optional] If you want the panel manager to have tabbing capability, you can assign a panel button here.")] public PanelButton panelButton; [Tooltip("[Optional] Alternate panel button variable that supports standard buttons instead of panel buttons.")] public ButtonManager altPanelButton; [Tooltip("[Optional] Alternate panel button variable that supports box buttons instead of panel buttons.")] public BoxButtonManager altBoxButton; [Tooltip("[Optional] This is the object that will be selected as the current UI object on panel activation. Useful for gamepad navigation.")] public GameObject firstSelected; [Tooltip("[Optional] Enables or disables child hotkeys depending on the panel state to avoid conflict between hotkeys.")] public Transform hotkeyParent; [Tooltip("Enable or disable panel navigation when using the 'Previous' or 'Next' methods.")] public bool disableNavigation = false; [HideInInspector] public GameObject latestSelected; [HideInInspector] public HotkeyEvent[] hotkeys; } void Awake() { if (panels.Count == 0) return; if (panelMode == PanelMode.MainPanel) { cachedStateLength = HeatUIInternalTools.GetAnimatorClipLength(panels[currentPanelIndex].panelObject, "MainPanel_In"); } else if (panelMode == PanelMode.SubPanel) { cachedStateLength = HeatUIInternalTools.GetAnimatorClipLength(panels[currentPanelIndex].panelObject, "SubPanel_In"); } else if (panelMode == PanelMode.Custom) { cachedStateLength = 1f; } } void Start() { if (ControllerManager.instance != null) { managerIndex = ControllerManager.instance.panels.Count; ControllerManager.instance.panels.Add(this); } if (panels.Count == 0) { return; } InitializePanels(); } void OnEnable() { if (ControllerManager.instance != null) { ControllerManager.instance.currentManagerIndex = managerIndex; } if (bypassAnimationOnEnable) { for (int i = 0; i < panels.Count; i++) { if (panels[i].panelObject == null) continue; if (currentPanelIndex == i) { panels[i].panelObject.gameObject.SetActive(true); panels[i].panelObject.enabled = true; panels[i].panelObject.Play("Panel Instant In"); } else { panels[i].panelObject.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } else if (isInitialized && !bypassAnimationOnEnable && nextPanel == null) { currentPanel.enabled = true; currentPanel.SetFloat(animSpeedKey, animationSpeed); currentPanel.Play(panelFadeIn); if (currentButton != null) { currentButton.SetSelected(true); } } else if (isInitialized && !bypassAnimationOnEnable && nextPanel != null) { nextPanel.enabled = true; nextPanel.SetFloat(animSpeedKey, animationSpeed); nextPanel.Play(panelFadeIn); if (nextButton != null) { nextButton.SetSelected(true); } } StopCoroutine("DisablePreviousPanel"); StopCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); StartCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); } public void InitializePanels() { if (panels[currentPanelIndex].panelButton != null) { currentButton = panels[currentPanelIndex].panelButton; currentButton.SetSelected(true); } currentPanel = panels[currentPanelIndex].panelObject; currentPanel.enabled = true; currentPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); currentPanel.SetFloat(animSpeedKey, animationSpeed); currentPanel.Play(panelFadeIn); onPanelChanged.Invoke(currentPanelIndex); isInitialized = true; for (int i = 0; i < panels.Count; i++) { if (panels[i].panelObject == null) { continue; } if (panels[i].hotkeyParent != null) { panels[i].hotkeys = panels[i].hotkeyParent.GetComponentsInChildren(); } if (i != currentPanelIndex && cullPanels) { panels[i].panelObject.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (initializeButtons) { string tempName = panels[i].panelName; if (panels[i].panelButton != null) { panels[i].panelButton.onClick.AddListener(() => OpenPanel(tempName)); } if (panels[i].altPanelButton != null) { panels[i].altPanelButton.onClick.AddListener(() => OpenPanel(tempName)); } if (panels[i].altBoxButton != null) { panels[i].altBoxButton.onClick.AddListener(() => OpenPanel(tempName)); } } } StopCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); StartCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); } public void OpenFirstPanel() { OpenPanelByIndex(0); } public void OpenPanel(string newPanel) { bool catchedPanel = false; for (int i = 0; i < panels.Count; i++) { if (panels[i].panelName == newPanel) { newPanelIndex = i; catchedPanel = true; break; } } if (catchedPanel == false) { Debug.LogWarning("There is no panel named '" + newPanel + "' in the panel list.", this); return; } if (newPanelIndex != currentPanelIndex) { if (cullPanels) { StopCoroutine("DisablePreviousPanel"); } if (ControllerManager.instance != null) { ControllerManager.instance.currentManagerIndex = managerIndex; } currentPanel = panels[currentPanelIndex].panelObject; if (panels[currentPanelIndex].hotkeyParent != null) { foreach (HotkeyEvent he in panels[currentPanelIndex].hotkeys) { he.enabled = false; } } if (panels[currentPanelIndex].panelButton != null) { currentButton = panels[currentPanelIndex].panelButton; } if (ControllerManager.instance != null && EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject != null) { panels[currentPanelIndex].latestSelected = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject; } currentPanelIndex = newPanelIndex; nextPanel = panels[currentPanelIndex].panelObject; nextPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); currentPanel.enabled = true; nextPanel.enabled = true; currentPanel.SetFloat(animSpeedKey, animationSpeed); nextPanel.SetFloat(animSpeedKey, animationSpeed); currentPanel.Play(panelFadeOut); nextPanel.Play(panelFadeIn); if (cullPanels) { StartCoroutine("DisablePreviousPanel"); } if (panels[currentPanelIndex].hotkeyParent != null) { foreach (HotkeyEvent he in panels[currentPanelIndex].hotkeys) { he.enabled = true; } } currentButtonIndex = newPanelIndex; if (ControllerManager.instance != null && panels[currentPanelIndex].latestSelected != null) { ControllerManager.instance.SelectUIObject(panels[currentPanelIndex].latestSelected); } else if (ControllerManager.instance != null && panels[currentPanelIndex].latestSelected == null) { ControllerManager.instance.SelectUIObject(panels[currentPanelIndex].firstSelected); } if (currentButton != null) { currentButton.SetSelected(false); } if (panels[currentButtonIndex].panelButton != null) { nextButton = panels[currentButtonIndex].panelButton; nextButton.SetSelected(true); } onPanelChanged.Invoke(currentPanelIndex); StopCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); StartCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); } } public void OpenPanelByIndex(int panelIndex) { if (panelIndex > panels.Count || panelIndex < 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Index '" + panelIndex.ToString() + "' doesn't exist.", this); return; } for (int i = 0; i < panels.Count; i++) { if (panels[i].panelName == panels[panelIndex].panelName) { OpenPanel(panels[panelIndex].panelName); break; } } } public void NextPanel() { if (currentPanelIndex <= panels.Count - 2 && !panels[currentPanelIndex + 1].disableNavigation) { OpenPanelByIndex(currentPanelIndex + 1); } } public void PreviousPanel() { if (currentPanelIndex >= 1 && !panels[currentPanelIndex - 1].disableNavigation) { OpenPanelByIndex(currentPanelIndex - 1); } } public void ShowCurrentPanel() { if (nextPanel == null) { StopCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); StartCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); currentPanel.enabled = true; currentPanel.SetFloat(animSpeedKey, animationSpeed); currentPanel.Play(panelFadeIn); } else { StopCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); StartCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); nextPanel.enabled = true; nextPanel.SetFloat(animSpeedKey, animationSpeed); nextPanel.Play(panelFadeIn); } } public void HideCurrentPanel() { if (nextPanel == null) { StopCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); StartCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); currentPanel.enabled = true; currentPanel.SetFloat(animSpeedKey, animationSpeed); currentPanel.Play(panelFadeOut); } else { StopCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); StartCoroutine("DisableAnimators"); nextPanel.enabled = true; nextPanel.SetFloat(animSpeedKey, animationSpeed); nextPanel.Play(panelFadeOut); } } public void ShowCurrentButton() { if (nextButton == null) { currentButton.SetSelected(true); } else { nextButton.SetSelected(true); } } public void HideCurrentButton() { if (nextButton == null) { currentButton.SetSelected(false); } else { nextButton.SetSelected(false); } } public void AddNewItem() { PanelItem panel = new PanelItem(); if (panels.Count != 0 && panels[panels.Count - 1].panelObject != null) { int tempIndex = panels.Count - 1; GameObject tempPanel = panels[tempIndex].panelObject.transform.parent.GetChild(tempIndex).gameObject; GameObject newPanel = Instantiate(tempPanel, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newPanel.transform.SetParent(panels[tempIndex].panelObject.transform.parent, false); = "New Panel " + tempIndex.ToString(); panel.panelName = "New Panel " + tempIndex.ToString(); panel.panelObject = newPanel.GetComponent(); if (panels[tempIndex].panelButton != null) { GameObject tempButton = panels[tempIndex].panelButton.transform.parent.GetChild(tempIndex).gameObject; GameObject newButton = Instantiate(tempButton, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newButton.transform.SetParent(panels[tempIndex].panelButton.transform.parent, false); = "New Panel " + tempIndex.ToString(); panel.panelButton = newButton.GetComponent(); } else if (panels[tempIndex].altPanelButton != null) { GameObject tempButton = panels[tempIndex].altPanelButton.transform.parent.GetChild(tempIndex).gameObject; GameObject newButton = Instantiate(tempButton, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newButton.transform.SetParent(panels[tempIndex].panelButton.transform.parent, false); = "New Panel " + tempIndex.ToString(); panel.altPanelButton = newButton.GetComponent(); } else if (panels[tempIndex].altBoxButton != null) { GameObject tempButton = panels[tempIndex].altBoxButton.transform.parent.GetChild(tempIndex).gameObject; GameObject newButton = Instantiate(tempButton, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newButton.transform.SetParent(panels[tempIndex].panelButton.transform.parent, false); = "New Panel " + tempIndex.ToString(); panel.altBoxButton = newButton.GetComponent(); } } panels.Add(panel); } IEnumerator DisablePreviousPanel() { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.UnscaledTime) { yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(cachedStateLength * animationSpeed); } else { yield return new WaitForSeconds(cachedStateLength * animationSpeed); } for (int i = 0; i < panels.Count; i++) { if (i == currentPanelIndex) continue; panels[i].panelObject.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } IEnumerator DisableAnimators() { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.UnscaledTime) { yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(cachedStateLength * animationSpeed); } else { yield return new WaitForSeconds(cachedStateLength * animationSpeed); } if (currentPanel != null) { currentPanel.enabled = false; } if (nextPanel != null) { nextPanel.enabled = false; } } } }