using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace FishNet.Managing.Scened
/// Data container about a scene unload start.
public struct SceneUnloadStartEventArgs
/// Queue data used by the current scene action.
public readonly UnloadQueueData QueueData;
internal SceneUnloadStartEventArgs(UnloadQueueData sqd)
QueueData = sqd;
/// Data container about a scene unload end.
public struct SceneUnloadEndEventArgs
/// Queue data used by the current scene action.
public readonly UnloadQueueData QueueData;
/// Handles of scenes which were successfully unloaded.
[Obsolete("Use UnloadedScenesV2")]
public int[] UnloadedSceneHandles;
/// Names of scenes which were successfully unloaded.
[Obsolete("Use UnloadedScenesV2")]
public string[] UnloadedSceneNames;
/// Scenes which were successfully unloaded.
/// This collection may be populated with empty scenes depending on engine version.
public List UnloadedScenes;
/// Unloaded scenes with names and handles cached.
/// This will be renamed as UnloadedScenes in Fish-Networking version 4.
public List UnloadedScenesV2;
internal SceneUnloadEndEventArgs(UnloadQueueData sqd, List unloadedScenes, List newUnloadedScenes)
QueueData = sqd;
UnloadedScenes = unloadedScenes;
UnloadedScenesV2 = newUnloadedScenes;
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
UnloadedSceneNames = new string[newUnloadedScenes.Count];
UnloadedSceneHandles = new int[newUnloadedScenes.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < newUnloadedScenes.Count; i++)
UnloadedSceneNames[i] = newUnloadedScenes[i].Name;
UnloadedSceneHandles[i] = newUnloadedScenes[i].Handle;
#pragma warning restore CS0618