using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityScene = UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene;
namespace FishNet.Managing.Scened
public abstract class SceneProcessorBase : MonoBehaviour
#region Protected.
/// SceneManager for this processor.
protected SceneManager SceneManager;
/// Initializes this script for use.
/// SceneManager which will be utilizing this class.
public virtual void Initialize(SceneManager manager)
SceneManager = manager;
/// Called when scene loading has begun.
public virtual void LoadStart(LoadQueueData queueData) { }
/// Called when scene loading has ended.
public virtual void LoadEnd(LoadQueueData queueData) { }
/// Called when scene unloading has begun within a load operation.
public virtual void UnloadStart(LoadQueueData queueData) { }
/// Called when scene unloading has ended within a load operation.
public virtual void UnloadEnd(LoadQueueData queueData) { }
/// Called when scene unloading has begun within an unload operation.
public virtual void UnloadStart(UnloadQueueData queueData) { }
/// Called when scene unloading has ended within an unload operation.
public virtual void UnloadEnd(UnloadQueueData queueData) { }
/// Begin loading a scene using an async method.
/// Scene name to load.
public abstract void BeginLoadAsync(string sceneName, LoadSceneParameters parameters);
/// Begin unloading a scene using an async method.
/// Scene name to unload.
public abstract void BeginUnloadAsync(Scene scene);
/// Returns if a scene load or unload percent is done.
public abstract bool IsPercentComplete();
/// Returns the progress on the current scene load or unload.
public abstract float GetPercentComplete();
/// Adds a scene to loaded scenes.
/// Scene loaded.
public virtual void AddLoadedScene(Scene scene) { }
/// Returns scenes which were loaded during a load operation.
public abstract List GetLoadedScenes();
/// Activates scenes which were loaded.
public abstract void ActivateLoadedScenes();
/// Returns if all asynchronized tasks are considered IsDone.
public abstract IEnumerator AsyncsIsDone();