// This file is provided under The MIT License as part of Steamworks.NET.
// Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Riley Labrecque
// Please see the included LICENSE.txt for additional information.

// This file is automatically generated.
// Changes to this file will be reverted when you update Steamworks.NET



// Unity 32bit Mono on Windows crashes with ThisCall for some reason, StdCall without the 'this' ptr is the only thing that works..?
	#define NOTHISPTR

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Steamworks {
	// Purpose: Callback interface for receiving responses after a server list refresh
	// or an individual server update.
	// Since you get these callbacks after requesting full list refreshes you will
	// usually implement this interface inside an object like CServerBrowser.  If that
	// object is getting destructed you should use ISteamMatchMakingServers()->CancelQuery()
	// to cancel any in-progress queries so you don't get a callback into the destructed
	// object and crash.
	public class ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse {
		// Server has responded ok with updated data
		public delegate void ServerResponded(HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer);
		// Server has failed to respond
		public delegate void ServerFailedToRespond(HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer);
		// A list refresh you had initiated is now 100% completed
		public delegate void RefreshComplete(HServerListRequest hRequest, EMatchMakingServerResponse response);

		private VTable m_VTable;
		private IntPtr m_pVTable;
		private GCHandle m_pGCHandle;
		private ServerResponded m_ServerResponded;
		private ServerFailedToRespond m_ServerFailedToRespond;
		private RefreshComplete m_RefreshComplete;

		public ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse(ServerResponded onServerResponded, ServerFailedToRespond onServerFailedToRespond, RefreshComplete onRefreshComplete) {
			if (onServerResponded == null || onServerFailedToRespond == null || onRefreshComplete == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			m_ServerResponded = onServerResponded;
			m_ServerFailedToRespond = onServerFailedToRespond;
			m_RefreshComplete = onRefreshComplete;

			m_VTable = new VTable() {
				m_VTServerResponded = InternalOnServerResponded,
				m_VTServerFailedToRespond = InternalOnServerFailedToRespond,
				m_VTRefreshComplete = InternalOnRefreshComplete
			m_pVTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VTable)));
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(m_VTable, m_pVTable, false);

			m_pGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(m_pVTable, GCHandleType.Pinned);

		~ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse() {
			if (m_pVTable != IntPtr.Zero) {

			if (m_pGCHandle.IsAllocated) {

		private delegate void InternalServerResponded(HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer);
		private delegate void InternalServerFailedToRespond(HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer);
		private delegate void InternalRefreshComplete(HServerListRequest hRequest, EMatchMakingServerResponse response);
		private void InternalOnServerResponded(HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer) {
				m_ServerResponded(hRequest, iServer);
			catch (Exception e)
		private void InternalOnServerFailedToRespond(HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer) {
				m_ServerFailedToRespond(hRequest, iServer);
			catch (Exception e)
		private void InternalOnRefreshComplete(HServerListRequest hRequest, EMatchMakingServerResponse response) {
				m_RefreshComplete(hRequest, response);
			catch (Exception e)
		private delegate void InternalServerResponded(IntPtr thisptr, HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer);
		private delegate void InternalServerFailedToRespond(IntPtr thisptr, HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer);
		private delegate void InternalRefreshComplete(IntPtr thisptr, HServerListRequest hRequest, EMatchMakingServerResponse response);
		private void InternalOnServerResponded(IntPtr thisptr, HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer) {
				m_ServerResponded(hRequest, iServer);
			catch (Exception e)
		private void InternalOnServerFailedToRespond(IntPtr thisptr, HServerListRequest hRequest, int iServer) {
				m_ServerFailedToRespond(hRequest, iServer);
			catch (Exception e)
		private void InternalOnRefreshComplete(IntPtr thisptr, HServerListRequest hRequest, EMatchMakingServerResponse response) {
				m_RefreshComplete(hRequest, response);
			catch (Exception e)

		private class VTable {
			public InternalServerResponded m_VTServerResponded;

			public InternalServerFailedToRespond m_VTServerFailedToRespond;

			public InternalRefreshComplete m_VTRefreshComplete;

		public static explicit operator System.IntPtr(ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse that) {
			return that.m_pGCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();

	// Purpose: Callback interface for receiving responses after pinging an individual server
	// These callbacks all occur in response to querying an individual server
	// via the ISteamMatchmakingServers()->PingServer() call below.  If you are
	// destructing an object that implements this interface then you should call
	// ISteamMatchmakingServers()->CancelServerQuery() passing in the handle to the query
	// which is in progress.  Failure to cancel in progress queries when destructing
	// a callback handler may result in a crash when a callback later occurs.
	public class ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse {
		// Server has responded successfully and has updated data
		public delegate void ServerResponded(gameserveritem_t server);

		// Server failed to respond to the ping request
		public delegate void ServerFailedToRespond();

		private VTable m_VTable;
		private IntPtr m_pVTable;
		private GCHandle m_pGCHandle;
		private ServerResponded m_ServerResponded;
		private ServerFailedToRespond m_ServerFailedToRespond;

		public ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse(ServerResponded onServerResponded, ServerFailedToRespond onServerFailedToRespond) {
			if (onServerResponded == null || onServerFailedToRespond == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			m_ServerResponded = onServerResponded;
			m_ServerFailedToRespond = onServerFailedToRespond;

			m_VTable = new VTable() {
				m_VTServerResponded = InternalOnServerResponded,
				m_VTServerFailedToRespond = InternalOnServerFailedToRespond,
			m_pVTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VTable)));
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(m_VTable, m_pVTable, false);

			m_pGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(m_pVTable, GCHandleType.Pinned);

		~ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse() {
			if (m_pVTable != IntPtr.Zero) {

			if (m_pGCHandle.IsAllocated) {

		private delegate void InternalServerResponded(gameserveritem_t server);
		private delegate void InternalServerFailedToRespond();
		private void InternalOnServerResponded(gameserveritem_t server) {
		private void InternalOnServerFailedToRespond() {
		private delegate void InternalServerResponded(IntPtr thisptr, gameserveritem_t server);
		private delegate void InternalServerFailedToRespond(IntPtr thisptr);
		private void InternalOnServerResponded(IntPtr thisptr, gameserveritem_t server) {
		private void InternalOnServerFailedToRespond(IntPtr thisptr) {

		private class VTable {
			public InternalServerResponded m_VTServerResponded;

			public InternalServerFailedToRespond m_VTServerFailedToRespond;

		public static explicit operator System.IntPtr(ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse that) {
			return that.m_pGCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();

	// Purpose: Callback interface for receiving responses after requesting details on
	// who is playing on a particular server.
	// These callbacks all occur in response to querying an individual server
	// via the ISteamMatchmakingServers()->PlayerDetails() call below.  If you are
	// destructing an object that implements this interface then you should call
	// ISteamMatchmakingServers()->CancelServerQuery() passing in the handle to the query
	// which is in progress.  Failure to cancel in progress queries when destructing
	// a callback handler may result in a crash when a callback later occurs.
	public class ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse {
		// Got data on a new player on the server -- you'll get this callback once per player
		// on the server which you have requested player data on.
		public delegate void AddPlayerToList(string pchName, int nScore, float flTimePlayed);

		// The server failed to respond to the request for player details
		public delegate void PlayersFailedToRespond();

		// The server has finished responding to the player details request
		// (ie, you won't get anymore AddPlayerToList callbacks)
		public delegate void PlayersRefreshComplete();

		private VTable m_VTable;
		private IntPtr m_pVTable;
		private GCHandle m_pGCHandle;
		private AddPlayerToList m_AddPlayerToList;
		private PlayersFailedToRespond m_PlayersFailedToRespond;
		private PlayersRefreshComplete m_PlayersRefreshComplete;

		public ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse(AddPlayerToList onAddPlayerToList, PlayersFailedToRespond onPlayersFailedToRespond, PlayersRefreshComplete onPlayersRefreshComplete) {
			if (onAddPlayerToList == null || onPlayersFailedToRespond == null || onPlayersRefreshComplete == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			m_AddPlayerToList = onAddPlayerToList;
			m_PlayersFailedToRespond = onPlayersFailedToRespond;
			m_PlayersRefreshComplete = onPlayersRefreshComplete;

			m_VTable = new VTable() {
				m_VTAddPlayerToList = InternalOnAddPlayerToList,
				m_VTPlayersFailedToRespond = InternalOnPlayersFailedToRespond,
				m_VTPlayersRefreshComplete = InternalOnPlayersRefreshComplete
			m_pVTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VTable)));
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(m_VTable, m_pVTable, false);

			m_pGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(m_pVTable, GCHandleType.Pinned);

		~ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse() {
			if (m_pVTable != IntPtr.Zero) {

			if (m_pGCHandle.IsAllocated) {

		public delegate void InternalAddPlayerToList(IntPtr pchName, int nScore, float flTimePlayed);
		public delegate void InternalPlayersFailedToRespond();
		public delegate void InternalPlayersRefreshComplete();
		private void InternalOnAddPlayerToList(IntPtr pchName, int nScore, float flTimePlayed) {
			m_AddPlayerToList(InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchName), nScore, flTimePlayed);
		private void InternalOnPlayersFailedToRespond() {
		private void InternalOnPlayersRefreshComplete() {
		public delegate void InternalAddPlayerToList(IntPtr thisptr, IntPtr pchName, int nScore, float flTimePlayed);
		public delegate void InternalPlayersFailedToRespond(IntPtr thisptr);
		public delegate void InternalPlayersRefreshComplete(IntPtr thisptr);
		private void InternalOnAddPlayerToList(IntPtr thisptr, IntPtr pchName, int nScore, float flTimePlayed) {
			m_AddPlayerToList(InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchName), nScore, flTimePlayed);
		private void InternalOnPlayersFailedToRespond(IntPtr thisptr) {
		private void InternalOnPlayersRefreshComplete(IntPtr thisptr) {

		private class VTable {
			public InternalAddPlayerToList m_VTAddPlayerToList;

			public InternalPlayersFailedToRespond m_VTPlayersFailedToRespond;

			public InternalPlayersRefreshComplete m_VTPlayersRefreshComplete;

		public static explicit operator System.IntPtr(ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse that) {
			return that.m_pGCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();

	// Purpose: Callback interface for receiving responses after requesting rules
	// details on a particular server.
	// These callbacks all occur in response to querying an individual server
	// via the ISteamMatchmakingServers()->ServerRules() call below.  If you are
	// destructing an object that implements this interface then you should call
	// ISteamMatchmakingServers()->CancelServerQuery() passing in the handle to the query
	// which is in progress.  Failure to cancel in progress queries when destructing
	// a callback handler may result in a crash when a callback later occurs.
	public class ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse {
		// Got data on a rule on the server -- you'll get one of these per rule defined on
		// the server you are querying
		public delegate void RulesResponded(string pchRule, string pchValue);

		// The server failed to respond to the request for rule details
		public delegate void RulesFailedToRespond();

		// The server has finished responding to the rule details request
		// (ie, you won't get anymore RulesResponded callbacks)
		public delegate void RulesRefreshComplete();

		private VTable m_VTable;
		private IntPtr m_pVTable;
		private GCHandle m_pGCHandle;
		private RulesResponded m_RulesResponded;
		private RulesFailedToRespond m_RulesFailedToRespond;
		private RulesRefreshComplete m_RulesRefreshComplete;

		public ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse(RulesResponded onRulesResponded, RulesFailedToRespond onRulesFailedToRespond, RulesRefreshComplete onRulesRefreshComplete) {
			if (onRulesResponded == null || onRulesFailedToRespond == null || onRulesRefreshComplete == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			m_RulesResponded = onRulesResponded;
			m_RulesFailedToRespond = onRulesFailedToRespond;
			m_RulesRefreshComplete = onRulesRefreshComplete;

			m_VTable = new VTable() {
				m_VTRulesResponded = InternalOnRulesResponded,
				m_VTRulesFailedToRespond = InternalOnRulesFailedToRespond,
				m_VTRulesRefreshComplete = InternalOnRulesRefreshComplete
			m_pVTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VTable)));
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(m_VTable, m_pVTable, false);

			m_pGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(m_pVTable, GCHandleType.Pinned);

		~ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse() {
			if (m_pVTable != IntPtr.Zero) {

			if (m_pGCHandle.IsAllocated) {

		public delegate void InternalRulesResponded(IntPtr pchRule, IntPtr pchValue);
		public delegate void InternalRulesFailedToRespond();
		public delegate void InternalRulesRefreshComplete();
		private void InternalOnRulesResponded(IntPtr pchRule, IntPtr pchValue) {
			m_RulesResponded(InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchRule), InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchValue));
		private void InternalOnRulesFailedToRespond() {
		private void InternalOnRulesRefreshComplete() {
		public delegate void InternalRulesResponded(IntPtr thisptr, IntPtr pchRule, IntPtr pchValue);
		public delegate void InternalRulesFailedToRespond(IntPtr thisptr);
		public delegate void InternalRulesRefreshComplete(IntPtr thisptr);
		private void InternalOnRulesResponded(IntPtr thisptr, IntPtr pchRule, IntPtr pchValue) {
			m_RulesResponded(InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchRule), InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchValue));
		private void InternalOnRulesFailedToRespond(IntPtr thisptr) {
		private void InternalOnRulesRefreshComplete(IntPtr thisptr) {

		private class VTable {
			public InternalRulesResponded m_VTRulesResponded;

			public InternalRulesFailedToRespond m_VTRulesFailedToRespond;

			public InternalRulesRefreshComplete m_VTRulesRefreshComplete;

		public static explicit operator System.IntPtr(ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse that) {
			return that.m_pGCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();