using FishNet.Object; using UnityEngine; namespace FishNet.Demo.NetworkLod { public class MoveRandomly : NetworkBehaviour { //Colors green for client. [SerializeField] private Renderer _renderer; //Time to move to new position. private const float _moveRate = 3f; //Maximum range for new position. private const float _range = 10f; //Position to move towards. private Vector3 _goal; //Position at spawn. private Vector3 _start; private void Update() { //Client should not move these. if (base.IsClientOnly) return; //Server shouldn't move client one. if (base.Owner.IsValid) return; transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, _goal, _moveRate * Time.deltaTime); if (transform.position == _goal) RandomizeGoal(); } public override void OnStartNetwork() { base.OnStartNetwork(); _start = transform.position; RandomizeGoal(); if (_renderer != null && base.Owner.IsActive) _renderer.material.color =; } private void RandomizeGoal() { _goal = _start + (Random.insideUnitSphere * _range); } } }