using FishNet.Transporting;
using FishNet.Transporting.Multipass;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FishNet.Managing.Transporting
/// Communicates with the Transport to send and receive data.
public sealed partial class TransportManager : MonoBehaviour
#region Public.
/// Returns IsLocalTransport for the current transport.
public bool IsLocalTransport(int connectionId) => (Transport == null) ? false : Transport.IsLocalTransport(connectionId);
/// Gets transport on index.
/// Commonly index will be 0 unless using Multipass.
public Transport GetTransport(int index)
//If using multipass try to find the correct transport.
if (Transport is Multipass mp)
return mp.GetTransport(index);
//Not using multipass.
return Transport;
/// Gets transport of type T.
/// Returns the found transport which is of type T. Returns default of T if not found.
public T GetTransport() where T : Transport
//If using multipass try to find the correct transport.
if (Transport is Multipass mp)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(Multipass))
return (T)(object)mp;
return mp.GetTransport();
//Not using multipass.
if (Transport.GetType() == typeof(T))
return (T)(object)Transport;
return default(T);