455 lines
19 KiB
455 lines
19 KiB
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
namespace Michsky.UI.Heat
public class ButtonManager : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler, ISelectHandler, IDeselectHandler, ISubmitHandler
// Content
public Sprite buttonIcon;
public string buttonText = "Button";
[Range(0.1f, 10)] public float iconScale = 1;
[Range(1, 200)] public float textSize = 24;
// Resources
[SerializeField] private CanvasGroup normalCG;
[SerializeField] private CanvasGroup highlightCG;
[SerializeField] private CanvasGroup disabledCG;
public TextMeshProUGUI normalTextObj;
public TextMeshProUGUI highlightTextObj;
public TextMeshProUGUI disabledTextObj;
public Image normalImageObj;
public Image highlightImageObj;
public Image disabledImageObj;
// Auto Size
public bool autoFitContent = true;
public Padding padding;
[Range(0, 100)] public int spacing = 12;
[SerializeField] private HorizontalLayoutGroup disabledLayout;
[SerializeField] private HorizontalLayoutGroup normalLayout;
[SerializeField] private HorizontalLayoutGroup highlightedLayout;
public HorizontalLayoutGroup mainLayout;
[SerializeField] private ContentSizeFitter mainFitter;
[SerializeField] private ContentSizeFitter targetFitter;
[SerializeField] private RectTransform targetRect;
// Settings
public bool isInteractable = true;
public bool enableIcon = false;
public bool enableText = true;
public bool useCustomContent = false;
[SerializeField] private bool useCustomTextSize = false;
public bool checkForDoubleClick = true;
public bool useLocalization = true;
public bool bypassUpdateOnEnable = false;
public bool useUINavigation = false;
public Navigation.Mode navigationMode = Navigation.Mode.Automatic;
public GameObject selectOnUp;
public GameObject selectOnDown;
public GameObject selectOnLeft;
public GameObject selectOnRight;
public bool wrapAround = false;
public bool useSounds = true;
[Range(0.1f, 1)] public float doubleClickPeriod = 0.25f;
[Range(1, 15)] public float fadingMultiplier = 8;
// Events
public UnityEvent onClick = new UnityEvent();
public UnityEvent onDoubleClick = new UnityEvent();
public UnityEvent onHover = new UnityEvent();
public UnityEvent onLeave = new UnityEvent();
public UnityEvent onSelect = new UnityEvent();
public UnityEvent onDeselect = new UnityEvent();
// Helpers
bool isInitialized = false;
Button targetButton;
LocalizedObject localizedObject;
bool waitingForDoubleClickInput;
public int latestTabIndex = 0;
[System.Serializable] public class Padding { public int left = 18; public int right = 18; public int top = 15; public int bottom = 15; }
void OnEnable()
if (!isInitialized) { Initialize(); }
if (!bypassUpdateOnEnable) { UpdateUI(); }
if (Application.isPlaying && useUINavigation) { AddUINavigation(); }
else if (Application.isPlaying && !useUINavigation && targetButton == null)
targetButton = gameObject.AddComponent<Button>();
targetButton.transition = Selectable.Transition.None;
void OnDisable()
if (!isInteractable)
if (disabledCG != null) { disabledCG.alpha = 0; }
if (normalCG != null) { normalCG.alpha = 1; }
if (highlightCG != null) { highlightCG.alpha = 0; }
void Initialize()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
if (ControllerManager.instance != null) { ControllerManager.instance.buttons.Add(this); }
if (UIManagerAudio.instance == null) { useSounds = false; }
if (normalCG == null) { normalCG = new GameObject().AddComponent<CanvasGroup>(); normalCG.gameObject.AddComponent<RectTransform>(); normalCG.transform.SetParent(transform); normalCG.gameObject.name = "Normal"; }
if (highlightCG == null) { highlightCG = new GameObject().AddComponent<CanvasGroup>(); highlightCG.gameObject.AddComponent<RectTransform>(); highlightCG.transform.SetParent(transform); highlightCG.gameObject.name = "Highlight"; }
if (disabledCG == null) { disabledCG = new GameObject().AddComponent<CanvasGroup>(); disabledCG.gameObject.AddComponent<RectTransform>(); disabledCG.transform.SetParent(transform); disabledCG.gameObject.name = "Disabled"; }
if (GetComponent<Image>() == null)
Image raycastImg = gameObject.AddComponent<Image>();
raycastImg.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
raycastImg.raycastTarget = true;
normalCG.alpha = 1;
highlightCG.alpha = 0;
disabledCG.alpha = 0;
if (useLocalization && !useCustomContent)
localizedObject = gameObject.GetComponent<LocalizedObject>();
if (localizedObject == null || !localizedObject.CheckLocalizationStatus()) { useLocalization = false; }
else if (localizedObject != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(localizedObject.localizationKey))
// Forcing button to take the localized output on awake
buttonText = localizedObject.GetKeyOutput(localizedObject.localizationKey);
// Change button text on language change
buttonText = localizedObject.GetKeyOutput(localizedObject.localizationKey);
isInitialized = true;
public void UpdateUI()
if (!autoFitContent)
if (mainFitter != null) { mainFitter.enabled = false; }
if (mainLayout != null) { mainLayout.enabled = false; }
if (disabledLayout != null) { disabledLayout.childForceExpandWidth = false; }
if (normalLayout != null) { normalLayout.childForceExpandWidth = false; }
if (highlightedLayout != null) { highlightedLayout.childForceExpandWidth = false; }
if (targetFitter != null)
targetFitter.enabled = false;
if (targetRect != null)
targetRect.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 0);
targetRect.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 1);
targetRect.offsetMin = new Vector2(0, 0);
targetRect.offsetMax = new Vector2(0, 0);
if (disabledLayout != null) { disabledLayout.childForceExpandWidth = true; }
if (normalLayout != null) { normalLayout.childForceExpandWidth = true; }
if (highlightedLayout != null) { highlightedLayout.childForceExpandWidth = true; }
if (mainFitter != null) { mainFitter.enabled = true; }
if (mainLayout != null) { mainLayout.enabled = true; }
if (targetFitter != null) { targetFitter.enabled = true; }
if (disabledLayout != null && autoFitContent) { disabledLayout.padding = new RectOffset(padding.left, padding.right, padding.top, padding.bottom); disabledLayout.spacing = spacing; }
if (normalLayout != null && autoFitContent) { normalLayout.padding = new RectOffset(padding.left, padding.right, padding.top, padding.bottom); normalLayout.spacing = spacing; }
if (highlightedLayout != null && autoFitContent) { highlightedLayout.padding = new RectOffset(padding.left, padding.right, padding.top, padding.bottom); highlightedLayout.spacing = spacing; }
if (enableText)
if (normalTextObj != null)
normalTextObj.text = buttonText;
if (useCustomTextSize == false) { normalTextObj.fontSize = textSize; }
if (highlightTextObj != null)
highlightTextObj.text = buttonText;
if (useCustomTextSize == false) { highlightTextObj.fontSize = textSize; }
if (disabledTextObj != null)
disabledTextObj.text = buttonText;
if (useCustomTextSize == false) { disabledTextObj.fontSize = textSize; }
else if (!enableText)
if (normalTextObj != null) { normalTextObj.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
if (highlightTextObj != null) { highlightTextObj.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
if (disabledTextObj != null) { disabledTextObj.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
if (enableIcon)
Vector3 tempScale = new Vector3(iconScale, iconScale, iconScale);
if (normalImageObj != null) { normalImageObj.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); normalImageObj.sprite = buttonIcon; normalImageObj.transform.localScale = tempScale; }
if (highlightImageObj != null) { highlightImageObj.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); highlightImageObj.sprite = buttonIcon; highlightImageObj.transform.localScale = tempScale; }
if (disabledImageObj != null) { disabledImageObj.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); disabledImageObj.sprite = buttonIcon; disabledImageObj.transform.localScale = tempScale; }
if (normalImageObj != null) { normalImageObj.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
if (highlightImageObj != null) { highlightImageObj.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
if (disabledImageObj != null) { disabledImageObj.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
if (!Application.isPlaying && autoFitContent)
if (disabledCG != null) { LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(disabledCG.GetComponent<RectTransform>()); }
if (normalCG != null) { LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(normalCG.GetComponent<RectTransform>()); }
if (highlightCG != null) { LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(highlightCG.GetComponent<RectTransform>()); }
if (!Application.isPlaying || !gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return; }
if (!isInteractable) { StartCoroutine("SetDisabled"); }
else if (isInteractable && disabledCG.alpha == 1) { StartCoroutine("SetNormal"); }
public void UpdateState()
if (!Application.isPlaying || !gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return; }
if (!isInteractable) { StartCoroutine("SetDisabled"); }
else if (isInteractable) { StartCoroutine("SetNormal"); }
public void SetText(string text) { buttonText = text; UpdateUI(); }
public void SetIcon(Sprite icon) { buttonIcon = icon; UpdateUI(); }
public void Interactable(bool value)
isInteractable = value;
if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy == false) { return; }
if (!isInteractable) { StartCoroutine("SetDisabled"); }
else if (isInteractable && disabledCG.alpha == 1) { StartCoroutine("SetNormal"); }
public void AddUINavigation()
if (targetButton == null)
if (gameObject.GetComponent<Button>() == null) { targetButton = gameObject.AddComponent<Button>(); }
else { targetButton = GetComponent<Button>(); }
targetButton.transition = Selectable.Transition.None;
if (targetButton.navigation.mode == navigationMode)
Navigation customNav = new Navigation();
customNav.mode = navigationMode;
if (navigationMode == Navigation.Mode.Vertical || navigationMode == Navigation.Mode.Horizontal) { customNav.wrapAround = wrapAround; }
else if (navigationMode == Navigation.Mode.Explicit) { StartCoroutine("InitUINavigation", customNav); return; }
targetButton.navigation = customNav;
public void DisableUINavigation()
if (targetButton != null)
Navigation customNav = new Navigation();
Navigation.Mode navMode = Navigation.Mode.None;
customNav.mode = navMode;
targetButton.navigation = customNav;
public void InvokeOnClick() { onClick.Invoke(); }
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!isInteractable || eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left) { return; }
if (useSounds) { UIManagerAudio.instance.audioSource.PlayOneShot(UIManagerAudio.instance.UIManagerAsset.clickSound); }
// Invoke click actions
// Check for double click
if (!checkForDoubleClick) { return; }
if (waitingForDoubleClickInput)
waitingForDoubleClickInput = false;
waitingForDoubleClickInput = true;
if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!isInteractable) { return; }
if (useSounds) { UIManagerAudio.instance.audioSource.PlayOneShot(UIManagerAudio.instance.UIManagerAsset.hoverSound); }
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!isInteractable)
public void OnSelect(BaseEventData eventData)
if (!isInteractable) { return; }
if (useSounds) { UIManagerAudio.instance.audioSource.PlayOneShot(UIManagerAudio.instance.UIManagerAsset.hoverSound); }
public void OnDeselect(BaseEventData eventData)
if (!isInteractable)
public void OnSubmit(BaseEventData eventData)
if (!isInteractable) { return; }
if (useSounds) { UIManagerAudio.instance.audioSource.PlayOneShot(UIManagerAudio.instance.UIManagerAsset.clickSound); }
if (EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject != gameObject) { StartCoroutine("SetNormal"); }
IEnumerator LayoutFix()
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.025f);
if (disabledCG != null) { LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(disabledCG.GetComponent<RectTransform>()); }
if (normalCG != null) { LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(normalCG.GetComponent<RectTransform>()); }
if (highlightCG != null) { LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(highlightCG.GetComponent<RectTransform>()); }
IEnumerator SetNormal()
while (normalCG.alpha < 0.99f)
normalCG.alpha += Time.unscaledDeltaTime * fadingMultiplier;
highlightCG.alpha -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime * fadingMultiplier;
disabledCG.alpha -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime * fadingMultiplier;
yield return null;
normalCG.alpha = 1;
highlightCG.alpha = 0;
disabledCG.alpha = 0;
IEnumerator SetHighlight()
while (highlightCG.alpha < 0.99f)
normalCG.alpha -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime * fadingMultiplier;
highlightCG.alpha += Time.unscaledDeltaTime * fadingMultiplier;
disabledCG.alpha -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime * fadingMultiplier;
yield return null;
normalCG.alpha = 0;
highlightCG.alpha = 1;
disabledCG.alpha = 0;
IEnumerator SetDisabled()
while (disabledCG.alpha < 0.99f)
normalCG.alpha -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime * fadingMultiplier;
highlightCG.alpha -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime * fadingMultiplier;
disabledCG.alpha += Time.unscaledDeltaTime * fadingMultiplier;
yield return null;
normalCG.alpha = 0;
highlightCG.alpha = 0;
disabledCG.alpha = 1;
IEnumerator CheckForDoubleClick()
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(doubleClickPeriod);
waitingForDoubleClickInput = false;
IEnumerator InitUINavigation(Navigation nav)
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.1f);
if (selectOnUp != null) { nav.selectOnUp = selectOnUp.GetComponent<Selectable>(); }
if (selectOnDown != null) { nav.selectOnDown = selectOnDown.GetComponent<Selectable>(); }
if (selectOnLeft != null) { nav.selectOnLeft = selectOnLeft.GetComponent<Selectable>(); }
if (selectOnRight != null) { nav.selectOnRight = selectOnRight.GetComponent<Selectable>(); }
targetButton.navigation = nav;
} |