
415 lines
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using FishNet.Component.Observing;
using FishNet.Connection;
using FishNet.Managing.Logging;
using FishNet.Object;
using FishNet.Serializing;
using FishNet.Transporting;
using FishNet.Utility.Extension;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace FishNet.Managing.Object
public abstract partial class ManagedObjects
#region Public.
/// <summary>
/// NetworkObjects which are currently active.
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<int, NetworkObject> Spawned = new Dictionary<int, NetworkObject>();
/// <summary>
/// NetworkObjects which are currently active on the local client.
/// //TODO Move this to ClientObjects.
/// </summary>
internal List<NetworkObject> LocalClientSpawned = new List<NetworkObject>();
#region Protected.
/// <summary>
/// Returns the next ObjectId to use.
/// </summary>
protected internal virtual int GetNextNetworkObjectId(bool errorCheck = true) => NetworkObject.UNSET_OBJECTID_VALUE;
/// <summary>
/// NetworkManager handling this.
/// </summary>
protected NetworkManager NetworkManager { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Objects in currently loaded scenes. These objects can be active or inactive.
/// Key is the objectId while value is the object. Key is not the same as NetworkObject.ObjectId.
/// </summary>
protected Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject> SceneObjects = new Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>();
protected void Initialize(NetworkManager manager)
NetworkManager = manager;
/// <summary>
/// Subscribes to SceneManager.SceneLoaded event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="subscribe"></param>
internal void SubscribeToSceneLoaded(bool subscribe)
if (subscribe)
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += SceneManager_sceneLoaded;
SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= SceneManager_sceneLoaded;
/// <summary>
/// Called when a scene is loaded.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s"></param>
/// <param name="arg1"></param>
protected internal virtual void SceneManager_sceneLoaded(Scene s, LoadSceneMode arg1) { }
/// <summary>
/// Called when a NetworkObject runs Deactivate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nob"></param>
internal virtual void NetworkObjectUnexpectedlyDestroyed(NetworkObject nob, bool asServer)
if (nob == null)
RemoveFromSpawned(nob, true, asServer);
/// <summary>
/// Removes a NetworkedObject from spawned.
/// </summary>
private void RemoveFromSpawned(NetworkObject nob, bool unexpectedlyDestroyed, bool asServer)
if (!asServer)
//Do the same with SceneObjects.
if (unexpectedlyDestroyed && nob.IsSceneObject)
/// <summary>
/// Despawns a NetworkObject.
/// </summary>
internal virtual void Despawn(NetworkObject nob, DespawnType despawnType, bool asServer)
if (nob == null)
NetworkManager.LogWarning($"Cannot despawn a null NetworkObject.");
//True if should be destroyed, false if deactivated.
bool destroy = false;
/* Only modify object state if asServer,
* or !asServer and not host. This is so clients, when acting as
* host, don't destroy objects they lost observation of. */
/* Nested prefabs can never be destroyed. Only check to
* destroy if not nested. By nested prefab, this means the object
* despawning is part of another prefab that is also a spawned
* network object. */
if (!nob.IsNested)
//If as server.
if (asServer)
//Scene object.
if (!nob.IsSceneObject)
/* If client-host has visibility
* then disable and wait for client-host to get destroy
* message. Otherwise destroy immediately. */
if (nob.Observers.Contains(NetworkManager.ClientManager.Connection))
destroy = true;
//Not as server.
bool isServer = NetworkManager.IsServer;
//Only check to destroy if not a scene object.
if (!nob.IsSceneObject)
/* If was removed from pending then also destroy.
* Pending objects are ones that exist on the server
* side only to await destruction from client side.
* Objects can also be destroyed if server is not
* active. */
destroy = (!isServer || NetworkManager.ServerManager.Objects.RemoveFromPending(nob.ObjectId));
//Deinitialize to invoke callbacks.
//Remove from match condition only if server.
if (asServer)
MatchCondition.RemoveFromMatchWithoutRebuild(nob, NetworkManager);
RemoveFromSpawned(nob, false, asServer);
//If to destroy.
if (destroy)
if (despawnType == DespawnType.Destroy)
NetworkManager.StorePooledInstantiated(nob, asServer);
/* If to potentially disable instead of destroy.
* This is such as something is despawning server side
* but a clientHost is present, or if a scene object. */
//If as server.
if (asServer)
//If not clientHost then the object can be disabled.
if (!NetworkManager.IsClient)
//Not as server.
//If the server is not active then the object can be disabled.
if (!NetworkManager.IsServer)
//If also server then checks must be done.
/* Object is still spawned on the server side. This means
* the clientHost likely lost visibility. When this is the case
* update clientHost renderers. */
if (NetworkManager.ServerManager.Objects.Spawned.ContainsKey(nob.ObjectId))
/* No longer spawned on the server, can
* deactivate on the client. */
/* Also despawn child objects.
* This only must be done when not destroying
* as destroying would result in the despawn being
* forced.
* Only run if asServer as well. The server will send
* individual despawns for each child. */
if (asServer)
foreach (NetworkObject childNob in nob.ChildNetworkObjects)
if (childNob != null && !childNob.IsDeinitializing)
Despawn(childNob, despawnType, asServer);
/// <summary>
/// Updates NetworkBehaviours on nob.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asServer"></param>
protected void UpdateNetworkBehavioursForSceneObject(NetworkObject nob, bool asServer)
//Would have already been done on server side.
if (!asServer && NetworkManager.IsServer)
InitializePrefab(nob, -1);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a prefab, not to be mistaken for initializing a spawned object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prefab">Prefab to initialize.</param>
/// <param name="index">Index within spawnable prefabs.</param>
public static void InitializePrefab(NetworkObject prefab, int index, ushort? collectionId = null)
if (prefab == null)
/* Only set the Id if not -1.
* A value of -1 would indicate it's a scene
* object. */
if (index != -1)
//Use +1 because 0 indicates unset.
prefab.PrefabId = (ushort)index;
if (collectionId != null)
prefab.SpawnableCollectionId = collectionId.Value;
byte componentIndex = 0;
prefab.UpdateNetworkBehaviours(null, ref componentIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Despawns Spawned NetworkObjects. Scene objects will be disabled, others will be destroyed.
/// </summary>
internal virtual void DespawnWithoutSynchronization(bool asServer)
foreach (NetworkObject nob in Spawned.Values)
DespawnWithoutSynchronization(nob, asServer, nob.GetDefaultDespawnType(), false);
/// <summary>
/// Despawns a network object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nob"></param>
internal virtual void DespawnWithoutSynchronization(NetworkObject nob, bool asServer, DespawnType despawnType, bool removeFromSpawned)
//Null can occur when running as host and server already despawns such as when stopping.
if (nob == null)
/* Only run if asServer, or not
* asServer and server isn't running. This
* prevents objects from affecting the server
* as host when being modified client side. */
if (asServer || (!asServer && !NetworkManager.IsServer))
if (removeFromSpawned)
RemoveFromSpawned(nob, false, asServer);
if (nob.IsSceneObject)
if (despawnType == DespawnType.Destroy)
NetworkManager.StorePooledInstantiated(nob, asServer);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a NetworkObject to Spawned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nob"></param>
internal void AddToSpawned(NetworkObject nob, bool asServer)
Spawned[nob.ObjectId] = nob;
if (!asServer)
//If being added as client and is also server.
if (NetworkManager.IsServer)
/// <summary>
/// Adds a NetworkObject to SceneObjects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nob"></param>
protected internal void AddToSceneObjects(NetworkObject nob)
SceneObjects[nob.SceneId] = nob;
/// <summary>
/// Removes a NetworkObject from SceneObjects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nob"></param>
protected internal void RemoveFromSceneObjects(NetworkObject nob)
/// <summary>
/// Removes a NetworkObject from SceneObjects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nob"></param>
protected internal void RemoveFromSceneObjects(ulong sceneId)
/// <summary>
/// Finds a NetworkObject within Spawned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="objectId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected internal NetworkObject GetSpawnedNetworkObject(int objectId)
NetworkObject r;
if (!Spawned.TryGetValueIL2CPP(objectId, out r))
NetworkManager.LogError($"Spawned NetworkObject not found for ObjectId {objectId}.");
return r;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to skip data length for a packet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packetId"></param>
/// <param name="reader"></param>
/// <param name="dataLength"></param>
protected internal void SkipDataLength(ushort packetId, PooledReader reader, int dataLength, int rpcLinkObjectId = -1)
/* -1 means length wasn't set, which would suggest a reliable packet.
* Object should never be missing for reliable packets since spawns
* and despawns are reliable in order. */
if (dataLength == (int)MissingObjectPacketLength.Reliable)
string msg;
bool isRpcLink = (packetId >= NetworkManager.StartingRpcLinkIndex);
if (isRpcLink)
msg = (rpcLinkObjectId == -1) ?
$"RPCLink of Id {(PacketId)packetId} could not be found. Remaining data will be purged." :
$"ObjectId {rpcLinkObjectId} for RPCLink {(PacketId)packetId} could not be found.";
msg = $"NetworkBehaviour could not be found for packetId {(PacketId)packetId}. Remaining data will be purged.";
/* Default logging for server is errors only. Use error on client and warning
* on servers to reduce chances of allocation attacks. */
if (NetworkManager.CanLog(LoggingType.Warning))
/* If length is known then is unreliable packet. It's possible
* this packetId arrived before or after the object was spawned/destroyed.
* Skip past the data for this packet and use rest in reader. With non-linked
* RPCs length is sent before object information. */
else if (dataLength >= 0)
reader.Skip(Math.Min(dataLength, reader.Remaining));
/* -2 indicates the length is very long. Don't even try saving
* the packet, user shouldn't be sending this much data over unreliable. */
else if (dataLength == (int)MissingObjectPacketLength.PurgeRemaiming)