
359 lines
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using FishNet.CodeGenerating.Helping;
using FishNet.CodeGenerating.Helping.Extension;
using FishNet.Serializing;
using FishNet.Serializing.Helping;
using MonoFN.Cecil;
using MonoFN.Cecil.Cil;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FishNet.CodeGenerating.Processing
internal class CustomSerializerProcessor : CodegenBase
#region Types.
internal enum ExtensionType
internal bool CreateSerializerDelegates(TypeDefinition typeDef, bool replace)
bool modified = false;
/* Find all declared methods and register delegates to them.
* After they are all registered create any custom writers
* needed to complete the declared methods. It's important to
* make generated writers after so that a generated method
* isn't made for a type when the user has already made a declared one. */
foreach (MethodDefinition methodDef in typeDef.Methods)
ExtensionType extensionType = GetExtensionType(methodDef);
if (extensionType == ExtensionType.None)
if (base.GetClass<GeneralHelper>().CodegenExclude(methodDef))
MethodReference methodRef = base.ImportReference(methodDef);
if (extensionType == ExtensionType.Write)
base.GetClass<WriterProcessor>().AddWriterMethod(methodRef.Parameters[1].ParameterType, methodRef, false, !replace);
modified = true;
else if (extensionType == ExtensionType.Read)
base.GetClass<ReaderProcessor>().AddReaderMethod(methodRef.ReturnType, methodRef, false, !replace);
modified = true;
return modified;
/// <summary>
/// Creates serializers for any custom types for declared methods.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="declaredMethods"></param>
/// <param name="moduleDef"></param>
internal bool CreateSerializers(TypeDefinition typeDef)
bool modified = false;
List<(MethodDefinition, ExtensionType)> declaredMethods = new List<(MethodDefinition, ExtensionType)>();
/* Go through all custom serializers again and see if
* they use any types that the user didn't make a serializer for
* and that there isn't a built-in type for. Create serializers
* for these types. */
foreach (MethodDefinition methodDef in typeDef.Methods)
ExtensionType extensionType = GetExtensionType(methodDef);
if (extensionType == ExtensionType.None)
if (base.GetClass<GeneralHelper>().CodegenExclude(methodDef))
declaredMethods.Add((methodDef, extensionType));
modified = true;
//Now that all declared are loaded see if any of them need generated serializers.
foreach ((MethodDefinition methodDef, ExtensionType extensionType) in declaredMethods)
CreateSerializers(extensionType, methodDef);
return modified;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a custom serializer for any types not handled within users declared.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="extensionType"></param>
/// <param name="moduleDef"></param>
/// <param name="methodDef"></param>
/// <param name="diagnostics"></param>
private void CreateSerializers(ExtensionType extensionType, MethodDefinition methodDef)
for (int i = 0; i < methodDef.Body.Instructions.Count; i++)
CheckToModifyInstructions(extensionType, methodDef, ref i);
/// <summary>
/// Creates delegates for custom comparers.
/// </summary>
internal bool CreateComparerDelegates(TypeDefinition typeDef)
bool modified = false;
GeneralHelper gh = base.GetClass<GeneralHelper>();
/* Find all declared methods and register delegates to them.
* After they are all registered create any custom writers
* needed to complete the declared methods. It's important to
* make generated writers after so that a generated method
* isn't made for a type when the user has already made a declared one. */
foreach (MethodDefinition methodDef in typeDef.Methods)
if (gh.CodegenExclude(methodDef))
if (!methodDef.HasCustomAttribute<CustomComparerAttribute>())
//Validate return type.
if (methodDef.ReturnType.FullName != gh.GetTypeReference(typeof(bool)).FullName)
base.LogError($"Comparer method {methodDef.Name} in type {typeDef.FullName} must return bool.");
/* Make sure parameters are correct. */
//Invalid count.
if (methodDef.Parameters.Count != 2)
base.LogError($"Comparer method {methodDef.Name} in type {typeDef.FullName} must have exactly two parameters, each of the same type which is being compared.");
TypeReference p0Tr = methodDef.Parameters[0].ParameterType;
TypeReference p1Tr = methodDef.Parameters[0].ParameterType;
//Not the same types.
if (p0Tr != p1Tr)
base.LogError($"Both parameters must be the same type in comparer method {methodDef.Name} in type {typeDef.FullName}.");
gh.RegisterComparerDelegate(methodDef, p0Tr);
gh.CreateComparerDelegate(methodDef, p0Tr);
return modified;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if instructions need to be modified and does so.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="methodDef"></param>
/// <param name="instructionIndex"></param>
private void CheckToModifyInstructions(ExtensionType extensionType, MethodDefinition methodDef, ref int instructionIndex)
Instruction instruction = methodDef.Body.Instructions[instructionIndex];
if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldsfld || instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldfld)
CheckFieldReferenceInstruction(extensionType, methodDef, ref instructionIndex);
//Method calls.
else if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Call || instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
CheckCallInstruction(extensionType, methodDef, ref instructionIndex, (MethodReference)instruction.Operand);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a reader or writer must be generated for a field type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="methodDef"></param>
/// <param name="instructionIndex"></param>
private void CheckFieldReferenceInstruction(ExtensionType extensionType, MethodDefinition methodDef, ref int instructionIndex)
Instruction instruction = methodDef.Body.Instructions[instructionIndex];
FieldReference field = (FieldReference)instruction.Operand;
TypeReference typeRef = field.DeclaringType;
if (typeRef.IsType(typeof(GenericWriter<>)) || typeRef.IsType(typeof(GenericReader<>)) && typeRef.IsGenericInstance)
GenericInstanceType typeGenericInst = (GenericInstanceType)typeRef;
TypeReference parameterType = typeGenericInst.GenericArguments[0];
CreateReaderOrWriter(extensionType, methodDef, ref instructionIndex, parameterType);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a reader or writer must be generated for a call type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="extensionType"></param>
/// <param name="moduleDef"></param>
/// <param name="methodDef"></param>
/// <param name="instructionIndex"></param>
/// <param name="method"></param>
private void CheckCallInstruction(ExtensionType extensionType, MethodDefinition methodDef, ref int instructionIndex, MethodReference method)
if (!method.IsGenericInstance)
//True if call is to read/write.
bool canCreate = (
method.Is<Writer>(nameof(Writer.Write)) ||
if (canCreate)
GenericInstanceMethod instanceMethod = (GenericInstanceMethod)method;
TypeReference parameterType = instanceMethod.GenericArguments[0];
if (parameterType.IsGenericParameter)
CreateReaderOrWriter(extensionType, methodDef, ref instructionIndex, parameterType);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a reader or writer for parameterType if needed. Otherwise calls existing reader.
/// </summary>
private void CreateReaderOrWriter(ExtensionType extensionType, MethodDefinition methodDef, ref int instructionIndex, TypeReference parameterType)
if (!parameterType.IsGenericParameter && parameterType.CanBeResolved(base.Session))
TypeDefinition typeDefinition = parameterType.CachedResolve(base.Session);
//If class and not value type check for accessible constructor.
if (typeDefinition.IsClass && !typeDefinition.IsValueType)
MethodDefinition constructor = typeDefinition.GetMethod(".ctor");
//Constructor is inaccessible, cannot create serializer for type.
if (!constructor.IsPublic)
base.LogError($"Unable to generator serializers for {typeDefinition.FullName} because it's constructor is not public.");
ILProcessor processor = methodDef.Body.GetILProcessor();
//Find already existing read or write method.
MethodReference createdMethodRef = (extensionType == ExtensionType.Write) ?
base.GetClass<WriterProcessor>().GetWriteMethodReference(parameterType) :
//If a created method already exist nothing further is required.
if (createdMethodRef != null)
TryInsertAutoPack(ref instructionIndex);
//Replace call to generic with already made serializer.
Instruction newInstruction = processor.Create(OpCodes.Call, createdMethodRef);
methodDef.Body.Instructions[instructionIndex] = newInstruction;
createdMethodRef = (extensionType == ExtensionType.Write) ?
base.GetClass<WriterProcessor>().CreateWriter(parameterType) :
//If method was created.
if (createdMethodRef != null)
TryInsertAutoPack(ref instructionIndex);
//Set new instruction.
Instruction newInstruction = processor.Create(OpCodes.Call, createdMethodRef);
methodDef.Body.Instructions[instructionIndex] = newInstruction;
void TryInsertAutoPack(ref int insertIndex)
if (IsAutoPackMethod(parameterType, extensionType))
ILProcessor processor = methodDef.Body.GetILProcessor();
AutoPackType packType = base.GetClass<GeneralHelper>().GetDefaultAutoPackType(parameterType);
Instruction autoPack = processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)packType);
methodDef.Body.Instructions.Insert(insertIndex, autoPack);
/// <summary>
/// Returns if a typeRef serializer requires or uses autopacktype.
/// </summary>
private bool IsAutoPackMethod(TypeReference typeRef, ExtensionType extensionType)
if (extensionType == ExtensionType.Write)
return base.GetClass<WriterProcessor>().IsAutoPackedType(typeRef);
else if (extensionType == ExtensionType.Read)
return base.GetClass<ReaderProcessor>().IsAutoPackedType(typeRef);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the RPC attribute on a method, if one exist. Otherwise returns null.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="methodDef"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private ExtensionType GetExtensionType(MethodDefinition methodDef)
bool hasExtensionAttribute = methodDef.HasCustomAttribute<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute>();
if (!hasExtensionAttribute)
return ExtensionType.None;
bool write = (methodDef.ReturnType == methodDef.Module.TypeSystem.Void);
//Return None for Mirror types.
if (write)
if (methodDef.Parameters.Count > 0 && methodDef.Parameters[0].ParameterType.FullName == "Mirror.NetworkWriter")
return ExtensionType.None;
if (methodDef.Parameters.Count > 0 && methodDef.Parameters[0].ParameterType.FullName == "Mirror.NetworkReader")
return ExtensionType.None;
string prefix = (write) ? WriterProcessor.WRITE_PREFIX : ReaderProcessor.READ_PREFIX;
//Does not contain prefix.
if (methodDef.Name.Length < prefix.Length || methodDef.Name.Substring(0, prefix.Length) != prefix)
return ExtensionType.None;
//Make sure first parameter is right.
if (methodDef.Parameters.Count >= 1)
TypeReference tr = methodDef.Parameters[0].ParameterType;
if (tr.FullName != base.GetClass<WriterImports>().Writer_TypeRef.FullName &&
tr.FullName != base.GetClass<ReaderImports>().Reader_TypeRef.FullName)
return ExtensionType.None;
if (write && methodDef.Parameters.Count < 2)
base.LogError($"{methodDef.FullName} must have at least two parameters, the first being PooledWriter, and second value to write.");
return ExtensionType.None;
else if (!write && methodDef.Parameters.Count < 1)
base.LogError($"{methodDef.FullName} must have at least one parameters, the first being PooledReader.");
return ExtensionType.None;
return (write) ? ExtensionType.Write : ExtensionType.Read;