
637 lines
28 KiB

using FishNet.CodeGenerating.Extension;
using FishNet.CodeGenerating.Helping;
using FishNet.CodeGenerating.Helping.Extension;
using FishNet.CodeGenerating.Processing.Rpc;
using FishNet.Configuring;
using FishNet.Object;
using MonoFN.Cecil;
using MonoFN.Cecil.Cil;
using MonoFN.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace FishNet.CodeGenerating.Processing
internal class NetworkBehaviourProcessor : CodegenBase
#region Types.
private class NetworkInitializeMethodData
public MethodDefinition MethodDefinition;
public FieldDefinition CalledFieldDef;
public bool CalledFromAwake;
public NetworkInitializeMethodData(MethodDefinition methodDefinition, FieldDefinition calledFieldDef)
MethodDefinition = methodDefinition;
CalledFieldDef = calledFieldDef;
CalledFromAwake = false;
private class AwakeMethodData
public MethodDefinition AwakeMethodDef;
public MethodDefinition UserLogicMethodDef;
public bool Created;
public AwakeMethodData(MethodDefinition awakeMd, MethodDefinition userLogicMd, bool created)
AwakeMethodDef = awakeMd;
UserLogicMethodDef = userLogicMd;
Created = created;
#region Misc.
private Dictionary<TypeDefinition, NetworkInitializeMethodData> _earlyNetworkInitializeDatas = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, NetworkInitializeMethodData>();
private Dictionary<TypeDefinition, NetworkInitializeMethodData> _lateNetworkInitializeDatas = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, NetworkInitializeMethodData>();
/// <summary>
/// Methods modified or iterated during weaving.
/// </summary>
internal List<MethodDefinition> ModifiedMethodDefinitions = new List<MethodDefinition>();
/// <summary>
/// Classes which have been processed for all NetworkBehaviour features.
/// </summary>
private HashSet<TypeDefinition> _processedClasses = new HashSet<TypeDefinition>();
#region Const.
internal const string EARLY_INITIALIZED_NAME = "NetworkInitializeEarly_";
internal const string LATE_INITIALIZED_NAME = "NetworkInitializeLate_";
internal const string NETWORKINITIALIZE_EARLY_INTERNAL_NAME = "NetworkInitialize___Early";
internal const string NETWORKINITIALIZE_LATE_INTERNAL_NAME = "NetworkInitialize__Late";
private MethodAttributes PUBLIC_VIRTUAL_ATTRIBUTES = (MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.HideBySig);
#pragma warning disable CS0414
private MethodAttributes PROTECTED_VIRTUAL_ATTRIBUTES = (MethodAttributes.Family | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.HideBySig);
#pragma warning restore CS0414
internal bool Process(TypeDefinition typeDef, List<(SyncType, ProcessedSync)> allProcessedSyncs, Dictionary<TypeDefinition, uint> childSyncTypeCounts, Dictionary<TypeDefinition, uint> childRpcCounts)
bool modified = false;
TypeDefinition copyTypeDef = typeDef;
TypeDefinition firstTypeDef = typeDef;
//Make collection of NBs to processor.
List<TypeDefinition> typeDefs = new List<TypeDefinition>();
copyTypeDef = TypeDefinitionExtensionsOld.GetNextBaseClassToProcess(copyTypeDef, base.Session);
} while (copyTypeDef != null);
/* Iterate from child-most to parent first
* while creating network initialize methods.
* This is because the child-most must call the parents
* base awake methods. */
foreach (TypeDefinition td in typeDefs)
/* Class was already processed. Since child most is processed first
* this can occur if a class is inherited by multiple types. If a class
* has already been processed then there is no reason to scale up the hierarchy
* because it would have already been done. */
if (HasClassBeenProcessed(td))
//Disallow nested network behaviours.
ICollection<TypeDefinition> nestedTds = td.NestedTypes;
foreach (TypeDefinition item in nestedTds)
if (item.InheritsNetworkBehaviour(base.Session))
base.LogError($"{td.FullName} contains nested NetworkBehaviours. These are not supported.");
return modified;
/* Create NetworkInitialize before-hand so the other procesors
* can use it. */
MethodDefinition networkInitializeIfDisabledMd;
CreateNetworkInitializeMethods(td, out networkInitializeIfDisabledMd);
/* Reverse and do RPCs/SyncTypes.
* This counts up on children instead of the
* parent, so we do not have to rewrite
* parent numbers. */
foreach (TypeDefinition td in typeDefs)
/* Class was already processed. Since child most is processed first
* this can occur if a class is inherited by multiple types. If a class
* has already been processed then there is no reason to scale up the hierarchy
* because it would have already been done. */
if (HasClassBeenProcessed(td))
//No longer used...remove in rework.
uint rpcCount = 0;
childRpcCounts.TryGetValue(td, out rpcCount);
/* Prediction. */
/* Run prediction first since prediction will modify
* user data passed into prediction methods. Because of this
* other RPCs should use the modified version and reader/writers
* made for prediction. */
modified |= base.GetClass<PredictionProcessor>().Process(td, ref rpcCount);
/* RPCs. */
modified |= base.GetClass<RpcProcessor>().ProcessLocal(td, ref rpcCount);
/* //perf rpcCounts can be optimized by having different counts
* for target, observers, server, replicate, and reoncile rpcs. Since
* each registers to their own delegates this is possible. */
/* SyncTypes. */
uint syncTypeStartCount;
childSyncTypeCounts.TryGetValue(td, out syncTypeStartCount);
modified |= base.GetClass<NetworkBehaviourSyncProcessor>().Process(td, allProcessedSyncs, ref syncTypeStartCount);
int maxAllowSyncTypes = 256;
if (allProcessedSyncs.Count > maxAllowSyncTypes)
base.LogError($"Found {allProcessedSyncs.Count} SyncTypes within {firstTypeDef.FullName}. The maximum number of allowed SyncTypes within type and inherited types is {maxAllowSyncTypes}. Remove SyncTypes or condense them using data containers, or a custom SyncObject.");
return false;
/* If here then all inerited classes for firstTypeDef have
* been processed. */
/* Make awake methods for all inherited classes
* public and virtual. This is so I can add logic
* to the firstTypeDef awake and still execute
* user awake methods. */
List<AwakeMethodData> awakeDatas = new List<AwakeMethodData>();
if (!CreateOrModifyAwakeMethods(firstTypeDef, ref awakeDatas))
base.LogError($"Was unable to make Awake methods public virtual starting on type {firstTypeDef.FullName}.");
return modified;
CallNetworkInitializeFromAwake(awakeDatas, true);
//Call base awake, then call user logic methods.
CallNetworkInitializeFromAwake(awakeDatas, false);
//Since awake methods are erased ret has to be added at the end.
return modified;
/// <summary>
/// Returns if a class has been processed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeDef"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool HasClassBeenProcessed(TypeDefinition typeDef)
return _processedClasses.Contains(typeDef);
/// <summary>
/// Returns if any typeDefs have attributes which are not allowed to be used outside NetworkBehaviour.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeDefs"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal bool NonNetworkBehaviourHasInvalidAttributes(Collection<TypeDefinition> typeDefs)
bool error = false;
foreach (TypeDefinition typeDef in typeDefs)
//Inherits, don't need to check.
if (typeDef.InheritsNetworkBehaviour(base.Session))
//Check each method for attribute.
foreach (MethodDefinition md in typeDef.Methods)
//Has RPC attribute but doesn't inherit from NB.
if (base.GetClass<RpcProcessor>().Attributes.HasRpcAttributes(md))
base.LogError($"{typeDef.FullName} has one or more RPC attributes but does not inherit from NetworkBehaviour.");
error = true;
//Check fields for attribute.
foreach (FieldDefinition fd in typeDef.Fields)
if (base.GetClass<NetworkBehaviourSyncProcessor>().GetSyncType(fd, false, out _) != SyncType.Unset)
base.LogError($"{typeDef.FullName} has one or more SyncType attributes but does not inherit from NetworkBehaviour.");
error = true;
return error;
/// <summary>
/// Calls the next awake method if the nested awake was created by codegen.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private void CallBaseAwakeOnCreatedMethods(List<AwakeMethodData> datas)
/* Method definitions are added from child most
* so they will always be going up the hierarchy. */
for (int i = 0; i < datas.Count; i++)
AwakeMethodData amd = datas[i];
/* If the awake already existed
* then let the user code be the final say
* if base is called. */
if (!amd.Created)
TypeDefinition typeDef = amd.AwakeMethodDef.DeclaringType;
/* Awake will always exist because it was added previously.
* Get awake for the current declaring type. */
MethodDefinition awakeMd = typeDef.GetMethod(NetworkBehaviourHelper.AWAKE_METHOD_NAME);
MethodReference baseAwakeMr = typeDef.GetMethodReferenceInBase(base.Session, NetworkBehaviourHelper.AWAKE_METHOD_NAME);
if (baseAwakeMr == null)
MethodDefinition baseAwakeMd = baseAwakeMr.CachedResolve(base.Session);
//MethodDefinition baseAwakeMd = typeDef.GetMethodDefinitionInBase(base.Session, NetworkBehaviourHelper.AWAKE_METHOD_NAME);
if (baseAwakeMd == null)
//Check if they already call base.
ILProcessor processor = awakeMd.Body.GetILProcessor();
bool alreadyHasBaseCall = false;
//Check if already calls baseAwake.
foreach (var item in awakeMd.Body.Instructions)
//If a call or call virt. Although, callvirt should never occur.
if (item.OpCode == OpCodes.Call || item.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
if (item.Operand != null && item.Operand.GetType().Name == nameof(MethodDefinition))
MethodDefinition md = (MethodDefinition)item.Operand;
if (md == baseAwakeMd)
alreadyHasBaseCall = true;
if (!alreadyHasBaseCall)
//Create instructions for base call.
processor.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //base.
processor.Emit(OpCodes.Call, baseAwakeMr);
/// <summary>
/// Calls the next awake method if the nested awake was created by codegen.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private void CallAwakeUserLogic(List<AwakeMethodData> datas)
/* Method definitions are added from child most
* so they will always be going up the hierarchy. */
for (int i = 0; i < datas.Count; i++)
AwakeMethodData amd = datas[i];
//If was created then there is no user logic.
if (amd.Created)
//If logic method is null. Should never be the case.
if (amd.UserLogicMethodDef == null)
MethodDefinition awakeMd = amd.AwakeMethodDef;
base.GetClass<GeneralHelper>().CallCopiedMethod(awakeMd, amd.UserLogicMethodDef);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a check to NetworkInitialize to see if it has already run.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeDef"></param>
private void AddNetworkInitializeExecutedCheck(TypeDefinition firstTypeDef, bool initializeEarly)
TypeDefinition copyTypeDef = firstTypeDef;
AddCheck(copyTypeDef, initializeEarly);
void AddCheck(TypeDefinition td, bool early)
string methodName;
string fieldName;
if (early)
fieldName = $"{EARLY_INITIALIZED_NAME}{td.FullName}_{td.Module.Name}";
fieldName = $"{LATE_INITIALIZED_NAME}{td.FullName}_{td.Module.Name}";
MethodDefinition md = td.GetMethod(methodName);
if (md == null)
TypeReference boolTr = base.GetClass<GeneralHelper>().GetTypeReference(typeof(bool));
FieldReference fr = copyTypeDef.GetOrCreateFieldReference(base.Session, fieldName, FieldAttributes.Private, boolTr, out bool created);
if (created)
List<Instruction> insts = new List<Instruction>();
ILProcessor processor = md.Body.GetILProcessor();
//Add check if already called.
//if (alreadyInitialized) return;
Instruction skipFirstRetInst = processor.Create(OpCodes.Nop);
insts.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldfld, fr));
insts.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, skipFirstRetInst));
//Set field to true.
insts.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Stfld, fr));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the top-most parent away method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeDef"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private void PrepareNetworkInitializeMethods(TypeDefinition firstTypeDef)
TypeDefinition thisTypeDef = firstTypeDef;
bool canCallBase = thisTypeDef.CanProcessBaseType(base.Session);
foreach (string mdName in initializeMethodNames)
/* There are no more base calls to make but we still
* need to check if the initialize methods have already ran, so do that
* here. */
if (canCallBase)
/* Awake will always exist because it was added previously.
* Get awake for copy and base of copy. */
MethodDefinition thisMd = thisTypeDef.GetMethod(mdName);
MethodReference baseMr = thisTypeDef.GetMethodReferenceInBase(base.Session, mdName);
MethodDefinition baseMd = baseMr.CachedResolve(base.Session);
ILProcessor processor = thisMd.Body.GetILProcessor();
bool alreadyHasBaseCall = false;
//Check if already calls baseAwake.
foreach (Instruction item in thisMd.Body.Instructions)
//If a call or call virt. Although, callvirt should never occur.
if (item.OpCode == OpCodes.Call || item.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
if (item.Operand != null && item.Operand.GetType().Name == nameof(MethodDefinition))
MethodDefinition md = (MethodDefinition)item.Operand;
if (md == baseMd)
alreadyHasBaseCall = true;
if (!alreadyHasBaseCall)
//Create instructions for base call.
List<Instruction> instructions = new List<Instruction>();
instructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg_0)); //this.
instructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Call, baseMr));
AddNetworkInitializeExecutedCheck(thisTypeDef, (mdName == NETWORKINITIALIZE_EARLY_INTERNAL_NAME));
thisTypeDef = TypeDefinitionExtensionsOld.GetNextBaseClassToProcess(thisTypeDef, base.Session);
} while (thisTypeDef != null);
/// <summary>
/// Adds returns awake method definitions within awakeDatas.
/// </summary>
private void AddReturnsToAwake(List<AwakeMethodData> awakeDatas)
foreach (AwakeMethodData amd in awakeDatas)
ILProcessor processor = amd.AwakeMethodDef.Body.GetILProcessor();
//If no instructions or the last instruction isnt ret.
if (processor.Body.Instructions.Count == 0
|| processor.Body.Instructions[processor.Body.Instructions.Count - 1].OpCode != OpCodes.Ret)
/// <summary>
/// Calls NetworKInitializeLate method on the typeDef.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="copyTypeDef"></param>
private void CallNetworkInitializeFromAwake(List<AwakeMethodData> awakeDatas, bool callEarly)
/* InitializeLate should be called after the user runs
* all their Awake logic. This is so the user can configure
* sync types on Awake and it won't trigger those values
* as needing to be sent over the network, since both
* server and client will be assigning them on Awake. */
foreach (AwakeMethodData amd in awakeDatas)
string methodName = (callEarly) ? NETWORKINITIALIZE_EARLY_INTERNAL_NAME :
TypeDefinition td = amd.AwakeMethodDef.DeclaringType;
MethodReference networkInitMr = td.GetMethodReference(base.Session, methodName);
ILProcessor processor = amd.AwakeMethodDef.Body.GetILProcessor();
processor.Emit(networkInitMr.GetCallOpCode(base.Session), networkInitMr);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an 'NetworkInitialize' method which is called by the childmost class to initialize scripts on Awake.
/// </summary>
private void CreateNetworkInitializeMethods(TypeDefinition typeDef, out MethodDefinition networkInitializeIfDisabledMd)
MethodDefinition baseInitIfDisabled = base.GetClass<NetworkBehaviourHelper>().NetworkInitializeIfDisabled_MethodRef.CachedResolve(base.Session);
networkInitializeIfDisabledMd = CreateMethod(baseInitIfDisabled.Name, baseInitIfDisabled);
MethodDefinition CreateMethod(string name, MethodDefinition copied = null)
MethodDefinition md;
bool created;
if (copied == null)
md = typeDef.GetOrCreateMethodDefinition(base.Session, name, PUBLIC_VIRTUAL_ATTRIBUTES, typeDef.Module.TypeSystem.Void, out created);
md = typeDef.GetOrCreateMethodDefinition(base.Session, name, copied, true, out created);
if (created)
//Emit ret into new method.
ILProcessor processor = md.Body.GetILProcessor();
//End of method return.
return md;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an 'NetworkInitialize' method which is called by the childmost class to initialize scripts on Awake.
/// </summary>
private void CallNetworkInitializeMethods(MethodDefinition networkInitializeIfDisabledMd)
ILProcessor processor = networkInitializeIfDisabledMd.Body.GetILProcessor();
void CallMethod(string name)
MethodReference initIfDisabledMr = networkInitializeIfDisabledMd.DeclaringType.GetMethodReference(base.Session, name);
processor.Emit(initIfDisabledMr.GetCallOpCode(base.Session), initIfDisabledMr);
/// <summary>
/// Creates Awake method for and all parents of typeDef using the parentMostAwakeMethodDef as a template.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if successful.</returns>
private bool CreateOrModifyAwakeMethods(TypeDefinition typeDef, ref List<AwakeMethodData> datas)
//Now update all scopes/create methods.
TypeDefinition copyTypeDef = typeDef;
bool created;
MethodDefinition awakeMd = copyTypeDef.GetOrCreateMethodDefinition(base.Session, NetworkBehaviourHelper.AWAKE_METHOD_NAME, PUBLIC_VIRTUAL_ATTRIBUTES, copyTypeDef.Module.TypeSystem.Void, out created);
//Awake is found. Check for invalid return type.
if (!created)
if (awakeMd.ReturnType != copyTypeDef.Module.TypeSystem.Void)
base.LogError($"IEnumerator Awake methods are not supported within NetworkBehaviours.");
return false;
//Aways was made.
ILProcessor processor = awakeMd.Body.GetILProcessor();
MethodDefinition logicMd = base.GetClass<GeneralHelper>().CopyIntoNewMethod(awakeMd, $"{NetworkBehaviourHelper.AWAKE_METHOD_NAME}___UserLogic", out _);
//Clear original awake.
datas.Add(new AwakeMethodData(awakeMd, logicMd, created));
copyTypeDef = TypeDefinitionExtensionsOld.GetNextBaseClassToProcess(copyTypeDef, base.Session);
} while (copyTypeDef != null);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Makes all Awake methods within typeDef and base classes public and virtual.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeDef"></param>
internal void CreateFirstNetworkInitializeCall(TypeDefinition typeDef, MethodDefinition firstUserAwakeMethodDef, MethodDefinition firstNetworkInitializeMethodDef)
ILProcessor processor;
//Get awake for current method.
MethodDefinition thisAwakeMethodDef = typeDef.GetMethod(NetworkBehaviourHelper.AWAKE_METHOD_NAME);
bool created = false;
//If no awake then make one.
if (thisAwakeMethodDef == null)
created = true;
thisAwakeMethodDef = new MethodDefinition(NetworkBehaviourHelper.AWAKE_METHOD_NAME, PUBLIC_VIRTUAL_ATTRIBUTES,
thisAwakeMethodDef.Body.InitLocals = true;
processor = thisAwakeMethodDef.Body.GetILProcessor();
//MethodRefs for networkinitialize and awake.
MethodReference networkInitializeMethodRef = typeDef.Module.ImportReference(firstNetworkInitializeMethodDef);
processor = thisAwakeMethodDef.Body.GetILProcessor();
//Create instructions for base call.
List<Instruction> instructions = new List<Instruction>();
instructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg_0)); //this.
instructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Call, networkInitializeMethodRef));
/* If awake was created then make a call to the users
* first awake. There's no reason to do this if awake
* already existed because the user would have control
* over making that call. */
if (created && firstUserAwakeMethodDef != null)
MethodReference baseAwakeMethodRef = typeDef.Module.ImportReference(firstUserAwakeMethodDef);
instructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Call, baseAwakeMethodRef));