54 lines
2.1 KiB
54 lines
2.1 KiB
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace Michsky.UI.Heat
public class LocalizationTableEditor : Editor
private GUISkin customSkin;
private LocalizationTable ltTarget;
private void OnEnable()
ltTarget = (LocalizationTable)target;
if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin == true) { customSkin = HeatUIEditorHandler.GetDarkEditor(customSkin); }
else { customSkin = HeatUIEditorHandler.GetLightEditor(customSkin); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (customSkin == null)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Editor variables are missing. You can manually fix this by deleting " +
"Heat UI > Resources folder and then re-import the package. \n\nIf you're still seeing this " +
"dialog even after the re-import, contact me with this ID: " + UIManager.buildID, MessageType.Error);
// Settings Header
HeatUIEditorHandler.DrawHeader(customSkin, "Options Header", 8);
GUI.enabled = false;
var tableID = serializedObject.FindProperty("tableID");
HeatUIEditorHandler.DrawProperty(tableID, customSkin, "Table ID");
var localizationSettings = serializedObject.FindProperty("localizationSettings");
HeatUIEditorHandler.DrawProperty(localizationSettings, customSkin, "Localization Settings");
GUI.enabled = true;
if (ltTarget.localizationSettings != null && ltTarget.localizationSettings.languages.Count != 0 && GUILayout.Button("Edit Table", customSkin.button))
for (int i = 0; i < ltTarget.localizationSettings.languages[0].localizationLanguage.tableList.Count; i++)
if (ltTarget.localizationSettings.languages[0].localizationLanguage.tableList[i].table == ltTarget)
LocalizationTableWindow.ShowWindow(ltTarget.localizationSettings, ltTarget, i);
#endif |