using FishNet.Authenticating;
using FishNet.Component.Observing;
using FishNet.Connection;
using FishNet.Managing.Debugging;
using FishNet.Managing.Logging;
using FishNet.Managing.Predicting;
using FishNet.Managing.Transporting;
using FishNet.Object;
using FishNet.Serializing;
using FishNet.Transporting;
using FishNet.Utility.Extension;
using FishNet.Utility.Performance;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;

namespace FishNet.Managing.Server
    /// <summary>
    /// A container for server data and actions.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed partial class ServerManager : MonoBehaviour
        #region Public.
        /// <summary>
        /// Called after the local server connection state changes.
        /// </summary>
        public event Action<ServerConnectionStateArgs> OnServerConnectionState;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when authenticator has concluded a result for a connection. Boolean is true if authentication passed, false if failed.
        /// </summary>
        public event Action<NetworkConnection, bool> OnAuthenticationResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a remote client state changes with the server.
        /// </summary>
        public event Action<NetworkConnection, RemoteConnectionStateArgs> OnRemoteConnectionState;
        /// <summary>
        /// True if the server connection has started.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Started { get; private set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Handling and information for objects on the server.
        /// </summary>
        public ServerObjects Objects { get; private set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticated and non-authenticated connected clients.
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary<int, NetworkConnection> Clients = new Dictionary<int, NetworkConnection>();
        /// <summary>
        /// NetworkManager for server.
        /// </summary>
        public NetworkManager NetworkManager { get; private set; }

        #region Serialized.
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticator for this ServerManager. May be null if not using authentication.
        /// </summary>
        [Obsolete("Use GetAuthenticator and SetAuthenticator.")] //Remove on 2023/06/01
        public Authenticator Authenticator
            get => GetAuthenticator();
            set => SetAuthenticator(value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Authenticator for this manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Authenticator GetAuthenticator() => _authenticator;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Authenticator for this manager, and initializes it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void SetAuthenticator(Authenticator value)
            _authenticator = value;
        [Tooltip("Authenticator for this ServerManager. May be null if not using authentication.")]
        private Authenticator _authenticator;
        /// <summary>
        /// Default send rate for SyncTypes. A value of 0f will send changed values every tick.
        /// SyncTypeRate cannot yet be changed at runtime because this would require recalculating rates on SyncBase, which is not yet implemented.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal float GetSynctypeRate() => _syncTypeRate;
        [Tooltip("Default send rate for SyncTypes. A value of 0f will send changed values every tick.")]
        [Range(0f, 60f)]
        private float _syncTypeRate = 0.1f;
        /// <summary>
        /// How to pack object spawns.
        /// </summary>
        [Tooltip("How to pack object spawns.")]
        internal TransformPackingData SpawnPacking = new TransformPackingData()
            Position = AutoPackType.Unpacked,
            Rotation = AutoPackType.PackedLess,
            Scale = AutoPackType.PackedLess
        /// <summary>
        /// True to automatically set the frame rate when the client connects.
        /// </summary>
        [Tooltip("True to automatically set the frame rate when the client connects.")]
        private bool _changeFrameRate = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Maximum frame rate the server may run at. When as host this value runs at whichever is higher between client and server.
        /// </summary>
        internal ushort FrameRate => (_changeFrameRate) ? _frameRate : (ushort)0;
        [Tooltip("Maximum frame rate the server may run at. When as host this value runs at whichever is higher between client and server.")]
        [Range(1, NetworkManager.MAXIMUM_FRAMERATE)]
        private ushort _frameRate = NetworkManager.MAXIMUM_FRAMERATE;
        /// <summary>
        /// True to share the Ids of clients and the objects they own with other clients. No sensitive information is shared.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool ShareIds => _shareIds;
        [Tooltip("True to share the Ids of clients and the objects they own with other clients. No sensitive information is shared.")]
        private bool _shareIds = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets StartOnHeadless value.
        /// </summary>
        public bool GetStartOnHeadless() => _startOnHeadless;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets StartOnHeadless value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">New value to use.</param>
        public void SetStartOnHeadless(bool value) => _startOnHeadless = value;
        [Tooltip("True to automatically start the server connection when running as headless.")]
        private bool _startOnHeadless = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// True to kick clients which send data larger than the MTU.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool LimitClientMTU => _limitClientMTU;
        [Tooltip("True to kick clients which send data larger than the MTU.")]
        private bool _limitClientMTU = true;

        #region Private.
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to read splits.
        /// </summary>
        private SplitReader _splitReader = new SplitReader();
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs data about parser to help debug.
        /// </summary>
        private ParseLogger _parseLogger = new ParseLogger();

        private void OnDestroy()

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this script for use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager"></param>
        internal void InitializeOnce_Internal(NetworkManager manager)
            NetworkManager = manager;
            Objects = new ServerObjects(manager);
            //Unsubscribe first incase already subscribed.
            NetworkManager.ClientManager.OnClientConnectionState += ClientManager_OnClientConnectionState;
            NetworkManager.SceneManager.OnClientLoadedStartScenes += SceneManager_OnClientLoadedStartScenes;

            if (_authenticator == null)
                _authenticator = GetComponent<Authenticator>();
            if (_authenticator != null)

            _cachedLevelOfDetailInterval = NetworkManager.ClientManager.LevelOfDetailInterval;
            _cachedUseLod = NetworkManager.ObserverManager.GetUseNetworkLod();

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the authenticator to this manager.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeAuthenticator()
            Authenticator auth = GetAuthenticator();
            if (auth == null || auth.Initialized)
            if (NetworkManager == null)

            auth.OnAuthenticationResult += _authenticator_OnAuthenticationResult;

        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the server if configured to for headless.
        /// </summary>
        internal void StartForHeadless()
            if (GetStartOnHeadless())
                //Wrapping logic in check instead of everything so _startOnHeadless doesnt warn as unused in editor.

        /// <summary>
        /// Stops the local server connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendDisconnectMessage">True to send a disconnect message to all clients first.</param>
        public bool StopConnection(bool sendDisconnectMessage)
            if (sendDisconnectMessage)
                SendDisconnectMessages(Clients.Values.ToList(), true);

            //Return stop connection result.
            return NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport.StopConnection(true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a disconnect messge to connectionIds.
        /// This does not iterate outgoing automatically.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionIds"></param>
        internal void SendDisconnectMessages(int[] connectionIds)
            List<NetworkConnection> conns = new List<NetworkConnection>();
            foreach (int item in connectionIds)
                if (Clients.TryGetValueIL2CPP(item, out NetworkConnection c))

            if (conns.Count > 0)
                SendDisconnectMessages(conns, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a disconnect message to all clients and immediately iterates outgoing.
        /// </summary>
        private void SendDisconnectMessages(List<NetworkConnection> conns, bool iterate)
            PooledWriter writer = WriterPool.GetWriter();
            ArraySegment<byte> segment = writer.GetArraySegment();
            //Send segment to each client, authenticated or not.
            foreach (NetworkConnection c in conns)
                c.SendToClient((byte)Channel.Reliable, segment);
            //Recycle writer.

            if (iterate)

        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the local server connection.
        /// </summary>
        public bool StartConnection()
            return NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport.StartConnection(true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the local server using port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="port">Port to start on.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool StartConnection(ushort port)
            Transport t = NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport;
            return t.StartConnection(true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Called after the local client connection state changes.
        /// </summary>
        private void ClientManager_OnClientConnectionState(ClientConnectionStateArgs obj)
            /* If client is doing anything but started destroy pending.
             * Pending is only used for host mode. */
            if (obj.ConnectionState != LocalConnectionState.Started)

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a client loads initial scenes after connecting.
        /// </summary>
        private void SceneManager_OnClientLoadedStartScenes(NetworkConnection conn, bool asServer)
            if (asServer)
                /* If connection is host then renderers must be hidden
                 * for all objects not visible to the host. The observer system
                 * does handle this but only after an initial state is set.
                 * If the clientHost joins without observation of an object
                 * then the initial state will never be set. */
                if (conn.IsLocalClient)
                    foreach (NetworkObject nob in Objects.Spawned.Values)
                        if (!nob.Observers.Contains(conn))

        /// <summary>
        /// Changes subscription status to transport.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subscribe"></param>
        private void SubscribeToTransport(bool subscribe)
            if (NetworkManager == null || NetworkManager.TransportManager == null || NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport == null)

            if (subscribe)
                NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport.OnServerReceivedData += Transport_OnServerReceivedData;
                NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport.OnServerConnectionState += Transport_OnServerConnectionState;
                NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport.OnRemoteConnectionState += Transport_OnRemoteConnectionState;
                NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport.OnServerReceivedData -= Transport_OnServerReceivedData;
                NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport.OnServerConnectionState -= Transport_OnServerConnectionState;
                NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport.OnRemoteConnectionState -= Transport_OnRemoteConnectionState;

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when authenticator has concluded a result for a connection. Boolean is true if authentication passed, false if failed.
        /// Server listens for this event automatically.
        /// </summary>
        private void _authenticator_OnAuthenticationResult(NetworkConnection conn, bool authenticated)
            if (!authenticated)

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a connection state changes for the local server.
        /// </summary>
        private void Transport_OnServerConnectionState(ServerConnectionStateArgs args)
            /* Let the client manager know the server state is changing first.
             * This gives the client an opportunity to clean-up or prepare
             * before the server completes it's actions. */
            Started = AnyServerStarted();
            //If no servers are started then reset match conditions.
            if (!Started)
                //Despawn without synchronizing network objects.

            LocalConnectionState state = args.ConnectionState;

            if (NetworkManager.CanLog(LoggingType.Common))
                Transport t = NetworkManager.TransportManager.GetTransport(args.TransportIndex);
                string tName = (t == null) ? "Unknown" : t.GetType().Name;
                Debug.Log($"Local server is {state.ToString().ToLower()} for {tName}.");


        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a connection state changes for a remote client.
        /// </summary>
        private void Transport_OnRemoteConnectionState(RemoteConnectionStateArgs args)
            //Sanity check to make sure transports are following proper types/ranges.
            int id = args.ConnectionId;
            int maxIdValue = short.MaxValue;
            if (id < 0 || id > maxIdValue)
                Kick(args.ConnectionId, KickReason.UnexpectedProblem, LoggingType.Error, $"The transport you are using supplied an invalid connection Id of {id}. Connection Id values must range between 0 and {maxIdValue}. The client has been disconnected.");
            //Valid Id.
                //If started then add to authenticated clients.
                if (args.ConnectionState == RemoteConnectionState.Started)
                    NetworkManager.Log($"Remote connection started for Id {id}.");
                    NetworkConnection conn = new NetworkConnection(NetworkManager, id, true);
                    Clients.Add(args.ConnectionId, conn);
                    OnRemoteConnectionState?.Invoke(conn, args);
                    //Connection is no longer valid. This can occur if the user changes the state using the OnRemoteConnectionState event.
                    if (!conn.IsValid)
                    /* If there is an authenticator
                     * and the transport is not a local transport. */
                    Authenticator auth = GetAuthenticator();
                    if (auth != null && !NetworkManager.TransportManager.IsLocalTransport(id))
                //If stopping.
                else if (args.ConnectionState == RemoteConnectionState.Stopped)
                    /* If client's connection is found then clean
                     * them up from server. */
                    if (Clients.TryGetValueIL2CPP(id, out NetworkConnection conn))
                        OnRemoteConnectionState?.Invoke(conn, args);
                        MatchCondition.RemoveFromMatchWithoutRebuild(conn, NetworkManager);
                        BroadcastClientConnectionChange(false, conn);
                        //Return predictedObjectIds.
                        Queue<int> pqId = conn.PredictedObjectIds;
                        while (pqId.Count > 0)

                        NetworkManager.Log($"Remote connection stopped for Id {id}.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends client their connectionId.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionid"></param>
        private void SendAuthenticated(NetworkConnection conn)
            using (PooledWriter writer = WriterPool.GetWriter())
                /* If predicted spawning is enabled then also send
                 * reserved objectIds. */
                PredictionManager pm = NetworkManager.PredictionManager;
                if (pm.GetAllowPredictedSpawning())
                    int count = Mathf.Min(Objects.GetObjectIdCache().Count, pm.GetReservedObjectIds());

                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        ushort val = (ushort)Objects.GetNextNetworkObjectId(false);

                NetworkManager.TransportManager.SendToClient((byte)Channel.Reliable, writer.GetArraySegment(), conn);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the server socket receives data.
        /// </summary>
        private void Transport_OnServerReceivedData(ServerReceivedDataArgs args)
            args.Data = NetworkManager.TransportManager.ProcessIntermediateIncoming(args.Data, false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the server receives data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void ParseReceived(ServerReceivedDataArgs args)

            //Not from a valid connection.
            if (args.ConnectionId < 0)
            ArraySegment<byte> segment = args.Data;
            if (segment.Count <= TransportManager.TICK_BYTES)

            //FishNet internally splits packets so nothing should ever arrive over MTU.
            int channelMtu = NetworkManager.TransportManager.GetMTU(args.TransportIndex, (byte)args.Channel);
            //If over MTU kick client immediately.
            if (segment.Count > channelMtu && !NetworkManager.TransportManager.IsLocalTransport(args.ConnectionId))

            PacketId packetId = PacketId.Unset;
            using (PooledReader reader = ReaderPool.GetReader(segment, NetworkManager))
                uint tick = reader.ReadUInt32(AutoPackType.Unpacked);
                NetworkManager.TimeManager.LastPacketTick = tick;
                /* This is a special condition where a message may arrive split.
                * When this occurs buffer each packet until all packets are
                * received. */
                if (reader.PeekPacketId() == PacketId.Split)
                    //Skip packetId.

                    int expectedMessages;
                    _splitReader.GetHeader(reader, out expectedMessages);
                    //If here split message can be written.
                    _splitReader.Write(NetworkManager.TimeManager.LastPacketTick, reader, expectedMessages);

                    /* If fullMessage returns 0 count then the split
                     * has not written fully yet. Otherwise, if there is
                     * data within then reinitialize reader with the
                     * full message. */
                    ArraySegment<byte> fullMessage = _splitReader.GetFullMessage();
                    if (fullMessage.Count == 0)

                    /* If here then all data has been received.
                     * It's possible the client could have exceeded 
                     * maximum MTU but not the maximum number of splits.
                     * This is because the length of each split
                     * is not written, so we don't know how much data of the
                     * final message actually belonged to the split vs
                     * unrelated data added afterwards. We're going to cut
                     * the client some slack in this situation for the sake
                     * of keeping things simple. */
                    //Initialize reader with full message.
                    reader.Initialize(fullMessage, NetworkManager);

                //Parse reader.
                while (reader.Remaining > 0)
                    packetId = reader.ReadPacketId();
                    NetworkConnection conn;

                    /* Connection isn't available. This should never happen.
                     * Force an immediate disconnect. */
                    if (!Clients.TryGetValueIL2CPP(args.ConnectionId, out conn))
                        Kick(args.ConnectionId, KickReason.UnexpectedProblem, LoggingType.Error, $"ConnectionId {conn.ClientId} not found within Clients. Connection will be kicked immediately.");
                    /* If connection isn't authenticated and isn't a broadcast
                     * then disconnect client. If a broadcast then process
                     * normally; client may still become disconnected if the broadcast
                     * does not allow to be called while not authenticated. */
                    if (!conn.Authenticated && packetId != PacketId.Broadcast)
                        conn.Kick(KickReason.ExploitAttempt, LoggingType.Common, $"ConnectionId {conn.ClientId} sent a Broadcast without being authenticated. Connection will be kicked immediately.");

                    //Only check if not developer build because users pay pause editor.
                    /* If hasn't sent LOD recently enough. LODs are sent every half a second, so
                     * by multiplaying interval by 60 this gives the client a 30 second window. */
                    if (_cachedUseLod && conn.IsLateForLevelOfDetail(_cachedLevelOfDetailInterval * 60))
                        conn.Kick(KickReason.ExploitAttempt, LoggingType.Common, $"ConnectionId {conn.ClientId} has gone too long without sending a level of detail update. Connection will be kicked immediately.");
                    if (packetId == PacketId.Replicate)
                        Objects.ParseReplicateRpc(reader, conn, args.Channel);
                    else if (packetId == PacketId.ServerRpc)
                        Objects.ParseServerRpc(reader, conn, args.Channel);
                    else if (packetId == PacketId.ObjectSpawn)
                        if (!NetworkManager.PredictionManager.GetAllowPredictedSpawning())
                            conn.Kick(KickReason.ExploitAttempt, LoggingType.Common, $"ConnectionId {conn.ClientId} sent a predicted spawn while predicted spawning is not enabled. Connection will be kicked immediately.");
                        Objects.ReadPredictedSpawn(reader, conn);
                    else if (packetId == PacketId.ObjectDespawn)
                        if (!NetworkManager.PredictionManager.GetAllowPredictedSpawning())
                            conn.Kick(KickReason.ExploitAttempt, LoggingType.Common, $"ConnectionId {conn.ClientId} sent a predicted spawn while predicted spawning is not enabled. Connection will be kicked immediately.");
                        Objects.ReadPredictedDespawn(reader, conn);
                    else if (packetId == PacketId.NetworkLODUpdate)
                        ParseNetworkLODUpdate(reader, conn);
                    else if (packetId == PacketId.Broadcast)
                        ParseBroadcast(reader, conn, args.Channel);
                    else if (packetId == PacketId.PingPong)
                        ParsePingPong(reader, conn);
                        NetworkManager.LogError($"Server received an unhandled PacketId of {(ushort)packetId} from connectionId {args.ConnectionId}. Remaining data has been purged.");
                        NetworkManager.LogError($"Server received an unhandled PacketId of {(ushort)packetId} from connectionId {args.ConnectionId}. Connection will be kicked immediately.");
                        NetworkManager.TransportManager.Transport.StopConnection(args.ConnectionId, true);
            catch (Exception e)
                Kick(args.ConnectionId, KickReason.MalformedData, LoggingType.Error, $"Server encountered an error while parsing data for packetId {packetId} from connectionId {args.ConnectionId}. Connection will be kicked immediately. Message: {e.Message}.");

            //Kicks connection for exceeding MTU.
            void ExceededMTUKick()
                Kick(args.ConnectionId, KickReason.ExploitExcessiveData, LoggingType.Common, $"ConnectionId {args.ConnectionId} sent a message larger than allowed amount. Connection will be kicked immediately.");


        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a received PingPong.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="conn"></param>
        private void ParsePingPong(PooledReader reader, NetworkConnection conn)
            /* //security limit how often clients can send pings.
             * have clients use a stopwatch rather than frame time
             * for checks to ensure it's not possible to send
             * excessively should their game stutter then catch back up. */
            uint clientTick = reader.ReadUInt32(AutoPackType.Unpacked);
            if (conn.CanPingPong())
                NetworkManager.TimeManager.SendPong(conn, clientTick);

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a remote client authenticates with the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionId"></param>
        private void ClientAuthenticated(NetworkConnection connection)
            /* Immediately send connectionId to client. Some transports
            * don't give clients their remoteId, therefor it has to be sent
            * by the ServerManager. This packet is very simple and can be built
            * on the spot. */
            /* Send client Ids before telling the client
             * they are authenticated. This is important because when the client becomes
             * authenticated they set their LocalConnection using Clients field in ClientManager,
             * which is set after getting Ids. */
            BroadcastClientConnectionChange(true, connection);

            OnAuthenticationResult?.Invoke(connection, true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a client connection state change to owner and other clients if applicable.
        /// </summary>
        private void BroadcastClientConnectionChange(bool connected, NetworkConnection conn)
            //If sharing Ids then send all connected client Ids first if is a connected state.
            if (ShareIds)
                /* Send a broadcast to all authenticated clients with the clientId
                 * that just connected. The conn client will also get this. */
                ClientConnectionChangeBroadcast changeMsg = new ClientConnectionChangeBroadcast()
                    Connected = connected,
                    Id = conn.ClientId

                /* If state is connected then the conn client
                 * must also receive all currently connected client ids. */
                if (connected)
                    //Send already connected clients to the connection that just joined.
                    ListCache<int> lc = ListCaches.GetIntCache();
                    foreach (int key in Clients.Keys)

                    ConnectedClientsBroadcast allMsg = new ConnectedClientsBroadcast()
                        ListCache = lc
            //If not sharing Ids then only send ConnectionChange to conn.
                if (connected)
                    /* Send broadcast only to the client which just disconnected.
                     * Only send if connecting. If the client is disconnected there's no reason
                     * to send them a disconnect msg. */
                    ClientConnectionChangeBroadcast changeMsg = new ClientConnectionChangeBroadcast()
                        Connected = connected,
                        Id = conn.ClientId
                    Broadcast(conn, changeMsg, true, Channel.Reliable);


