using FishNet.Connection; using FishNet.Documenting; using FishNet.Managing.Logging; using FishNet.Managing.Transporting; using FishNet.Object.Delegating; using FishNet.Serializing; using FishNet.Serializing.Helping; using FishNet.Transporting; using FishNet.Utility.Extension; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using UnityEngine; namespace FishNet.Object { public abstract partial class NetworkBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { #region Private. /// <summary> /// Registered ServerRpc methods. /// </summary> private readonly Dictionary<uint, ServerRpcDelegate> _serverRpcDelegates = new Dictionary<uint, ServerRpcDelegate>(); /// <summary> /// Registered ObserversRpc methods. /// </summary> private readonly Dictionary<uint, ClientRpcDelegate> _observersRpcDelegates = new Dictionary<uint, ClientRpcDelegate>(); /// <summary> /// Registered TargetRpc methods. /// </summary> private readonly Dictionary<uint, ClientRpcDelegate> _targetRpcDelegates = new Dictionary<uint, ClientRpcDelegate>(); /// <summary> /// Number of total RPC methods for scripts in the same inheritance tree for this instance. /// </summary> private uint _rpcMethodCount; /// <summary> /// Size of every rpcHash for this networkBehaviour. /// </summary> private byte _rpcHashSize = 1; /// <summary> /// RPCs buffered for new clients. /// </summary> private Dictionary<uint, (PooledWriter, Channel)> _bufferedRpcs = new Dictionary<uint, (PooledWriter, Channel)>(); /// <summary> /// Connections to exclude from RPCs, such as ExcludeOwner or ExcludeServer. /// </summary> private HashSet<NetworkConnection> _networkConnectionCache = new HashSet<NetworkConnection>(); #endregion /// <summary> /// Called when buffered RPCs should be sent. /// </summary> internal void SendBufferedRpcs(NetworkConnection conn) { TransportManager tm = _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.TransportManager; foreach ((PooledWriter writer, Channel ch) in _bufferedRpcs.Values) tm.SendToClient((byte)ch, writer.GetArraySegment(), conn); } /// <summary> /// Registers a RPC method. /// </summary> /// <param name="hash"></param> /// <param name="del"></param> [APIExclude] [CodegenMakePublic] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] protected internal void RegisterServerRpc_Internal(uint hash, ServerRpcDelegate del) { bool contains = _serverRpcDelegates.ContainsKey(hash); _serverRpcDelegates[hash] = del; if (!contains) IncreaseRpcMethodCount(); } /// <summary> /// Registers a RPC method. /// </summary> /// <param name="hash"></param> /// <param name="del"></param> [APIExclude] [CodegenMakePublic] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] protected internal void RegisterObserversRpc_Internal(uint hash, ClientRpcDelegate del) { bool contains = _observersRpcDelegates.ContainsKey(hash); _observersRpcDelegates[hash] = del; if (!contains) IncreaseRpcMethodCount(); } /// <summary> /// Registers a RPC method. /// </summary> /// <param name="hash"></param> /// <param name="del"></param> [APIExclude] [CodegenMakePublic] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] protected internal void RegisterTargetRpc_Internal(uint hash, ClientRpcDelegate del) { bool contains = _targetRpcDelegates.ContainsKey(hash); _targetRpcDelegates[hash] = del; if (!contains) IncreaseRpcMethodCount(); } /// <summary> /// Increases rpcMethodCount and rpcHashSize. /// </summary> private void IncreaseRpcMethodCount() { _rpcMethodCount++; if (_rpcMethodCount <= byte.MaxValue) _rpcHashSize = 1; else _rpcHashSize = 2; } /// <summary> /// Clears all buffered RPCs for this NetworkBehaviour. /// </summary> public void ClearBuffedRpcs() { foreach ((PooledWriter writer, Channel _) in _bufferedRpcs.Values) writer.Dispose(); _bufferedRpcs.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Reads a RPC hash. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader"></param> /// <returns></returns> private uint ReadRpcHash(PooledReader reader) { if (_rpcHashSize == 1) return reader.ReadByte(); else return reader.ReadUInt16(); } /// <summary> /// Called when a ServerRpc is received. /// </summary> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] internal void OnServerRpc(PooledReader reader, NetworkConnection sendingClient, Channel channel) { uint methodHash = ReadRpcHash(reader); if (sendingClient == null) { _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.LogError($"NetworkConnection is null. ServerRpc {methodHash} on object {} [id {ObjectId}] will not complete. Remainder of packet may become corrupt."); return; } if (_serverRpcDelegates.TryGetValueIL2CPP(methodHash, out ServerRpcDelegate data)) data.Invoke(reader, channel, sendingClient); else _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.LogWarning($"ServerRpc not found for hash {methodHash} on object {} [id {ObjectId}]. Remainder of packet may become corrupt."); } /// <summary> /// Called when an ObserversRpc is received. /// </summary> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] internal void OnObserversRpc(uint? methodHash, PooledReader reader, Channel channel) { if (methodHash == null) methodHash = ReadRpcHash(reader); if (_observersRpcDelegates.TryGetValueIL2CPP(methodHash.Value, out ClientRpcDelegate del)) del.Invoke(reader, channel); else _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.LogWarning($"ObserversRpc not found for hash {methodHash.Value} on object {} [id {ObjectId}] . Remainder of packet may become corrupt."); } /// <summary> /// Called when an TargetRpc is received. /// </summary> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] internal void OnTargetRpc(uint? methodHash, PooledReader reader, Channel channel) { if (methodHash == null) methodHash = ReadRpcHash(reader); if (_targetRpcDelegates.TryGetValueIL2CPP(methodHash.Value, out ClientRpcDelegate del)) del.Invoke(reader, channel); else _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.LogWarning($"TargetRpc not found for hash {methodHash.Value} on object {} [id {ObjectId}] . Remainder of packet may become corrupt."); } /// <summary> /// Sends a RPC to server. /// </summary> /// <param name="hash"></param> /// <param name="methodWriter"></param> /// <param name="channel"></param> [CodegenMakePublic] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public void SendServerRpc_Internal(uint hash, PooledWriter methodWriter, Channel channel) { if (!IsSpawnedWithWarning()) return; PooledWriter writer = CreateRpc(hash, methodWriter, PacketId.ServerRpc, channel); _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.TransportManager.SendToServer((byte)channel, writer.GetArraySegment()); writer.DisposeLength(); } /// <summary> /// Sends a RPC to observers. /// </summary> /// <param name="hash"></param> /// <param name="methodWriter"></param> /// <param name="channel"></param> [APIExclude] [CodegenMakePublic] //Make internal. [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public void SendObserversRpc_Internal(uint hash, PooledWriter methodWriter, Channel channel, bool buffered, bool excludeServer, bool excludeOwner) { if (!IsSpawnedWithWarning()) return; PooledWriter writer; #if UNITY_EDITOR || DEVELOPMENT_BUILD if (NetworkManager.DebugManager.ObserverRpcLinks && _rpcLinks.TryGetValueIL2CPP(hash, out RpcLinkType link)) #else if (_rpcLinks.TryGetValueIL2CPP(hash, out RpcLinkType link)) #endif writer = CreateLinkedRpc(link, methodWriter, channel); else writer = CreateRpc(hash, methodWriter, PacketId.ObserversRpc, channel); SetNetworkConnectionCache(excludeServer, excludeOwner); _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.TransportManager.SendToClients((byte)channel, writer.GetArraySegment(), _networkObjectCache.Observers, _networkConnectionCache, true); /* If buffered then dispose of any already buffered * writers and replace with new one. Writers should * automatically dispose when references are lost * anyway but better safe than sorry. */ if (buffered) { if (_bufferedRpcs.TryGetValueIL2CPP(hash, out (PooledWriter pw, Channel ch) result)); _bufferedRpcs[hash] = (writer, channel); } //If not buffered then dispose immediately. else { writer.DisposeLength(); } } /// <summary> /// Sends a RPC to target. /// </summary> [CodegenMakePublic] //Make internal. [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public void SendTargetRpc_Internal(uint hash, PooledWriter methodWriter, Channel channel, NetworkConnection target, bool excludeServer, bool validateTarget = true) { if (!IsSpawnedWithWarning()) return; if (validateTarget) { if (target == null) { _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.LogWarning($"Action cannot be completed as no Target is specified."); return; } else { //If target is not an observer. if (!_networkObjectCache.Observers.Contains(target)) { _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.LogWarning($"Action cannot be completed as Target is not an observer for object {} [id {ObjectId}]."); return; } } } //Excluding server. if (excludeServer && target.IsLocalClient) return; PooledWriter writer; #if UNITY_EDITOR || DEVELOPMENT_BUILD if (NetworkManager.DebugManager.TargetRpcLinks && _rpcLinks.TryGetValueIL2CPP(hash, out RpcLinkType link)) #else if (_rpcLinks.TryGetValueIL2CPP(hash, out RpcLinkType link)) #endif writer = CreateLinkedRpc(link, methodWriter, channel); else writer = CreateRpc(hash, methodWriter, PacketId.TargetRpc, channel); _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.TransportManager.SendToClient((byte)channel, writer.GetArraySegment(), target); writer.DisposeLength(); } /// <summary> /// Adds excluded connections to ExcludedRpcConnections. /// </summary> private void SetNetworkConnectionCache(bool addClientHost, bool addOwner) { _networkConnectionCache.Clear(); if (addClientHost && IsClient) _networkConnectionCache.Add(LocalConnection); if (addOwner && Owner.IsValid) _networkConnectionCache.Add(Owner); } /// <summary> /// Returns if spawned and throws a warning if not. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool IsSpawnedWithWarning() { bool result = this.IsSpawned; if (!result) _networkObjectCache.NetworkManager.LogWarning($"Action cannot be completed as object {} [Id {ObjectId}] is not spawned."); return result; } /// <summary> /// Writes a full RPC and returns the writer. /// </summary> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private PooledWriter CreateRpc(uint hash, PooledWriter methodWriter, PacketId packetId, Channel channel) { int rpcHeaderBufferLength = GetEstimatedRpcHeaderLength(); int methodWriterLength = methodWriter.Length; //Writer containing full packet. PooledWriter writer = WriterPool.GetWriter(rpcHeaderBufferLength + methodWriterLength); writer.WritePacketId(packetId); writer.WriteNetworkBehaviour(this); //Only write length if reliable. if (channel == Channel.Reliable) writer.WriteLength(methodWriterLength + _rpcHashSize); //Hash and data. WriteRpcHash(hash, writer); writer.WriteArraySegment(methodWriter.GetArraySegment()); return writer; } /// <summary> /// Writes rpcHash to writer. /// </summary> /// <param name="hash"></param> /// <param name="writer"></param> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private void WriteRpcHash(uint hash, PooledWriter writer) { if (_rpcHashSize == 1) writer.WriteByte((byte)hash); else writer.WriteUInt16((byte)hash); } } }