using FishNet.Documenting;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FishNet.Managing.Timing
public class MovingAverage
#region Public.
/// Average from samples favoring the most recent sample.
public float Average { get; private set; }
/// Next index to write a sample to.
private int _writeIndex;
/// Collected samples.
private float[] _samples;
/// Number of samples written. Will be at most samples size.
private int _writtenSamples;
/// Samples accumulated over queue.
private float _sampleAccumulator;
public MovingAverage(int sampleSize)
if (sampleSize < 0)
sampleSize = 0;
else if (sampleSize < 2)
NetworkManager.StaticLogWarning("Using a sampleSize of less than 2 will always return the most recent value as Average.");
_samples = new float[sampleSize];
/// Computes a new windowed average each time a new sample arrives
public void ComputeAverage(float newSample)
if (_samples.Length <= 1)
Average = newSample;
_sampleAccumulator += newSample;
_samples[_writeIndex] = newSample;
//Increase writeIndex.
_writtenSamples = Math.Max(_writtenSamples, _writeIndex);
if (_writeIndex >= _samples.Length)
_writeIndex = 0;
Average = _sampleAccumulator / _writtenSamples;
/* If samples are full then drop off
* the oldest sample. This will always be
* the one just after written. The entry isn't
* actually removed from the array but will
* be overwritten next sample. */
if (_writtenSamples >= _samples.Length)
_sampleAccumulator -= _samples[_writeIndex];