using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; // Container for a simple debug entry namespace IngameDebugConsole { public class DebugLogEntry : IEquatable { private const int HASH_NOT_CALCULATED = -623218; private string completeLog; // Collapsed count public int count; private int hashValue; public string logString; // Sprite to show with this entry public Sprite logTypeSpriteRepresentation; public string stackTrace; // Check if two entries have the same origin public bool Equals(DebugLogEntry other) { return logString == other.logString && stackTrace == other.stackTrace; } public void Initialize(string logString, string stackTrace) { this.logString = logString; this.stackTrace = stackTrace; completeLog = null; count = 1; hashValue = HASH_NOT_CALCULATED; } // Checks if logString or stackTrace contains the search term public bool MatchesSearchTerm(string searchTerm) { return (logString != null && DebugLogConsole.caseInsensitiveComparer.IndexOf(logString, searchTerm, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace) >= 0) || (stackTrace != null && DebugLogConsole.caseInsensitiveComparer.IndexOf(stackTrace, searchTerm, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace) >= 0); } // Return a string containing complete information about this debug entry public override string ToString() { if (completeLog == null) completeLog = string.Concat(logString, "\n", stackTrace); return completeLog; } // Credit: public override int GetHashCode() { if (hashValue == HASH_NOT_CALCULATED) unchecked { hashValue = 17; hashValue = hashValue * 23 + (logString == null ? 0 : logString.GetHashCode()); hashValue = hashValue * 23 + (stackTrace == null ? 0 : stackTrace.GetHashCode()); } return hashValue; } } public struct QueuedDebugLogEntry { public readonly string logString; public readonly string stackTrace; public readonly LogType logType; public QueuedDebugLogEntry(string logString, string stackTrace, LogType logType) { this.logString = logString; this.stackTrace = stackTrace; this.logType = logType; } // Checks if logString or stackTrace contains the search term public bool MatchesSearchTerm(string searchTerm) { return (logString != null && DebugLogConsole.caseInsensitiveComparer.IndexOf(logString, searchTerm, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace) >= 0) || (stackTrace != null && DebugLogConsole.caseInsensitiveComparer.IndexOf(stackTrace, searchTerm, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace) >= 0); } } public struct DebugLogEntryTimestamp { public readonly DateTime dateTime; #if !IDG_OMIT_ELAPSED_TIME public readonly float elapsedSeconds; #endif #if !IDG_OMIT_FRAMECOUNT public readonly int frameCount; #endif #if !IDG_OMIT_ELAPSED_TIME && !IDG_OMIT_FRAMECOUNT public DebugLogEntryTimestamp(DateTime dateTime, float elapsedSeconds, int frameCount) #elif !IDG_OMIT_ELAPSED_TIME public DebugLogEntryTimestamp( System.DateTime dateTime, float elapsedSeconds ) #elif !IDG_OMIT_FRAMECOUNT public DebugLogEntryTimestamp( System.DateTime dateTime, int frameCount ) #else public DebugLogEntryTimestamp( System.DateTime dateTime ) #endif { this.dateTime = dateTime; #if !IDG_OMIT_ELAPSED_TIME this.elapsedSeconds = elapsedSeconds; #endif #if !IDG_OMIT_FRAMECOUNT this.frameCount = frameCount; #endif } public void AppendTime(StringBuilder sb) { // Add DateTime in format: [HH:mm:ss] sb.Append("["); var hour = dateTime.Hour; if (hour >= 10) sb.Append(hour); else sb.Append("0").Append(hour); sb.Append(":"); var minute = dateTime.Minute; if (minute >= 10) sb.Append(minute); else sb.Append("0").Append(minute); sb.Append(":"); var second = dateTime.Second; if (second >= 10) sb.Append(second); else sb.Append("0").Append(second); sb.Append("]"); } public void AppendFullTimestamp(StringBuilder sb) { AppendTime(sb); #if !IDG_OMIT_ELAPSED_TIME && !IDG_OMIT_FRAMECOUNT // Append elapsed seconds and frame count in format: [1.0s at #Frame] sb.Append("[").Append(elapsedSeconds.ToString("F1")).Append("s at ").Append("#").Append(frameCount) .Append("]"); #elif !IDG_OMIT_ELAPSED_TIME // Append elapsed seconds in format: [1.0s] sb.Append( "[" ).Append( elapsedSeconds.ToString( "F1" ) ).Append( "s]" ); #elif !IDG_OMIT_FRAMECOUNT // Append frame count in format: [#Frame] sb.Append( "[#" ).Append( frameCount ).Append( "]" ); #endif } } }