using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; #if UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER using Screen = UnityEngine.Device.Screen; // To support Device Simulator on Unity 2021.1+ #endif // Manager class for the debug popup namespace IngameDebugConsole { public class DebugLogPopup : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler { // Background image that will change color to indicate an alert private Image backgroundImage; // Canvas group to modify visibility of the popup private CanvasGroup canvasGroup; // Dimensions of the popup divided by 2 private Vector2 halfSize; private bool isPopupBeingDragged; // Coroutines for simple code-based animations private IEnumerator moveToPosCoroutine; // Number of new debug entries since the log window has been closed private int newInfoCount, newWarningCount, newErrorCount; private Color normalColor; private Vector2 normalizedPosition; private RectTransform popupTransform; private void Awake() { popupTransform = (RectTransform)transform; backgroundImage = GetComponent(); canvasGroup = GetComponent(); normalColor = backgroundImage.color; halfSize = popupTransform.sizeDelta * 0.5f; var pos = popupTransform.anchoredPosition; if (pos.x != 0f || pos.y != 0f) normalizedPosition = pos.normalized; // Respect the initial popup position set in the prefab else normalizedPosition = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f); // Right edge by default } private void Reset() { newInfoCount = 0; newWarningCount = 0; newErrorCount = 0; newInfoCountText.text = "0"; newWarningCountText.text = "0"; newErrorCountText.text = "0"; backgroundImage.color = normalColor; } public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData data) { isPopupBeingDragged = true; // If a smooth movement animation is in progress, cancel it if (moveToPosCoroutine != null) { StopCoroutine(moveToPosCoroutine); moveToPosCoroutine = null; } } // Reposition the popup public void OnDrag(PointerEventData data) { Vector2 localPoint; if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(debugManager.canvasTR, data.position, data.pressEventCamera, out localPoint)) popupTransform.anchoredPosition = localPoint; } // Smoothly translate the popup to the nearest edge public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData data) { isPopupBeingDragged = false; UpdatePosition(false); } // Popup is clicked public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData data) { // Hide the popup and show the log window if (!isPopupBeingDragged) debugManager.ShowLogWindow(); } public void NewLogsArrived(int newInfo, int newWarning, int newError) { if (newInfo > 0) { newInfoCount += newInfo; newInfoCountText.text = newInfoCount.ToString(); } if (newWarning > 0) { newWarningCount += newWarning; newWarningCountText.text = newWarningCount.ToString(); } if (newError > 0) { newErrorCount += newError; newErrorCountText.text = newErrorCount.ToString(); } if (newErrorCount > 0) backgroundImage.color = alertColorError; else if (newWarningCount > 0) backgroundImage.color = alertColorWarning; else backgroundImage.color = alertColorInfo; } // A simple smooth movement animation private IEnumerator MoveToPosAnimation(Vector2 targetPos) { var modifier = 0f; var initialPos = popupTransform.anchoredPosition; while (modifier < 1f) { modifier += 4f * Time.unscaledDeltaTime; popupTransform.anchoredPosition = Vector2.Lerp(initialPos, targetPos, modifier); yield return null; } } // Hides the log window and shows the popup public void Show() { canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; canvasGroup.alpha = 1f; // Reset the counters Reset(); // Update position in case resolution was changed while the popup was hidden UpdatePosition(true); } // Hide the popup public void Hide() { canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = false; canvasGroup.alpha = 0f; isPopupBeingDragged = false; } // There are 2 different spaces used in these calculations: // RectTransform space: raw anchoredPosition of the popup that's in range [-canvasSize/2, canvasSize/2] // Safe area space: Screen.safeArea space that's in range [safeAreaBottomLeft, safeAreaTopRight] where these corner positions // are all positive (calculated from bottom left corner of the screen instead of the center of the screen) public void UpdatePosition(bool immediately) { var canvasRawSize = debugManager.canvasTR.rect.size; // Calculate safe area bounds var canvasWidth = canvasRawSize.x; var canvasHeight = canvasRawSize.y; var canvasBottomLeftX = 0f; var canvasBottomLeftY = 0f; if (debugManager.popupAvoidsScreenCutout) { #if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER && ( UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS ) var safeArea = Screen.safeArea; var screenWidth = Screen.width; var screenHeight = Screen.height; canvasWidth *= safeArea.width / screenWidth; canvasHeight *= safeArea.height / screenHeight; canvasBottomLeftX = canvasRawSize.x * (safeArea.x / screenWidth); canvasBottomLeftY = canvasRawSize.y * (safeArea.y / screenHeight); #endif } // Calculate safe area position of the popup // normalizedPosition allows us to glue the popup to a specific edge of the screen. It becomes useful when // the popup is at the right edge and we switch from portrait screen orientation to landscape screen orientation. // Without normalizedPosition, popup could jump to bottom or top edges instead of staying at the right edge var pos = canvasRawSize * 0.5f + (immediately ? new Vector2(normalizedPosition.x * canvasWidth, normalizedPosition.y * canvasHeight) : popupTransform.anchoredPosition - new Vector2(canvasBottomLeftX, canvasBottomLeftY)); // Find distances to all four edges of the safe area var distToLeft = pos.x; var distToRight = canvasWidth - distToLeft; var distToBottom = pos.y; var distToTop = canvasHeight - distToBottom; var horDistance = Mathf.Min(distToLeft, distToRight); var vertDistance = Mathf.Min(distToBottom, distToTop); // Find the nearest edge's safe area coordinates if (horDistance < vertDistance) { if (distToLeft < distToRight) pos = new Vector2(halfSize.x, pos.y); else pos = new Vector2(canvasWidth - halfSize.x, pos.y); pos.y = Mathf.Clamp(pos.y, halfSize.y, canvasHeight - halfSize.y); } else { if (distToBottom < distToTop) pos = new Vector2(pos.x, halfSize.y); else pos = new Vector2(pos.x, canvasHeight - halfSize.y); pos.x = Mathf.Clamp(pos.x, halfSize.x, canvasWidth - halfSize.x); } pos -= canvasRawSize * 0.5f; normalizedPosition.Set(pos.x / canvasWidth, pos.y / canvasHeight); // Safe area's bottom left coordinates are added to pos only after normalizedPosition's value // is set because normalizedPosition is in range [-canvasWidth / 2, canvasWidth / 2] pos += new Vector2(canvasBottomLeftX, canvasBottomLeftY); // If another smooth movement animation is in progress, cancel it if (moveToPosCoroutine != null) { StopCoroutine(moveToPosCoroutine); moveToPosCoroutine = null; } if (immediately) { popupTransform.anchoredPosition = pos; } else { // Smoothly translate the popup to the specified position moveToPosCoroutine = MoveToPosAnimation(pos); StartCoroutine(moveToPosCoroutine); } } #pragma warning disable 0649 [SerializeField] private DebugLogManager debugManager; [SerializeField] private Text newInfoCountText; [SerializeField] private Text newWarningCountText; [SerializeField] private Text newErrorCountText; [SerializeField] private Color alertColorInfo; [SerializeField] private Color alertColorWarning; [SerializeField] private Color alertColorError; #pragma warning restore 0649 } }