<p>To deploy on Android, make sure FMODStudio is in your game's directory, not in the Engine plugins directory. When FMODStudio is in your game's plugin directory, the engine will rebuild the plugin for Android and deploy all the files properly.</p>
<p>FMOD supports DSP plugins, which will be stand-alone .so files that will need to be packaged into the build. Add the .so file into the <code>FMODStudio/Binaries/Android/{Architecture}</code> directory. Unreal will also need an APL file so it knows to package the .so file. To do this, you will need to write an APL file and drop it into the <code>FMODStudio/Binaries/Android</code> directory. The FMODStudio.build.cs file looks for any file ending with "_APL.xml" and will pass that along to the unreal build tool for packaging.</p>
<p>The APL is a custom xml file format which is documented in the engine file AndroidPluginLanguage.cs. Here is a sample APL file for libovrfmod.so:</p>
<spanclass="nt"><loadLibrary</span><spanclass="na">name=</span><spanclass="s">"ovrfmod"</span><spanclass="na">failmsg=</span><spanclass="s">"ovrfmod not loaded and required!"</span><spanclass="nt">/></span>
<p>You only need to write this if you want to load a DSP plugin on Android.</p>
<p>Banks for Android are expected to be located in the <code>Mobile</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>To package the Android banks add these lines to <code>Platforms\Android\Config\AndroidGame.ini</code>:</p>
<h4id="enabling-live-update"><ahref="#enabling-live-update">Enabling Live Update</a></h4>
<p>To enable Live Update the Unreal XSX project settings must be modified to allow FMOD to open the Live Update port from the running game. Access the settings by opening the <strong>Project Settings</strong> editor from the <strong>Edit</strong> menu, then navigate to Xbox Series X|S platform settings. Under the <strong>Development</strong> category, add the following entry to the <strong>Debug Network Ports</strong> setting:<br/>
<p>Banks for the Xbox Series X|S are expected to be located in the <code>Scarlett</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>To package the Xbox Series X|S specific banks add the following lines to the appropriate Unreal config file from the table below e.g. <code>Platforms\XSX\Config\XSXGame.ini</code>:</p>
<h4id="disabling-the-unreal-audio-device"><ahref="#disabling-the-unreal-audio-device">Disabling the Unreal Audio Device</a></h4>
<p>FMOD will not work with inbuilt Unreal audio on Xbox Series X|S. You will need to disable the Unreal Audio Device by adding/editing the appropriate Unreal engine config file from the table below e.g. <code>Config\XSX\XSXEngine.ini</code> with the following section:</p>
<h4id="enabling-live-update_1"><ahref="#enabling-live-update_1">Enabling Live Update</a></h4>
<p>To enable Live Update the Unreal Xbox One GDK project settings must be modified to allow FMOD to open the Live Update port from the running game. Access the settings by opening the <strong>Project Settings</strong> editor from the <strong>Edit</strong> menu, then navigate to Xbox One GDK platform settings. Under the <strong>Development</strong> category, add the following entry to the <strong>Debug Network Ports</strong> setting:<br/>
<p>Banks for the Xbox One are expected to be located in the <code>XboxOne</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>To package the Xbox One specific banks add the following lines to the appropriate Unreal config file from the table below e.g. <code>Platforms\XB1\Config\XB1Game.ini</code>, replacing <code>MyGame</code> with your project's name:</p>
<h4id="disabling-the-unreal-audio-device_1"><ahref="#disabling-the-unreal-audio-device_1">Disabling the Unreal Audio Device</a></h4>
<p>FMOD will not work with inbuilt Unreal audio on Xbox One. You will need to disable the Unreal Audio Device by adding/editing the appropriate Unreal engine config file from the table below e.g. <code>Config\XboxOneGDK\XboxOneGDKEngine.ini</code> with the following section:</p>
<p>Banks for Game Core Desktop are expected to be located in the <code>Desktop</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>The Unreal Build Tool will block packaging of the <code>Desktop</code> directory unless it is explicitly whitelisted. To whitelist the directory add the following lines to the appropriate Unreal config file from the table below e.g. <code>Platforms\WinGDK\Config\WinGDKGame.ini</code>, replacing <code>MyGame</code> with your project's name:</p>
<p>Banks for iOS are expected to be located in the <code>Mobile</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>To package the iOS banks from the <code>Mobile</code> sub-directory, add these lines to <code>Platforms\IOS\Config\IOSGame.ini</code>:</p>
<p>If you do insist on modifying the integration source code and using the <code>Desktop</code> sub-directory instead of the <code>Mobile</code> sub-directory, add these lines to <code>Platforms\IOS\Config\IOSGame.ini</code> instead, replacing <code>mygame</code> with your project's name:</p>
<h4id="ue4x-ue50_2"><ahref="#ue4x-ue50_2">UE4.X & UE5.0</a></h4>
<p>FMOD will not work with inbuilt Unreal audio on iOS. You will need to disable the Unreal Audio Device by creating a new file <code>Config\IOS\IOSEngine.ini</code> with this section:</p>
<p>Using remote build to build for iOS on Windows using the FMOD Studio plugin requires some additional files to be copied to the remote Mac. To tell Unreal to copy the additional files add a file named <code>RsyncProject.txt</code> to the directory <code><ue_project_root>/Build/Rsync</code> (you may need to create this directory). The <code>RsyncProject.txt</code> file needs to contain this line:</p>
<p>Banks for tvOS are expected to be located in the <code>Mobile</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>To package the correct banks add these lines to <code>Platforms\TVOS\Config\TVOSGame.ini</code>:</p>
<p>FMOD will not work with inbuilt Unreal audio on tvOS. You will need to disable the Unreal Audio Device by creating a new file <code>Config\TVOS\TVOSEngine.ini</code> with this section:</p>
<p>To deploy on linux, you will need to rebuild the engine from source via github. For compiling linux from windows, see this <ahref="https://docs.unrealengine.com/linux-development-requirements-for-unreal-engine">page</a> for instructions how to get up and running with Unreal. Then, add in both the fmodstudio linux .zip and windows .zip on top of each other into the engine plugins directory.</p>
<p>The last thing you will need to do is to get the FMOD .so libraries into a directory that the executable can read them. The easiest way is to copy them from</p>
<p>To see what directories the .so files can be located, look at LinuxToolChain.cs. Currently there are only a set of hard coded directories that are supported.</p>
<p>Banks for the PS4 are expected to be located in the <code>PS4</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>To package the PS4 specific banks add these lines to <code>Platforms\PS4\Config\PS4Game.ini</code>:</p>
<p>Banks for the PS5 are expected to be located in the <code>PS5</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>To package the PS5 specific banks add these lines to <code>Platforms\PS5\Config\PS5Game.ini</code>:</p>
<p>FMOD will not work with built-in Unreal audio on PS5 without some engine modification. In most cases you should disable the Unreal Audio Device by adding/editing <code>Config\PS5\PS5Engine.ini</code> with the following section:</p>
<p>Banks for the Switch are expected to be located in the <code>Switch</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>To package the Switch specific banks add these lines to <code>Platforms\Switch\Config\SwitchGame.ini</code>:</p>
<h3id="live-update"><ahref="#live-update">8.9.2 Live Update</a></h3>
<p>If Live Update has been enabled in the FMOD for Unreal Settings, the integration will attempt to open a port on the Dev Kit for FMOD Studio to connect to.</p>
<p>If the integration is unsuccessful it will print out the reason to the logs, otherwise you will see the IP address used in the log:</p>
<p>To enable FMOD Studio the use of any microphone input, including Kinect, on the Xbox One. The Engine ini file specific for the platform, located in <code>/Config/XboxOne/XboxOneEngine.ini</code>, needs to have the following lines added:</p>
<p>To enable Live Update the Unreal Xbox One project settings must be modified to allow FMOD to open the Live Update port from the running game. Access the settings by opening the <strong>Project Settings</strong> editor from the <strong>Edit</strong> menu, then navigate to Xbox One platform settings. Under the <strong>Network</strong> category, add the following entries to the <strong>Secure Socket Descriptions</strong> and <strong>Secure Socket Associations</strong> settings:<br/>
<p>Banks for the Xbox One are expected to be located in the <code>XboxOne</code> sub-directory of the Studio built banks output directory. This sub-directory name is hardcoded in the integration so if you want to use a different location you would need to modify the integration source code.</p>
<p>To package the Xbox One specific banks add these lines to <code>Platforms\XboxOne\Config\XboxOneGame.ini</code>:</p>
<p>FMOD will not work with inbuilt Unreal audio on Xbox One. You will need to disable the Unreal Audio Device by creating a new file <code>Config\XboxOne\XboxOneEngine.ini</code> with this section:</p>