// Copyright (c), Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd. 2012-2023. #pragma once #include "Modules/ModuleManager.h" /** * The public interface to this module */ class IFMODStudioEditorModule : public IModuleInterface { public: /** * Singleton-like access to this module's interface. This is just for convenience! * Beware of calling this during the shutdown phase, though. Your module might have been unloaded already. * * @return Returns singleton instance, loading the module on demand if needed */ static inline IFMODStudioEditorModule &Get() { return FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IFMODStudioEditorModule>("FMODStudioEditor"); } /** * Checks to see if this module is loaded and ready. It is only valid to call Get() if IsAvailable() returns true. * * @return True if the module is loaded and ready to use */ static inline bool IsAvailable() { return FModuleManager::Get().IsModuleLoaded("FMODStudioEditor"); } /** This event is fired after all banks were reloaded */ virtual FSimpleMulticastDelegate &BanksReloadedEvent() = 0; };