// Copyright (c), Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd. 2024-2024. #pragma once #include "AudioLinkSettingsAbstract.h" #include "Engine/StreamableManager.h" #include "FMODAudioLinkSettings.generated.h" class UFMODAudioLinkSettings; class UFMODEvent; class FFMODAudioLinkSettingsProxy : public IAudioLinkSettingsProxy { public: FFMODAudioLinkSettingsProxy(const UFMODAudioLinkSettings&); virtual ~FFMODAudioLinkSettingsProxy() = default; const TSoftObjectPtr<UFMODEvent>& GetLinkEvent() const { return FMODLinkEvent; } int32 GetReceivingBufferSizeInFrames() const { return ReceivingBufferSizeInFrames; } bool ShouldClearBufferOnReceipt() const { return bShouldZeroBuffer; } float GetProducerConsumerBufferRatio() const { return ProducerToConsumerBufferRatio; } float GetInitialSilenceFillRatio() const { return InitialSilenceFillRatio; } void Update(const UFMODAudioLinkSettings&); bool IsEventDataLoaded() const; void RegisterCallback(const TFunction<void()>& InCallback, FDelegateHandle& OutHandle); bool UnRegisterCallback(const FDelegateHandle& InDelegate); protected: void NotifyEventDataLoaded(); private: #if WITH_EDITOR void RefreshFromSettings(UAudioLinkSettingsAbstract* InSettings, FPropertyChangedEvent& InPropertyChangedEvent) override; #endif //WITH_EDITOR FSimpleMulticastDelegate OnEventLoadedDelegate; FCriticalSection CS; friend class UFMODAudioLinkSettings; TSoftObjectPtr<UFMODEvent> FMODLinkEvent; int32 ReceivingBufferSizeInFrames; bool bShouldZeroBuffer = true; bool bIsEventDataLoaded = false; float ProducerToConsumerBufferRatio = 2.0f; float InitialSilenceFillRatio = 1.0f; }; using FSharedFMODAudioLinkSettingsProxyPtr = TSharedPtr<FFMODAudioLinkSettingsProxy, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>; UCLASS(config = Engine, defaultconfig) class FMODSTUDIO_API UFMODAudioLinkSettings : public UAudioLinkSettingsAbstract { GENERATED_BODY() UPROPERTY(Config, EditAnywhere, Category = default) TSoftObjectPtr<UFMODEvent> LinkEvent; /** If this is set, the receiving code will clear the buffer after it's read, so it's not rendered by Unreal. Only applies if running both renderers at once. */ UPROPERTY(Config, EditAnywhere, Category = default) bool bShouldClearBufferOnReceipt = true; /** This is the ratio of producer to consumer buffer size, 2.0 means its twice as big as the consumer buffer. */ UPROPERTY(Config, EditAnywhere, Category = default) float ProducerToConsumerBufferRatio = 2.0f; /** Ratio of initial buffer to fill with silence ahead of consumption. Adjusting this can resolve starvation at the cost of added latency. */ UPROPERTY(Config, EditAnywhere, Category = default) float InitialSilenceFillRatio = 1.0f; void RequestLoadLinkEvent() const; protected: TSharedPtr<FStreamableHandle> LoadingHandle; /** Once the SoftObjectReference has been resolved, attach the reference here so it's owned. */ UPROPERTY(Transient) TObjectPtr<UFMODEvent> LinkEventResolved; void PostLoad() override; // Only occurs at editor startup and game startup, not PIE void OnLoadCompleteCallback(); void FinishDestroy() override; mutable bool bLoadRequested = false; friend class FFMODAudioLinkSettingsProxy; int32 GetReceivingBufferSizeInFrames() const; UAudioLinkSettingsAbstract::FSharedSettingsProxyPtr MakeProxy() const override { return UAudioLinkSettingsAbstract::FSharedSettingsProxyPtr(new FFMODAudioLinkSettingsProxy{ *this }); } FName GetFactoryName() const override; };