LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/' mounted to '/Paper2D/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Editor/BlueprintHeaderView/Content/' mounted to '/BlueprintHeaderView/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Editor/GeometryMode/Content/' mounted to '/GeometryMode/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Editor/GLTFImporter/Content/' mounted to '/GLTFImporter/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Editor/ModelingToolsEditorMode/Content/' mounted to '/ModelingToolsEditorMode/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Editor/SpeedTreeImporter/Content/' mounted to '/SpeedTreeImporter/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Enterprise/DatasmithContent/Content/' mounted to '/DatasmithContent/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Enterprise/GLTFExporter/Content/' mounted to '/GLTFExporter/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Media/MediaPlate/Content/' mounted to '/MediaPlate/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Media/MediaCompositing/Content/' mounted to '/MediaCompositing/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Developer/AnimationSharing/Content/' mounted to '/AnimationSharing/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Animation/ControlRig/Content/' mounted to '/ControlRig/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Animation/ControlRigSpline/Content/' mounted to '/ControlRigSpline/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Animation/IKRig/Content/' mounted to '/IKRig/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/VirtualProduction/Takes/Content/' mounted to '/Takes/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Animation/MotionWarping/Content/' mounted to '/MotionWarping/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/MovieScene/SequencerScripting/Content/' mounted to '/SequencerScripting/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/ChaosCaching/Content/' mounted to '/ChaosCaching/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/ChaosNiagara/Content/' mounted to '/ChaosNiagara/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/ChaosClothEditor/Content/' mounted to '/ChaosClothEditor/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/ChaosSolverPlugin/Content/' mounted to '/ChaosSolverPlugin/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/Dataflow/Content/' mounted to '/Dataflow/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/FullBodyIK/Content/' mounted to '/FullBodyIK/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/GeometryCollectionPlugin/Content/' mounted to '/GeometryCollectionPlugin/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/GeometryFlow/Content/' mounted to '/GeometryFlow/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/Landmass/Content/' mounted to '/Landmass/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/MeshLODToolset/Content/' mounted to '/MeshLODToolset/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/MeshModelingToolsetExp/Content/' mounted to '/MeshModelingToolsetExp/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/PythonScriptPlugin/Content/' mounted to '/PythonScriptPlugin/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/UVEditor/Content/' mounted to '/UVEditor/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/WaterExtras/Content/' mounted to '/WaterExtras/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/Water/Content/' mounted to '/Water/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Interchange/Runtime/Content/' mounted to '/Interchange/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../Plugins/Experimental/Animation/ContextualAnimation/Content/' mounted to '/ContextualAnimation/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: 'D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Plugins/FMODStudio/Content/' mounted to '/FMODStudio/'
LogConfig: CVar [[con.DebugLateDefault:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
LogConfig: CVar [[con.DebugLateCheat:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
LogConfig: CVar [[LogNamedEventFilters:Frame *]] deferred - dummy variable created
LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.setres:1280x720]]
LogConfig: CVar [[framepro.ScopeMinTimeMicroseconds:10]] deferred - dummy variable created
LogConfig: Set CVar [[fx.NiagaraAllowRuntimeScalabilityChanges:1]]
LogConfig: CVar [[QualityLevelMapping:high]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Occlusion.SingleRHIThreadStall:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.DetectVertexShaderLayerAtRuntime:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VSync:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RHICmdBypass:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VisualizeCalibrationColorMaterialPath:/Engine/EngineMaterials/PPM_DefaultCalibrationColor.PPM_DefaultCalibrationColor]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VisualizeCalibrationGrayscaleMaterialPath:/Engine/EngineMaterials/PPM_DefaultCalibrationGrayscale.PPM_DefaultCalibrationGrayscale]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.GPUCrashDebugging:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[MaxSkinBones:(Default=65536,PerPlatform=(("Mobile", 256)))]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.ShadingPath:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.SupportGPUScene:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.AntiAliasing:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.FloatPrecisionMode:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.AllowDitheredLODTransition:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.VirtualTextures:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DiscardUnusedQuality:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shaders.CompressionFormat:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AllowOcclusionQueries:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MinScreenRadiusForLights:0.030000]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MinScreenRadiusForDepthPrepass:0.030000]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MinScreenRadiusForCSMDepth:0.010000]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.PrecomputedVisibilityWarning:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TextureStreaming:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[Compat.UseDXT5NormalMaps:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VirtualTextures:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VT.EnableAutoImport:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VirtualTexturedLightmaps:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VT.AnisotropicFiltering:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[bEnableVirtualTextureOpacityMask:0]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VT.TileSize:128]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VT.TileBorderSize:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.vt.FeedbackFactor:16]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[WorkingColorSpaceChoice:sRGB]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[RedChromaticityCoordinate:(X=0.640000,Y=0.330000)]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[GreenChromaticityCoordinate:(X=0.300000,Y=0.600000)]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[BlueChromaticityCoordinate:(X=0.150000,Y=0.060000)]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[WhiteChromaticityCoordinate:(X=0.312700,Y=0.329000)]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ClearCoatNormal:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DynamicGlobalIlluminationMethod:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ReflectionMethod:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ReflectionCaptureResolution:128]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ReflectionEnvironmentLightmapMixBasedOnRoughness:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.HardwareRayTracing:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.HardwareRayTracing.LightingMode:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyReflections.FrontLayer.EnableForProject:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TraceMeshSDFs:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.Enable:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RayTracing:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RayTracing.Shadows:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RayTracing.Skylight:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RayTracing.UseTextureLod:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.PathTracing:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.GenerateMeshDistanceFields:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DistanceFields.DefaultVoxelDensity:0.200000]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Nanite.ProjectEnabled:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AllowStaticLighting:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.NormalMapsForStaticLighting:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ForwardShading:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VertexFoggingForOpaque:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SeparateTranslucency:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TranslucentSortPolicy:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[TranslucentSortAxis:(X=0.000000,Y=-1.000000,Z=0.000000)]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[vr.VRS.HMDFixedFoveationLevel:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[vr.VRS.HMDFixedFoveationDynamic:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.CustomDepth:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.CustomDepthTemporalAAJitter:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.PostProcessing.PropagateAlpha:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.Bloom:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusion:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.Method:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.Bias:1.000000]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.ExtendDefaultLuminanceRange:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TemporalAA.Upsampling:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AntiAliasingMethod:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MSAACount:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.LightUnits:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultBackBufferPixelFormat:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.UnbuiltPreviewInGame:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.StencilForLODDither:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.EarlyZPass:3]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.EarlyZPassOnlyMaterialMasking:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.CSMCaching:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DBuffer:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ClearSceneMethod:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VelocityOutputPass:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Velocity.EnableVertexDeformation:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SelectiveBasePassOutputs:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[bDefaultParticleCutouts:0]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[fx.GPUSimulationTextureSizeX:1024]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[fx.GPUSimulationTextureSizeY:1024]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AllowGlobalClipPlane:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.GBufferFormat:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MorphTarget.Mode:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[vr.InstancedStereo:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MobileHDR:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[vr.MobileMultiView:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.UseHWsRGBEncoding:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[vr.RoundRobinOcclusion:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MeshStreaming:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.HeterogeneousVolumes:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.WireframeCullThreshold:5.000000]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SupportStationarySkylight:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SupportLowQualityLightmaps:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:690][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SupportPointLightWholeSceneShadows:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SupportSkyAtmosphere:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SupportSkyAtmosphereAffectsHeightFog:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SupportCloudShadowOnForwardLitTranslucent:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.TranslucentPerObject.ProjectEnabled:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Water.SingleLayerWater.SupportCloudShadow:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Strata:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Strata.BytesPerPixel:80]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Strata.OpaqueMaterialRoughRefraction:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Strata.Debug.AdvancedVisualizationShaders:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Material.RoughDiffuse:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Material.EnergyConservation:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.OIT.SortedPixels:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkinCache.CompileShaders:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkinCache.SkipCompilingGPUSkinVF:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkinCache.DefaultBehavior:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkinCache.SceneMemoryLimitInMB:128.000000]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.EnableStaticAndCSMShadowReceivers:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.EnableMovableLightCSMShaderCulling:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.Forward.EnableLocalLights:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.Forward.EnableClusteredReflections:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.EnableNoPrecomputedLightingCSMShader:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.AllowDistanceFieldShadows:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.AllowMovableDirectionalLights:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.EnableMovableSpotlightsShadow:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.GPUSkin.Support16BitBoneIndex:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.GPUSkin.Limit2BoneInfluences:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SupportDepthOnlyIndexBuffers:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SupportReversedIndexBuffers:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.AmbientOcclusion:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.GPUSkin.UnlimitedBoneInfluences:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.GPUSkin.UnlimitedBoneInfluencesThreshold:8]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.PlanarReflectionMode:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.SupportsGen4TAA:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[bStreamSkeletalMeshLODs:(Default=False,PerPlatform=())]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[bDiscardSkeletalMeshOptionalLODs:(Default=False,PerPlatform=())]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VisualizeCalibrationCustomMaterialPath:None]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.StreamingSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.MinBulkDataSizeForAsyncLoading:131072]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.AsyncLoadingThreadEnabled:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.EventDrivenLoaderEnabled:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.WarnIfTimeLimitExceeded:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMultiplier:1.5]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMinTime:0.005]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.UseBackgroundLevelStreaming:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTime:15.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimit:5.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.PriorityLevelStreamingActorsUpdateExtraTime:5.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularity:10]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.UnregisterComponentsTimeLimit:1.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsUnregistrationGranularity:5]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[s.MaxPackageSummarySize:16384]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.FlushStreamingOnExit:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[FixedBootOrder:/Script/Engine/Default__SoundBase]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[FixedBootOrder:/Script/Engine/Default__MaterialInterface]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[FixedBootOrder:/Script/Engine/Default__DeviceProfileManager]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.GarbageCollectionSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.SizeOfPermanentObjectPool:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.FlushStreamingOnGC:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.NumRetriesBeforeForcingGC:10]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.AllowParallelGC:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects:61.1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsInEditor:25165824]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.IncrementalBeginDestroyEnabled:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.CreateGCClusters:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.MinGCClusterSize:5]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.AssetClustreringEnabled:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.ActorClusteringEnabled:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.BlueprintClusteringEnabled:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.UseDisregardForGCOnDedicatedServers:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.MultithreadedDestructionEnabled:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.VerifyGCObjectNames:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.VerifyUObjectsAreNotFGCObjects:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.PendingKillEnabled:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.NetworkSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[NetworkEmulationProfiles:(ProfileName="Average",ToolTip="Simulates average internet conditions")]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[NetworkEmulationProfiles:(ProfileName="Bad",ToolTip="Simulates laggy internet conditions")]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/UnrealEd.CookerSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[DefaultPVRTCQuality:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[DefaultASTCQualityBySpeed:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[DefaultASTCQualityBySize:3]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:WidgetBlueprint]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:GroupActor]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:MetaData]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:ObjectRedirector]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:NavMeshRenderingComponent]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:ReflectionCaptureComponent]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:TextRenderComponent]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:Font]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:InterpCurveEdSetup]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:MaterialExpression]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:NiagaraEmitter]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:NiagaraScript]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:ParticleEmitter]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:ParticleLODLevel]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:ParticleModule]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:SubUVAnimation]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:SoundNode]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer:GameplayEffectUIData]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedClient:WidgetBlueprint]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedClient:GroupActor]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedClient:MetaData]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedClient:ObjectRedirector]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedClient:InterpCurveEdSetup]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.AllowStaticLighting]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.GBuffer]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.VelocityOutputPass]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.SelectiveBasePassOutputs]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.DBuffer]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.Shaders.Symbols]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.Shaders.GenerateSymbols]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.Shaders.WriteSymbols]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.Shaders.AllowUniqueSymbols]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.Shaders.ExtraData]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.Shaders.Optimize]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.CompileShadersForDevelopment]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.MobileHDR]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:691][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VersionedIntRValues:r.UsePreExposure]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.FXAA.Quality:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TemporalAA.Quality:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.History.R11G11B10:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.History.ScreenPercentage:100]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.History.UpdateQuality:3]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.History.GrandReprojection:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.ShadingRejection.Flickering:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.Velocity.Extrapolation:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[r.TSR.Velocity.HoleFill:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.RejectionAntiAliasingQuality:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:10]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.01]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:1.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.MaxPhysicalPages:4096]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.ResolutionLodBiasDirectional:-1.5]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.ResolutionLodBiasLocal:0.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.SMRT.RayCountDirectional:8]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.SMRT.SamplesPerRayDirectional:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.SMRT.RayCountLocal:8]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.SMRT.SamplesPerRayLocal:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [GlobalIlluminationQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.DiffuseIndirect.Allow:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LumenScene.Radiosity.ProbeSpacing:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LumenScene.Radiosity.HemisphereProbeResolution:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TraceMeshSDFs.Allow:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.RadianceCache.ProbeResolution:32]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.RadianceCache.NumProbesToTraceBudget:300]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.ScreenSpaceBentNormal:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.DownsampleFactor:16]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.TracingOctahedronResolution:8]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.IrradianceFormat:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.StochasticInterpolation:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.FullResolutionJitterWidth:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.TwoSidedFoliageBackfaceDiffuse:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.GridPixelSize:32]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.TraceFromVolume:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.TracingOctahedronResolution:3]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.RadianceCache.ProbeResolution:8]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.RadianceCache.NumProbesToTraceBudget:200]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LumenScene.SurfaceCache.CardCaptureRefreshFraction:0.125]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ReflectionQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.Reflections.Allow:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.Reflections.DownsampleFactor:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyReflections.FrontLayer.Allow:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyReflections.FrontLayer.Enable:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MotionBlur.HalfResGather:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Bloom.ScreenPercentage:70.711]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:100]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:5]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VT.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:64]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:3]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSR.HalfResSceneColor:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSGI.Quality:3]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:1.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.FastApplyOnOpaque:1 ; Always have FastSkyLUT 1 in this case to avoid wrong sky]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.SampleCountMaxPerSlice:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.DepthResolution:16.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT.SampleCountMin:4.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT.SampleCountMax:128.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.SampleCountMin:4.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.SampleCountMax:128.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.TransmittanceLUT.UseSmallFormat:0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.TransmittanceLUT.SampleCount:10.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.MultiScatteringLUT.SampleCount:15.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyLight.RealTimeReflectionCapture:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[fx.Niagara.QualityLevel:3]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadingQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.IntegrationType:2]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyAO.SampleCount:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.HairStrands.Visibility.MSAA.SamplePerPixel:4]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[r.HairStrands.Interpolation.UseSingleGuide:0]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:696][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AnisotropicMaterials:1]]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:707][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Loading WinPixEventRuntime.dll for PIX profiling (from ../../../Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Windows/WinPixEventRuntime/x64).
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:926][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Found D3D12 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (Max supported Feature Level 12_2, shader model 6.6)
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:926][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Adapter has 5968MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 32728MB of shared system memory, 2 output[s]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:934][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Found D3D12 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver (Max supported Feature Level 12_1, shader model 6.2)
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:934][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 32728MB of shared system memory, 0 output[s]
[2024.11.23-02.54.30:934][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Chosen D3D12 Adapter Id = 0
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:689][ 0]LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Building Assets For WindowsEditor
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:697][ 0]LogAudioDebug: Display: Lib vorbis DLL was dynamically loaded.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:701][ 0]LogTargetPlatformManager: Unable to find audio format BINKA from hinted modules, loading all potential format modules to find it
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:701][ 0]LogTargetPlatformManager: Loaded format module AudioFormatADPCM
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:706][ 0]LogTargetPlatformManager: Loaded format module AudioFormatOpus
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:706][ 0]LogTargetPlatformManager: OPUS
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:745][ 0]LogTargetPlatformManager: Unable to find shader format SF_METAL from hinted modules, loading all potential format modules to find it
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:753][ 0]LogTargetPlatformManager: Loaded format module MetalShaderFormat
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:756][ 0]LogRendererCore: Ray tracing is disabled. Reason: disabled through project setting (r.RayTracing=0).
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:758][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: Pak pak cache file D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/DerivedDataCache/DDC.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:758][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node Pak for hierarchy Hierarchy.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:758][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: CompressedPak pak cache file D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:758][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node CompressedPak for hierarchy Hierarchy.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:780][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: Display: ../../../Engine/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp: Opened pak cache for reading. (1363 MiB)
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:780][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: EnterprisePak pak cache file ../../../Enterprise/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:780][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node EnterprisePak for hierarchy Hierarchy.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:786][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: Speed tests for C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache took 0.01 seconds
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:787][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: Using Local data cache path C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Writable
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:787][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: Shared data cache path not found in *engine.ini, will not use an Shared cache.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:787][ 0]LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node Shared for hierarchy Hierarchy.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:787][ 0]LogVirtualization: Display: VirtualizationSystem name found in ini file: None
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:787][ 0]LogVirtualization: Display: FNullVirtualizationSystem mounted, virtualization will be disabled
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:787][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Guid format shader working directory is -7 characters bigger than the processId version (D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Intermediate/Shaders/WorkingDirectory/16060/).
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:787][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Cleaned the shader compiler working directory 'C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Temp/UnrealShaderWorkingDir/390562704D72D63592B8759BFBD6E888/'.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:788][ 0]LogXGEController: Cannot use XGE Controller as Incredibuild is not installed on this machine.
[2024.11.23-02.54.31:788][ 0]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Using Local Shader Compiler with 9 workers.
[2024.11.23-02.54.33:407][ 0]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.0110 seconds to start up
[2024.11.23-02.54.33:414][ 0]LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Content/Hwanyoung/Levels/Spring.umap has malformed tag
[2024.11.23-02.54.33:414][ 0]LogEditorDomain: Display: EditorDomain is Disabled
[2024.11.23-02.54.33:414][ 0]LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Content/Illusions/Assets/raon_shop.uasset has malformed tag
[2024.11.23-02.54.33:414][ 0]LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Content/Illusions/Assets/Music/Spring_1.uasset has malformed tag
[2024.11.23-02.54.36:457][ 0]LogFMOD: System sample rate = 48000
[2024.11.23-02.54.36:457][ 0]LogFMOD: Matching system sample rate 48000
[2024.11.23-02.54.36:809][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\GitHub\Personal Projects\Illusion-UE5\hwanyoung2\Content\Hwanyoung\UI\Images\botgim.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/InterchangeFactoryNodes'
[2024.11.23-02.54.36:809][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\GitHub\Personal Projects\Illusion-UE5\hwanyoung2\Content\Hwanyoung\UI\Images\botgim.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/InterchangePipelines'
[2024.11.23-02.54.37:746][ 0]LogEditorDomain: Display: Class /Script/InterchangeFactoryNodes.InterchangeTexture2DFactoryNode is imported by a package but does not exist in memory. EditorDomain keys for packages using it will be invalid if it still exists.
[2024.11.23-02.54.37:746][ 0]LogEditorDomain: Display: Class /Script/InterchangePipelines.InterchangeGenericTexturePipeline is imported by a package but does not exist in memory. EditorDomain keys for packages using it will be invalid if it still exists.
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:193][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:194][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack3_Soldier1, 505 frames, instead of 139. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:195][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid position track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.38:196][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Anim_Hwando_Attack4_Soldier, 451 frames, instead of 251. Chopping!
[2024.11.23-02.54.39:237][ 0]LogAudioCaptureCore: Display: No Audio Capture implementations found. Audio input will be silent.
[2024.11.23-02.54.39:237][ 0]LogAudioCaptureCore: Display: No Audio Capture implementations found. Audio input will be silent.
[2024.11.23-02.54.39:734][ 0]SourceControl: Source control is disabled
[2024.11.23-02.54.39:756][ 0]SourceControl: Source control is disabled
[2024.11.23-02.54.39:780][ 0]SourceControl: Source control is disabled
[2024.11.23-02.54.39:798][ 0]LogUProjectInfo: Found projects:
[2024.11.23-02.54.40:286][ 0]LogOpenImageDenoise: OIDN starting up
[2024.11.23-02.54.40:718][ 0]LogCollectionManager: Loaded 0 collections in 0.000753 seconds
[2024.11.23-02.54.40:721][ 0]LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory 'D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Saved/Collections/' took 0.00s
[2024.11.23-02.54.40:723][ 0]LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory 'D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Content/Developers/user/Collections/' took 0.00s
[2024.11.23-02.54.40:725][ 0]LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory 'D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Content/Collections/' took 0.00s
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:207][ 0]LogClass: Error: BoolProperty FCraftingInfo::bDestroyItemA is not initialized properly. Module:hwanyoung2 File:CraftingInfo.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:207][ 0]LogClass: Error: BoolProperty FCraftingInfo::bDestroyItemB is not initialized properly. Module:hwanyoung2 File:CraftingInfo.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:207][ 0]LogClass: Error: BoolProperty FCraftingInfo::bDestroyItemC is not initialized properly. Module:hwanyoung2 File:CraftingInfo.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:207][ 0]LogClass: Error: BoolProperty FCraftingInfo::bDestroyItemD is not initialized properly. Module:hwanyoung2 File:CraftingInfo.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:207][ 0]LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FInventoryItem::OnlyDropped is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:hwanyoung2 File:InventoryItem.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:207][ 0]LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FInventoryItem::CanBeUsed is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:hwanyoung2 File:InventoryItem.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:207][ 0]LogClass: Warning: ObjectProperty FInventoryItem::ItemIcon is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:hwanyoung2 File:InventoryItem.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:208][ 0]LogClass: Display: 7 Uninitialized script struct members found including 1 object properties
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:246][ 0]LogAutomationTest: Error: UObject.Class AttemptToFindUninitializedScriptStructMembers will be marked as failing due to errors being logged
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:246][ 0]LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: BoolProperty FCraftingInfo::bDestroyItemA is not initialized properly. Module:hwanyoung2 File:CraftingInfo.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:246][ 0]LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: BoolProperty FCraftingInfo::bDestroyItemB is not initialized properly. Module:hwanyoung2 File:CraftingInfo.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:246][ 0]LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: BoolProperty FCraftingInfo::bDestroyItemC is not initialized properly. Module:hwanyoung2 File:CraftingInfo.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:246][ 0]LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: BoolProperty FCraftingInfo::bDestroyItemD is not initialized properly. Module:hwanyoung2 File:CraftingInfo.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:246][ 0]LogAutomationTest: Warning: LogClass: BoolProperty FInventoryItem::OnlyDropped is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:hwanyoung2 File:InventoryItem.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:246][ 0]LogAutomationTest: Warning: LogClass: BoolProperty FInventoryItem::CanBeUsed is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:hwanyoung2 File:InventoryItem.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.41:246][ 0]LogAutomationTest: Warning: LogClass: ObjectProperty FInventoryItem::ItemIcon is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:hwanyoung2 File:InventoryItem.h
[2024.11.23-02.54.43:917][ 0]LogEditorDomain: Display: Class /Script/AnimationData.AnimationSequencerDataModel is imported by a package but does not exist in memory. EditorDomain keys for packages using it will be invalid if it still exists.
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:085][ 0]LogSlate: The tab "TopLeftModeTab" attempted to spawn in layout 'LevelEditor_Layout_v1.8' but failed for some reason. It will not be displayed.
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:085][ 0]LogSlate: The tab "TopLeftModeTab" attempted to spawn in layout 'LevelEditor_Layout_v1.8' but failed for some reason. It will not be displayed.
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:085][ 0]LogSlate: The tab "TopLeftModeTab" attempted to spawn in layout 'LevelEditor_Layout_v1.8' but failed for some reason. It will not be displayed.
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:085][ 0]LogSlate: The tab "TopLeftModeTab" attempted to spawn in layout 'LevelEditor_Layout_v1.8' but failed for some reason. It will not be displayed.
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:085][ 0]LogSlate: The tab "TopLeftModeTab" attempted to spawn in layout 'LevelEditor_Layout_v1.8' but failed for some reason. It will not be displayed.
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:093][ 0]LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:098][ 0]LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:104][ 0]LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:108][ 0]LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:141][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/StarterContent.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:141][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/TP_FirstPerson.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:142][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/TP_FirstPersonBP.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:142][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/TP_HandheldARBP.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:143][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/TP_ThirdPerson.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:143][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/TP_ThirdPersonBP.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:143][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/TP_TopDown.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:144][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/TP_TopDownBP.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:144][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/TP_VehicleAdvBP.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:144][ 0]LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file 'E:/UE_5.1/FeaturePacks/TP_VirtualRealityBP.upack', mount point: 'root:/'
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:405][ 0]LogSlate: Took 0.000271 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf' (155K)
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:407][ 0]LogSlate: Took 0.000193 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf' (160K)
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:409][ 0]LogSlate: Took 0.000157 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf' (157K)
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:410][ 0]LogSlate: Took 0.000124 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/DroidSansMono.ttf' (77K)
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:435][ 0]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1423x393, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.54.45:474][ 0]LogSlate: Took 0.000219 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf' (167K)
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:029][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Bow draw 1' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Bow_draw_1' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:029][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Menu open 2' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Menu_open_2' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:032][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Buff Water' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Buff_Water' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:032][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Sword Block' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Sword_Block' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:032][ 1]LogFMOD: 'UI Select 2' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'UI_Select_2' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:032][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Music Under UI' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Music_Under_UI' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:032][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Sword 4' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Sword_4' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:032][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Eq HP' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Eq_HP' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:033][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Tk Block Ready' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Tk_Block_Ready' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:033][ 1]LogFMOD: 'UI Hover2' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'UI_Hover2' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:033][ 1]LogFMOD: 'water arrow sounds 1' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'water_arrow_sounds_1' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:034][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Spring 1' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Spring_1' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:034][ 1]LogFMOD: 'UI Select' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'UI_Select' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:035][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Menu open' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Menu_open' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:035][ 1]LogFMOD: 'water reload' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'water_reload' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:035][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Tk Block Impact' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Tk_Block_Impact' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:037][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Sword draw' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Sword_draw' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:037][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Arrow Release 1' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Arrow_Release_1' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:038][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Bow equip' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Bow_equip' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:038][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Sword 3' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Sword_3' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:039][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Journal Open' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Journal_Open' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:039][ 1]LogFMOD: 'SFX Combat' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'SFX_Combat' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:040][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Sword Block Redy' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Sword_Block_Redy' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:040][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Sword 1' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Sword_1' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:040][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Combat music' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Combat_music' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:040][ 1]LogFMOD: 'raon shop' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'raon_shop' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:041][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Sword 2' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Sword_2' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:042][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Journal Page Turn' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Journal_Page_Turn' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:042][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Menu Close' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Menu_Close' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:042][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Battle Spring' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Battle_Spring' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:043][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Music Normal' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Music_Normal' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:044][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Journal Close' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Journal_Close' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:044][ 1]LogFMOD: 'UI Hover 1' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'UI_Hover_1' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:044][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Sword sheathe' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Sword_sheathe' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:045][ 1]LogFMOD: 'Arrow Impact 1' cannot be used as a UE4 asset name. Name may not contain the following characters: . Using 'Arrow_Impact_1' instead.
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:132][ 1]LogFMOD: Display: Loaded bank lookup
[2024.11.23-02.54.47:237][ 1]LogCollectionManager: Fixed up redirectors for 0 collections in 0.000004 seconds (updated 0 objects)
[2024.11.23-02.54.51:984][226]LogFileCache: Retrieving MD5 hashes for directory 'D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Content/' took 5.91s
[2024.11.23-02.54.52:684][268]LogSlate: Window 'Plugins' being destroyed
[2024.11.23-02.54.52:691][268]LogSlate: Window 'Plugins' being destroyed
[2024.11.23-02.54.52:691][268]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for '../../../Engine/Plugins/' was aborted.
[2024.11.23-02.54.52:691][268]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Plugins/' was aborted.
[2024.11.23-02.55.03:306][895]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 945x232, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.55.27:239][432]LogSlate: Window 'Plugins' being destroyed
[2024.11.23-02.55.27:244][432]LogSlate: Window 'Plugins' being destroyed
[2024.11.23-02.55.27:244][432]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for '../../../Engine/Plugins/' was aborted.
[2024.11.23-02.55.27:245][432]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'D:/GitHub/Personal Projects/Illusion-UE5/hwanyoung2/Plugins/' was aborted.
[2024.11.23-02.57.05:956][854]LogDerivedDataCache: C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Maintenance finished in +00:00:34.169 and deleted 0 files with total size 0 MiB. Scanned 17913 files in 17455 folders with total size 2227 MiB.
[2024.11.23-02.57.13:501][929]LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.81ms
[2024.11.23-02.57.14:891][929]AnimBlueprintLog: Error: Current state is a conduit and will reset to ref pose. This can happen if a conduit is an entry state and there isn't at least one valid transition to take. State Machine(Locomotion), Conduit(Conduit), AnimBlueprint(/Game/Hwanyoung/Character/NPC/Spring-Sanin/Anims-Sanin/ABP_Sanin.ABP_Sanin).
[2024.11.23-02.57.14:894][929]LogAssetEditorSubsystem: Opening Asset editor for World /Game/Hwanyoung/Levels/Spring.Spring
[2024.11.23-02.57.15:369][929]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world Spring
[2024.11.23-02.57.15:417][929]AnimBlueprintLog: Error: Current state is a conduit and will reset to ref pose. This can happen if a conduit is an entry state and there isn't at least one valid transition to take. State Machine(Locomotion), Conduit(Conduit), AnimBlueprint(/Game/Hwanyoung/Character/NPC/Spring-Sanin/Anims-Sanin/ABP_Sanin.ABP_Sanin).
[2024.11.23-02.57.15:422][929]LogScript: Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetActorOfClass_ReturnValue
[2024.11.23-02.57.15:514][929]MapCheck: Map check complete: 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), took 0.078ms to complete.
[2024.11.23-02.57.15:514][929]LogFileHelpers: Loading map 'Spring' took 0.621
[2024.11.23-02.57.15:542][929]LogNiagara: Compiling System NiagaraSystem /Game/MegaMagicVFXBundle/VFX/MagicalExplosionsVFX/VFX/EnergyBlast/Systems/N_EnergyBlastCharged.N_EnergyBlastCharged took 0.738428 sec, no shader worker used.
[2024.11.23-02.57.15:547][929]LogNiagara: Compiling System NiagaraSystem /Game/MixedVFX/Particles/Projectiles/Hits/NS_Projectile_01_Hit.NS_Projectile_01_Hit took 0.708883 sec, no shader worker used.
[2024.11.23-02.57.16:125][930]LogNiagara: Compiling System NiagaraSystem /Game/MixedVFX/Particles/Projectiles/NS_Projectile_01.NS_Projectile_01 took 1.273240 sec, no shader worker used.
[2024.11.23-02.57.19:223][960]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1423x393, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.57.43:741][329]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1423x401, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.57.43:789][331]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1423x441, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.57.43:840][333]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1423x472, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.57.43:887][335]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1423x481, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.57.43:932][337]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1423x484, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.57.43:977][339]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1423x491, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.57.44:008][340]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1423x496, mode Windowed.
[2024.11.23-02.57.45:590][431]LogDebuggerCommands: Repeating last play command: Selected Viewport
[2024.11.23-02.57.45:728][431]LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/Hwanyoung/Levels/Spring.Spring to /Game/Hwanyoung/Levels/UEDPIE_0_Spring.Spring (0.022198s)
[2024.11.23-02.57.45:789][431]LogAudio: Display: Audio Device (ID: 2) registered with world 'Spring'.
[2024.11.23-02.57.45:792][431]LogLoad: Game class is 'BP_HYGameMode_C'
[2024.11.23-02.57.45:801][431]AnimBlueprintLog: Error: Current state is a conduit and will reset to ref pose. This can happen if a conduit is an entry state and there isn't at least one valid transition to take. State Machine(Locomotion), Conduit(Conduit), AnimBlueprint(/Game/Hwanyoung/Character/NPC/Spring-Sanin/Anims-Sanin/ABP_Sanin.ABP_Sanin).
[2024.11.23-02.57.45:802][431]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Hwanyoung/Levels/UEDPIE_0_Spring.Spring up for play (max tick rate 60) at 2024.11.23-11.57.45
[2024.11.23-02.57.45:805][431]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.013013
[2024.11.23-02.57.45:808][431]LogOnline: OSS: Created online subsystem instance for: :Context_2
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:023][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs assigned 6, completed 6 (100.00%)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:023][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time job spent in pending queue: average 0.09 s, longest 0.10 s
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job execution time: average 2.28 s, max 2.72 s
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job life time (pending + execution): average 2.37 s, max 2.82
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time at least one job was in flight (either pending or executed): 2.82 s
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs were issued in 6 batches (only local compilation was used), average 1.00 jobs/batch
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Average processing rate: 2.13 jobs/sec
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total thread time: 3.17 s
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total thread preprocess time: 0.22 s
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Percentage time preprocessing: 7.04%
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Effective parallelization: 1.12 (times faster than compiling all shaders on one thread). Compare with number of workers: 8
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 most expensive shader types by average time:
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicy (compiled 1 times, average 0.68 sec, max 0.68 sec, min 0.68 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassVSFNoLightMapPolicy (compiled 1 times, average 0.64 sec, max 0.64 sec, min 0.64 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenCardVS (compiled 1 times, average 0.60 sec, max 0.60 sec, min 0.60 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FPostProcessMaterialPS (compiled 1 times, average 0.50 sec, max 0.50 sec, min 0.50 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenCardPS<false> (compiled 1 times, average 0.42 sec, max 0.42 sec, min 0.42 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 shader types by total compile time:
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicy - 21.49% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.68 sec, max 0.68 sec, min 0.68 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassVSFNoLightMapPolicy - 20.24% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.64 sec, max 0.64 sec, min 0.64 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenCardVS - 18.78% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.60 sec, max 0.60 sec, min 0.60 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FPostProcessMaterialPS - 15.86% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.50 sec, max 0.50 sec, min 0.50 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.57.46:024][432]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenCardPS<false> - 13.20% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 0.42 sec, max 0.42 sec, min 0.42 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.58.15:193][ 81]LogSlate: Took 0.000211 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf' (155K)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs assigned 39, completed 39 (100.00%)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Average time worker was idle: 25.67 s
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time job spent in pending queue: average 0.18 s, longest 1.18 s
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job execution time: average 1.49 s, max 2.72 s
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job life time (pending + execution): average 1.67 s, max 2.82
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time at least one job was in flight (either pending or executed): 10.49 s
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs were issued in 39 batches (only local compilation was used), average 1.00 jobs/batch
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Average processing rate: 3.72 jobs/sec
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total thread time: 37.70 s
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total thread preprocess time: 2.39 s
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Percentage time preprocessing: 6.33%
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Effective parallelization: 3.59 (times faster than compiling all shaders on one thread). Compare with number of workers: 8
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 most expensive shader types by average time:
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicySkylight (compiled 1 times, average 1.28 sec, max 1.28 sec, min 1.28 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FHitProxyVS (compiled 6 times, average 1.24 sec, max 1.43 sec, min 1.01 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassVSFNoLightMapPolicy (compiled 9 times, average 1.21 sec, max 1.63 sec, min 0.64 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenTranslucencyRadianceCacheMarkVS (compiled 1 times, average 1.16 sec, max 1.16 sec, min 1.16 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FLumenFrontLayerTranslucencyGBufferVS (compiled 1 times, average 1.16 sec, max 1.16 sec, min 1.16 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 shader types by total compile time:
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassVSFNoLightMapPolicy - 28.96% of total time (compiled 9 times, average 1.21 sec, max 1.63 sec, min 0.64 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicy - 21.14% of total time (compiled 8 times, average 1.00 sec, max 1.29 sec, min 0.68 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FHitProxyVS - 19.70% of total time (compiled 6 times, average 1.24 sec, max 1.43 sec, min 1.01 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: FHitProxyPS - 12.16% of total time (compiled 6 times, average 0.76 sec, max 0.84 sec, min 0.63 sec)
[2024.11.23-02.59.54:799][832]LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicySkylight - 3.40% of total time (compiled 1 times, average 1.28 sec, max 1.28 sec, min 1.28 sec)